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Happy Mutant Profile

Marianne Shaneen

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

@ #25 TG

Hi, TG, I’m the filmmaker- I appreciate your comments, and do want to hear from furs about what they think is a fair/unfair representation.

I do find it interesting that in apparent defense of furries, you manage to insult and judge a whole bunch of people whom you’ve never met as ‘mentally unhinged, socially inept”, etc.- because you (not the film) see them as ‘weirdos’ who don’t fit your definition of what constitutes a ‘normal furry’. That seems far closer to a ‘personal attack’ than anything depicted in the clip.

Not one of the people portrayed in this very short clip claimed to be a werewolf or lion in their past life (or in this life). While a couple of them do have strong spiritual connections to an animal, primarily what people in this clip talked about and expressed are their imaginations, creative ways of exploring aspects of themselves and being playful, and the importance of community.
One reason that the film is called “American Furry” is because the Furry fandom does include such a vast array of expression, belief systems, lifestyles, and in the film you will see a wide range represented from ‘run of the mill’ fans of anthropomorphic animals, to artists, to fursuiters and non-suiters, to people who are spiritual, to lifestylers- (and yes, the film also includes Stalking Cat who is on one end of the spectrum, and who is a furry with many friends who has a very interesting perspective and insights).

I agree, furries don’t harm anyone, and don’t cram their views down anyone’s throats. I’m not sure why you would assume that those shown in the 4-minute clip lead anything but ‘normal successful lives’- where exactly does the clip show that? This is an assumption that you’ve made about those depicted, based on a small glimpse you’ve seen of their interests. Obviously, a 4-minute clip is going to focus on really colorful moments and doesn’t show the whole story. Almost all of the furries I’ve interviewed- (and those in this clip!) actually DO have jobs, friends and lives, and are decent, extremely creative, very kind people.

For those in the film, the fandom is a positive, imaginative aspect of their lives giving friendship, support, enjoyment, fun, and a way to explore and express themselves - whether as a hobby or a lifestyle.

One interesting thing that TG’s comments demonstrate is that Furry is a microcosm- it includes a wide range of people from many different backgrounds and viewpoints. While I have found it to be incredibly tolerant and accepting as a whole, Furries are human- and the Furry fandom has its all-to-human culture wars, extremes, hierarchies, cliques, as well as judgments and disagreements about what is normal and acceptable.

-Marianne Shaneen

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

@ #20 Anonymous:

Marianne Shaneen here- just wanted to clarify- almost all of the convention footage shown in this clip was from Califur, not FC (though I've been to FC several times and it's a really great con).

As for the furry you mentioned, I was not aware of anything you're referrring to- feel free to email me privately (at my website) if you wish.

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