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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Voter destroys Presidential Primary ballot at the polls.

A Barrington New Hampshire voter, disgusted with the corrupted system, destroys his ballot at the polls in this morning's Primary election.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

On the Eve of the NH Primary, in three parts

In the final hours before the primary that will rock the nation, your faithful editors spent their evening talking to supporters of several candidates in downtown Dover, attending a Dennis Kucinich event, interviewing Viggo Mortensen, going to a John Edwards event that turned out to be cancelled, and being given the brush off by an arrogant Obama campaign worker.

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News :: Miscellaneous

NH Primary Debates


Sunday's Presidential Primary debates not much more than extended press conference.

I approached the Media Center at St. Anselm's College yesterday afternoon with some amount of trepidation. I was going to the NH Presidential Debates without receiving advance press credentials, essential for admission to the inner circle of the Fourth Estate. I had tried several times to get the goods by emailing WMUR and ABC, co-sponsors of the debates. However, the layer of obfuscation is so thick that it’s quite difficult, at best, to penetrate.


Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Peace : War

Yellow Rose Peace Bus is Coming to New Hampshire


NH Peace Action and AFSC, in partnership with allies from veterans' peace organizations and military families, will bring a strident anti-war and pro-peace message to the presidential candidates, the media, and voters in the four days before the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, January 8.

How? We are bringing the Yellow Rose of Texas Peace Bus to NH on January 4.

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News :: Environment : Globalization : Protest Activity

The Big Pour in Fryeburg Maine


Following the lead of Howard Dearborn, a crowd packed onto a small bridge, and with a countdown overturned their bottles of Poland Spring water. They watched gleefully as it poured into a stream to flow back to where it belonged.

In all, about fifty people turned up at Lovewell Pond in Fryeburg, Maine on Saturday in order to draw attention to the impact of large-scale water extraction on the watershed. Folks of all ages, from Fryeburg and the surrounding communities talked about their concerns over the ecosystem and their opposition to Poland Spring's proposed bottling plant in Fryeburg.

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News :: Elections & Legislation : Labor : Media : Urban Development

Savings from tax loophole in Verizon - FairPoint deal would fund high-speed Internet for NH

A new report shows that Verizon's savings from a tax loophole in FairPoint deal would fund high-speed Internet throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The report was sent to Governor Lynch and every member of the New Hampshire legislature.


News :: Elections & Legislation

Oprah and Obama-mania in Manchester

I was at the Oprah/Obama event at the Civic Center in Manchester last night. It was a real circus - thousands and thousands of people filling the entire plaza outside waiting to get in. I didn't go in, but gave out yard signs and hundreds of leaflets questioning if Obama is anti-war, urging people to ask Obama to make specific commitments on the War in Iraq.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Media

National media interested in local rag's endorsement for McCain

New Hampshire's answer to The New York Post announces it wants McCain for president, and the national media seems to think NH voters will care.

For those people unfamiliar with The Union Leader, Sunday's editorial endorsing the senator may look like a coup for the McCain camp. But contrary to the importance given to this in the national media, for the many Granite Staters McCain has merely gained the support of a crank local newspaper known as, "The Useless Leader.”

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Regional News


Since it only comes once every four years, like the plague in Renaissance England, we may as well ask: whom do you support in the NH primary?
Hillary Clinton
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Bill Richardson
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Tancredo
Rudy Giuliani
Ron Paul
John McCain
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
Alan Keyes
Vermin Supreme
Someone other than Chris Dodd who will lose


I honestly don't think there are probably five people in this Senate who understand this number here, that what we're dealing with is not a defense number of $430 billion. It is a defense number of around $553 billion and going up.
-- Sen. Gregg explaining that the emergency supplemental spending for Iraq is neither supplemental nor for an emergency.

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