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Happy Mutant Profile



Bio: Spending the year between my undergrad and graduate programs doing work in tech support and web design. Tekis mieli muuten muuttaa takas Suomeen, tai jonnehki šäilyttämäh kielie, no kačotah vaikka minne mänen vuoven jälgeh.

Beautiful colored kaytdids

September 11, 2007 2:13pm;=all

It looks like Pink Katydids also exist in adult form, and some of them can be quite vividly pink.

Winged bike clips

November 20, 2007 4:03pm

What, is everyone here afraid of showing a little leg? Just roll yer pants up.

Finnish folk band find a rude airport welcome

October 29, 2007 11:48am

If anyone wants to hear some of the band, samples can be heard here. Click on Gramofoni for a pop-up music player applet.

Looking back on 2007, part 1

November 26, 2007 5:46pm

That first ‘crash’ is just epic.

"Because you are dangerous, you must not enter"

October 15, 2007 10:24am

And here's an example of English that's okay, but still something that really wouldn't fly in the States:

Found in Helsinki.

Lapland's Elfing classes

November 6, 2007 11:26am

#4: I'd just chalk it up as free variation. At least, I can't tell which is better. By analogy though, maybe elving? Look at 'life' and 'living'. I feel though like 'elving' could be doing things that elves do, while 'elfing' could be 'the state of being an elf'.

RFID Guardian, open hardware/software to firewall your RFID tags

November 6, 2007 5:11am

The word "interdict" always makes me happy.

99 octopus Xmas tree

December 5, 2007 8:54am

Actually, #1, it's octopuses; this is English after all. It's also more widely accepted according to an informal corpus search with Google. ;)

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

I would say that there's just a latent element in the human psyche that enjoys dressing up and separating itself from reality.

Yeah, it's what inspires me to act.

Arnold's Fables: What Koko Wants

December 21, 2007 4:31pm

The commentary so far seems quite lacking of any anthropological insight though. Maybe we should be considering the cultural facets of human-gorilla communication, especially now that such communication is possible if at least with one gorilla in particular. Maybe I hold language to be such an important thing since I am a linguist, but I think it's interesting that more inter-species communication.

I'm kind of amused (or maybe this is the wrong word?) to read about discussion of sexual harassment when involving cross-cultural contacts. How would the request be taken from a culture of humans in which women don't cover their breasts? Would such women asking to see your breasts be the same thing, or is it inherently a request that you become more like them?

I'm not trying to pull some sort of "lab mice have feelings"-type PETA argument here, but I just feel like more needs to be said on the topic of interspecies interaction. The researchers there really aren't just observing gorillas to see what they're capable. Under the surface, they're all taking part in an experiment of interspecies behavior and communication, so maybe they should get more experimental. Would Koko really kekeke about being shown some boobies, or would something else come of it?

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