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(03) 9419 8377 | email 3cr | 21 Smith Street Fitzroy Melbourne Australia

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Studio Hire

Studio Hire

Studio 3 Studio 3 is available for hire to the public, to both individuals and organisations.

The current rate of charge is:
$30/hr + GST without a 3CR technician
$60/hr + GST with a 3CR technician

Quotes are available for extended and/or multiple hiring.
Please note: There are no mastering facilities at 3CR.

Email Special Projects Coordinator or call (03) 9419 8377 to discuss your hiring needs.

Studios for 3CR programmers

Studio 2 PanelStudio 1 is the main live studio where the majority of our programs are broadcast.

Studio 2 is 3CR's talkback studio and it also serves as a production studio for pre-recorded programs.

Studio 3 is our largest studio and is used to produce many of our national programs and live-to-air music broadcasts.

Studio 4 is a sweet old rickety studio that drastically needs upgrading in terms of both audio equipment and refurbishment.

Studio Fundraising Appeal

A fundraising appeal was launched in 2004 and 3CR aims to raise $20,000 for the re-construction of Studio 4. This includes replacing all the recording equipment with digital desk players and recorders, which means new cabinetwork, the installation of air-conditioning and a proper fire safety system. Work will begin on the upgrade of Studio 4 in 2008.

Donate to the Studio 4 Appeal online or call 3CR on 03 9419 8377 and make a donation over the phone.

All donations will be receipted and tax deductible.

Jan Bartlett honoured

Jan BartlettOnce refurbished and updated Studio 4 will be renamed the "Jan Barlett" studio as a gesture of appreciation for long-term broadcaster and presenter of Tuesday Hometime.

For more than 20 years Jan has greatly contributed to the station and helped to create the community that is 3CR.