Go Kimya, go!

My friends keep asking me if I’m bummed that Kimya Dawson’s a superstar now that the Juno soundtrack is burning up the charts. You know the old cliche — you can’t like a band anymore once everyone else starts liking them.

With Kimya, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m so happy for her, I tear up thinking about it. She totally deserves such success.

With all the shitty musicians everywhere clogging up the airwaves, that one who actually deserves accord is finally receiving it is a good sign to me.

And besides, Kimya’s the sweetest thing ever. How could you not want everyone saturating in her vibe? It can only make the world a better place.

My Wordpress theme got eaten

…somehow. So please bear with me as I work to make the best of this new one.

[Update] For some reason, my Wordpress theme keeps getting deactivated. One of three things is happening: 1. There’s a bug in Wordpress or in one of the plugins I’m using. 2. Someone is fucking with my site. 3. It’s a sign confirming that, as I’ve been thinking, that it’s time for me to wipe this site clean and give up the blogging thing.

Fists of fury

My boy Jimmy Johnson got some new ink. Ill advised for the observant, obviously, but righteous nonetheless.

Left: ùìåí — Peace · Right: öã÷ — Justice

See, it’s not just in my head

Y’all mothafuckaz is killing me.

“The trouble with a personal brand is, you’re yoked to a machine,” said Paul Kedrosky, a friend of Mr. Malik’s who runs the Infectious Greed blog. “You feel huge pressure to not just do a lot, but to do a lot with your name on it. You have pressure to not just be the C.E.O., but at the same time to write, and to do it all on a shoestring. Put it all together, and it’s a recipe for stress through the roof.”

Kedrosky was talking about Om Malik’s heart-attack.

My corner of the blogosphere is certainly not as large as his, but you can imagine why, after six years, resigning from Jewschool was an easy decision for me.

Not that I feel any less stressed out.

Who borrowed my copy…

of DMT: The Spirit Molecule and could I please have it back now?

Links for January 13th


As per TW’s request.

Links for January 12th

Links for January 11th

Links for January 10th

You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war

That video of the Revolutionary Guard bearing down on a US ship in the Persian Gulf?

It’s a fake.

Unnamed Pentagon officials said on Wednesday that the threatening voice heard in the audio clip, which was released on Monday night with a disclaimer that it was recorded separately from the video images and merged with them later, is not directly traceable to the Iranian military.

You reap what you sow

I love how all the crazy Right-wing Zionists are now whining that GW Bush is going to divvy up Israel and turn it over to the Palestinians. These same political geniuses smugly proclaimed that Bush was “better for Israel” both in 2000 and 2004, despite, for example, John Kerry’s sparkling pro-Israel Senate voting record and the Bush family’s ties to both the Saudis and Jim Baker III.

When November rolled around, these people were willing to sacrifice America’s domestic interests in the name of Israel’s security, and now they have the gall to complain that the Idiot in Chief is selling them up the river. Yet they have no one to blame except themselves.

You made the bed that America had to lie in it. Now it’s your turn to toss in the sheets.

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©2008 Daniel Sieradski. Free for noncommercial reuse with attribution. All other forms of reproduction expressly prohibited.