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Schooling For "Good Rebels": Socialist Education For Children In The United States, 1900-1920 - Kenneth Teitelbaum
During the first two decades of this century, American Socialists organized weekend schools for children to foster social justice, working-class consciousness and solidarity, and activism. Kenneth Teitelbaum explores the historical development, organization, institutional characteristics, and curriculum of these alternative educational settings, particularly those in New York City, Rochester, and Milwaukee. ...
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Labor In Crisis: The Steel Strike Of 1919 - David Brody
Conceived as a prologue to the 1930s industrial-union triumph in steel, Labor in Crisis explains the failure of unionization before the New Deal era and the reasons for mass-production unionism's eventual success.
Widely regarded as a failure, the great 1919 steel strike had both immediate and far-reaching consequences that are important to the history of American labor. It helped end the twelve-ho...
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Work And Community In The Jungle: Chicago's Packinghouse Workers 1894-1922 - James R Barrett
"In tying the workplace to unionization efforts and in demonstrating the ongoing nature of class formation as a social process, Barrett has enlarged our understanding of the difficulties of unionization in the early twentieth century."
-- American Historical Review
"Barrett probes and analyzes . . . the workplace and the community. In so doing, he makes some valuable contributions to our underst...
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Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm VHS - Audrey Brohy (Director) and Gerard Ungerman (Director)
Now at a special priced bargain rate for the VHS! A fast paced, informative hour-long examination of America's adventures, and their aftermaths, in Iraq. Was the invasion really a surprise? Why wasn't Washington's rhetoric against Saddam ever matched by any real support to the Iraqi opposition groups? What purpose can the embargo over Iraq serve if it is not to weaken Saddam, a result it has evidently failed...
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Plan Colombia: Cashing-In On The Drug War Failure VHS - Gerard Ungerman, Audrey Brohy, and Noam Chomsky (Contributor)
What was the point of Plan Colombia? Is the US government still concerned with fighting drugs? Why have 20 years of drug wars in the Andes resulted in a two-fold increase in cocaine imported into the US in the last ten years alone?Could there be alternate purposes to a plan focused on beefing up the brutal Colombia military and spraying coca fields in rebel-held parts of the country when coca is grown all ov...
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Defending The Earth: A Debate Between Murray Bookchin & Dave Foreman - Dave Foreman and Murray Bookchin
In this collection of dialogue, debates, and essays, the two main protagonists in the deep vs. social ecology debate come together to answer the question, "Whither the radical ecology movement?" Bookchin and Foreman seek common ground and cooperatively explore their differing, though often overlapping, perspectives on a wide range of issues: environmental ethics, social justice, nature philosophy, and the be...
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Toward An Ecological Society - Murray Bookchin
A collection of essays from the 1970s, when Bookchin was really at the top of his game. Powerful, broad in scope, provocative, and educational. A truly wonderful anthology. Fourteen classics, including "Spontaneity & Organization," "Self-Management And The New Technology," "Marxism As Bourgeois Sociology," and, of course, the title essay... Taken together with Post-Scarcity Anarchism and The Ecolog...
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Ancient Lights And The Blackcore - Timothy Leary
Scorn, Seefeel, Yanomami Shamans from the Amazon, and DJ Cheb I Sabbah join Mr Leary on this CD of spoken word, rhythm and sound.
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War & Exile - Bertolt Brecht
27 pieces by Brecht, with musical accompaniment by Eisler, sung by the founder of the Holix Ensemble vocal quartet. An extraordinary collection. "Shall we sing in these dark times? - Yes, let us sing in these dark times."
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The Myths Collection Part One - William S. Burroughs (Contributor)
Music, spoken word, recordings, thet avante-garde, and the experimental. From William S Burroughs, Genesis P-Orridge, Les Archives Sonores SR, Martyn Bates & Peter Becker, SPK, Mark Stewart, Camberwell Now, Hula, Paul Lemos & Joe Papa; and Steven Brown.
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