Welcome to Climate Indymedia!


Welcome to Climate Indymedia. This is a topic based indymedia established to spread news and grass roots activism on this most vital topic.

We invite writers, activists, eyewitnesses, photographers, musers, everyone is affected by climate change - so have your say! Tell your story. It's up to you to make it happen!

Climate change at the end of your fork

Kyoto Now: Protest on December 8, 2007

On December 8, Rally Around the Earth for Climate Justice and a Safer, Healthier Planet!

WATCH THE KYOTO NOW VIDEO: http://youtube.com/watch?v=o1ykJKKolx8

Coal Train blockaded in newcastle

Peaceful protest: Rising Tide climate
protester blockading a trainPeaceful protest: Rising Tide climate
protester blockading a train
Media Release -- 19th November, 2007

Grassroots climate change action group Rising Tide has blockaded a coal train on its way into the world's biggest coal export port, at Kooragang Island in Newcastle Harbour. No trains are able to enter Kooragang Coal Terminal because of the blockade.

Rising Tide's Greenwash Guerillas disrupt NYC Carbon Trading Expo

Royal Bank of Scotland Targeted for Investing in Climate Change

RBS-NatWest publicly promotes itself as "The Oil & Gas Bank". They provide the financial fuel that is accelerating climate change. Without these loans to oil and gas corporations the projects would not happen. [2]It is estimate that *in 2006, the bank provided over $10 billion to fossil fuels – more than five times that provided to renewable energy.[3]*

RBS provide oil corporations with loans to build new massively ecologically detrimental drilling rigs, pipelines and oil tankers. [4] And as RBS's profits rise so does the carbon in the atmosphere.

U.S.: October 20-22: No War, No Warming calls for massive intervention in Washington, DC


Let Us Know You Are Coming to DC

Join us in Washington, DC, the Nation’s Capitol, to speak truth to power! Join in planning powerful actions so that we can have the greatest impact on U.S. and global policy makers.

Camp(aign)ing for climate chaos

Between 14 and 21 August, climate activists are meeting for the 2007 Camp for Climate Action, next to London's international Heathrow
airport, UK. The weak and
limited injunction
sought by BAA, the company that runs Heathrow, was unable to deter the gathering.

Actions so far have included
the occupation of Carmel Agrexco,
XL Airways
, the
Department of Transport
, and Heathrow's
World Freight Centre
. Local workers at Nippon
Express Cargo
have also called a strike which was supported by Climate Camp activists. Solidarity actions have
been launched at a number of local airports throughout the UK, including Bristol, Biggin Hill and Farnborough.

More mass actions are expected on Sunday and Monday. Besides the protests, the Climate Camp aims to be an example of a low-impact living with hot showers run by solar panels, a grey water recycling system and compost toilets. Indymedia UK reports on the

latest news about the Climate Camp
and have setup up a
field IMC
on site, powered by wind generators and solar arrays.

Check the up-to-the-minute
Indymedia UK Ticker
(also by SMS, mobile or
phone on 0207 043 3783).

Call for support on Black Mesa, Arizona

Greetings from Black Mesa Indigenous Support (BMIS),

We have several calls for support that we want to relay on behalf of The People on 'The

Land' (Black Mesa). You may have heard that the decades-long 'Land Dispute' has been


Indeed, there have been messages coming from the political establishment that are quite a bit

different from the daily life of the People on The Land but this is nothing new. The Dine’

(Navajo) families that we work with are still struggling under Federally backed Hopi/Bureau

of Indian Affairs jurisdiction.

International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8


Friday 8th June 2007
International Day of Direct Action against Climate
Change and the G8.
Direct Action for Climate Justice – Resistance is Self

We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future. And while the G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.

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