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News :: Protest Activity

Activists Disrupt Supreme Court Demanding Trials for Guantanamo Detainees

Eighty-two people, including three Virginia activists, were arrested on Friday, Jan11th, protesting in and aroud the Supreme court. Over 300 people joined the 2nd annual protest that went from the national Mall to the Spreme Court in Washington, DC.

Listen to WSQT Guerrilla Radio coverage | witnesstorture.org


News :: Environment

Massive Uranium mine planned in Chatham, VA

Uranium mining has been illegal in Virginia for years, but with growing interest in nuclear power as a phoney alternative to coal, mining companies will try to change that law this year.

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News :: Environment : Protest Activity

No Coal for Christmas: Tell Bank of America, “Divest from Coal. Invest in Clean Energy.”

Activists with Blue Ridge Earth First! (BREF)and VCU SDS (VCU Students for a Democratic Society) gathered at noon Tuesday inside the Bank of America branch on the downtown mall in Charlottesville to tell bank management “Divest from Coal. Invest in Clean Energy.” As carolers sang coal-themed versions of Christmas classics such as I’m Having Nightmares of a Coal Christmas to the tune of I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas, Santa delivered a sack of coal to the bank, checking off the naughtiest corporation on his list.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Solidarity Runs Deep at People of Color Caucus

Grassroots activists gathered to share stories and promote solidarity at People of Color Caucus last Saturday.

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News :: Protest Activity

Giant Puppets at SOA

Activists from VA joined thousands at annual protest against the School Of Americas in Columbus, GA. Members of Little Flower CW in Louisa VA, Jennifer Conner from Charlottes VA & Members of Shannon Farms in Nelson VA participated in the giant puppet show.

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News :: Prisons

Citizens of Richmond Seek Justice for Prisoners

The United States has the largest prison population in the world, with more than 2 million Americans serving time behind bars, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

Richmond citizens of all ages and colors gathered in Monroe Park last Saturday afternoon to raise awareness of this fact, and bring attention to the many racial and economic disparities that they say plague the criminal justice system.

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News :: Protest Activity

Blackwater Protest: Protestors Drive Blood-spattered Car onto Blackwater Property

Seven activists are arrested after driving onto Blackwater's property to protest the military contractor's presence in Iraq. 50 others vigil along road.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity

Thousands March & Rally on Prince William County

Yesterday, Sunday September 3rd, 2007, more than seven thousand immigrants and supporters marched and rallied in Prince William County to demonstrate and demand that the County Board of Supervisors rescind the antimigrant resolution passed on July 10. | Photos | Audio 1, 2 | Video

2nd article: Latino Community Fights for it's Rights; Solidarity Welcome

3rd article: Mexicanos Sin Fronteras & Immigrant Community Condemns KKK Organizing

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News :: Labor & Class : Protest Activity

Call for Prince WIlliam County boycott at Falls Church immigrant solidarity event

Ricardo of Mexicanos Sins Fronteras spoke at the Falls Church event welcoming the Immigrant Solidarity Caravan. In a portion of his speech he called for the planned August 27-Sep 3 boycott of non-immigrant owned businesses in Prince William County. No Potomac Mills, No 7-11, no Wal-Mart-NADA!

Audio: 3 min 58 seconds

Audio: Balance of Speech: 13 min

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Announcement :: Housing

Fight for Public Housing August 4th

The Richmond Tenants' Organization (RTO), with support from the Legal Aid Justice Center and the Richmond NAACP, invites you to join us at a public event to raise awareness regarding public housing redevelopment.

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Labor & Class

7/27-29 Richmond, VA: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conf. Please Come!

Yesterday We Marched, Today We Organized, Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and Goals! Together We Build A New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights/Civil Rights Movement!

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News :: Miscellaneous

Virginia Social Forum: 4th Annual Gathering of The People United

Regional Activist Gathering
Outside of Charlottesville, VA
June 22nd - 24th
Focus on War, Prisons, Immigration and Racism
(434) 906-0421

In less than 3 weeks we’ll be setting up at Shannon Farm for the 4th
Annual People United Gathering. We’ve put a lot of work into providing a
space and agenda for a great weekend of building relationships, educating
ourselves and strengthening our visions, strategies and tactics.

Inspired by the World Social Forum that over the past seven years has
brought together grassroots organizers and non-profit workers, youth,
longtime activists and cultural workers all under the banner of “Another
World is Possible!” - there will be the first ever US Social Forum this
June 27-July 1 in Atlanta, Georgia. Along with other regions across the
country, The People United is using this opportunity to build on the great
work to be done in Georgia by creating space for activists across the
state to start planning so that another Virginia is possible. If you want
to gain a regional perspective before heading off to Atlanta or want to
participate in local movement building for social justice we need you at
the Virginia Social Forum!

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