About Us


Brisbane Anarchists Sabotaging the Australian Representative Democracy (B.A.S.T.A.R.D) is an information collective. Our reason for being is to create and distribute anarchistic ideals, views, news and general information.

We are involved in a number of projects. These include maintaining the brisbaneanarchy.org website; the autonomous-brisbane email list; the Anarchy Show on community radio 4ZzZfm; the Bastard Books bookstall; Bastard Press zine and pamphlet publishing; Anarchy in the Afternoon rotunda speaking events. On the odd occasion we might even organise gigs and events, such as The Anarchist Ball.

We don't recognise singular, limited or authoritative definitions of anarchism. We dispute the naturalness of hierarchies and the idea of higher and lower beings. We reject outright the authority of Church, State, law and order, Man, capital and all other forms of fascism. We seek not to police boundaries between different varieties freedom politics nor to stifle constructive debate about the processes of liberation.

We are a closed, non-hierarchical collective that organises using the principles of consensus, mutual aid, voluntary association and direct democracy.

Our Projects

Members of the group work on a number of projects as listed below:

1] The Anarchy Show: This radio show is broadcast at 12pm-1pm every Monday on 4ZzZ 102.1fm. The Anarchy Show has been presented since 1991 by a number of different presenters. Since 2001, The Anarchy Show presenters started working with other like-minded show presenters on 4ZzZfm to share content and work-load. The result is the creation and presentation of two other shows called Radio Democracy 12pm-1pm Wednesdays, and Eco-Radio 12pm-1pm Fridays.

2]BASTARD Books: This InfoStall distributes anarchist and radical books, zines, pamphletes, CD's, DVD's, badges and t-shirts. It is a contact point for people to find out what's happening in Brisbane's anarchist scene, and about various protest campaigns. It is held every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month at The Green Flea Market, Davis Park, West End.

3]BASTARD Press: This is DIY publishing to produce content for the InfoStall.

4]www.brisbaneanarchy.org The group also maintains the website you are currently viewing

When we vote (ha), we vote for the Irony Party