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3CR has a range of annual events like the 3CR Radiothon, Subscriber Drive and a number of special broadcasts. Our website also has a Community Event Calendar.

Radiothon: June

3CR June radiothon Radiothon is 3CR's yearly fundraising event where we aim to raise as much money as we can! The 2008 Radiothon dates are 2 - 15 June.

As an independent media voice 3CR does not receive commercial sponsorship and is the recipient of small, one-off government funding only.

3CR depends on the financial support of its audience, broadcasters and supporters.

For 2 weeks in June 3CR broadcasters are set funding targets to raise through donations directly to their radio program and by staging fundraising benefits.
Many 3CR programs give away prizes to donors.

3CR would like to thank its supporters over the years and encourage everyone to maintain support for independent media in Australia.

You can donate to Radiothon anytime, including online - the easiest way to donate to uncensored, community radio.

Subscriber Driver: November

Every November 3CR stages a week-long Subscriber Drive.

We encourage all of our listeners to Subscribe. Subscribing means that you become a member of the station. As well as supporting independent media, Subscribers receive 3CR's CRAM Guide twice a year and get subscriber discounts.

3CR Programmers must be subscribers in order to be on air.

3CR Special Broadcasts

3CR Special Broadcasts 3CR has a number of broadcasts that take place each year and celebrate important community activist events. For more information about 3CR Special Broadcasts contact 3CR's Programming Coordinator

Survival Day: January 26

This broadcast by 3CR's Indigenous broadcasters marks Australia's Invasion Day.

International Women's Day: March 8

A 24-hour broadcast by 3CR's many women programmers focuses on women's issues globally.

May Day: May 1

Worker's issues around the world are presented by union, feminist, queer and Indigenous 3CR presenters. Often the broadcast will include live crosses from the May Day Rally organised by the Victorian Trades Hall Council.

NAIDOC Week: July

NAIDOC Weeks poster 3CR celebrates National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee Week with a series of special broadcasts during a week in July.

Part of the week-long broadcasts include 3CR's unique Prison Broadcasts - the Beyond
the Bars
project - which 3CR has staged since 2002. These award-winning broadcasts take place after a series of workshops in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre women's prison, Port Phillip Prison, and Fulham Prison.

The Beyond the Bars broadcast highlights are produced as the Beyond the Bars CD. For a free copy of the CD and for more information contact the Special Projects Coordinator.