Welcome to Icarus

The Icarus Project envisions a new culture and language that resonates with our actual experiences of 'mental illness' rather than trying to fit our lives into a conventional framework.

We are a network of people living with experiences that are commonly labeled as bipolar or other psychiatric conditions. We believe we have mad gifts to be cultivated and taken care of, rather than diseases or disorders to be suppressed or eliminated. By joining together as individuals and as a community, the intertwined threads of madness and creativity can inspire hope and transformation in an oppressive and damaged world. Our participation in The Icarus Project helps us overcome alienation and tap into the true potential that lies between brilliance and madness.

Read our Welcome page

Read about our vision and goals

Read the Icarus Organizational Blog

Mad Gifts Week '07 Tour Slideshow

A slideshow of the Icarus 2007 Mad Gifts Week tour...

Icarus On NPR

NPR's Weekend America did a 6 minute program on the Icarus Project tour visit to Virginia Tech. Audio and link to transcript.

Wax and Feathers: Materials For the Dangerously Gifted, A Call To Submit Writing and Art

Are you down with the icarus vision of dangerous gifts and feel some inspiration deep in your heart and soul to make art and write words for our next round of outreach and organizing materials? Oh, my friend, we could really use the help right now.

How To Get Involved

The Icarus Project is a wild collaborative adventure bringing together an unruly band of co-conspirators from near and far. We want you to find a place to fit in and join us, whether it's sharing your experiences of madness on our community forums, donating money, organizing a community group, or anything you can dream up.

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Madness Radio Weekly

Icarus and Freedom Center co-produce a weekly radio show on all things madness-related, syndicated through Pacifica. Guests range from author Kate Bornstein and Adbusters publisher Kalle Lasn to Icarus Project members. Ask your local station to broadcast the show! Check it out at www.madnessradio.net; archives and podcast available.

Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs

The Icarus Project and Freedom Center's 40-page guide gathers the best information we've come across and the most valuable lessons we've learned about reducing and coming off psychiatric medication. Includes info on mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, risks, benefits, wellness tools, withdrawal, detailed Resource section, information for people staying on their medications, and much more. Written by Will Hall, with a 14-member health professional Advisory board providing research assistance and 24 other collaborators involved in developing and editing. The guide has photographs and art throughout, and a beautiful original cover painting by Ashley McNamara. Download a .pdf to read or a 'zine version to print and fold into a booklet (instructions included). Published copies also available on our Publications page.

Proyecto Icaro

Writing from Buenos Aries, Argentina, new forums members Agustina and meme_mutation have recently translated the Icarus Project Mission/Vision Statement into Spanish and it reads really beautifully.

New Introduction to the 5th Printing of "Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness"

It is Spring 2006, 2 years after Sascha and Ashley self-published the first 1000 copies of this barely-proofread zine/book, threw them in the back of my truck, and launched into a guerrilla speaking tour of bookstores, infoshops, colleges, community centers, mental health clinics, and activist houses across the country. Looking back at how the Icarus Project has changed with fresh eyes and new perspectives, this is Ashley's Re-Introduction to the latest edition of the Navigating the Space reader.

Icarus Project Mission Statement

The full text of our Mission statement, including our mission, work, and vision.
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Friends Make the Best Medicine: Icarus Support Manual Draft

Download and print out the first draft of our long-awaited Support Manual, titled Friends Make the Best Medicine: A Guide to Creating Community Mental Health Support Networks.

Donate to The Icarus Project!

Click here for info on making a tax-deductible donation to help this work continue!
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How To Use This Site

Guides and info on using the Icarus website, including how-tos on contributing and editing content, events calendar, etc.

RSS Feeds

Info on Icarus content through rss feeds.
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Skillshares, Trainings, and Speaking Engagements

Icarus staff have done public speaking across the US and even in Europe, we've organized skillshares, and we ar developing trainings for organizers and peer counselors. We work on an ability-to-pay basis: if you might want to set something up in your community, contact us!