A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Forum in Christchurch


A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Forum 14-16 August 2007, Christchurch

While the mining companies of New Zealand meet in Christchurch to plan the expansion of their destructive and polluting industries across Aotearoa, Save Happy Valley Christchurch and Coal Action Network bring you these alternative events:

A Future Without Coal? 7.00pm, Tuesday 14 August 2007 William Sutton Room, Arts Centre

Featuring Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons, renowned Antarctic scientist Professor Peter Barrett on "The Science of Climate Change - What the past can tell us about the future", and a speaker on local issues.

Save Happy Valley Community Dinner 6.30pm, Thursday 16 August 2007 The Media Club, 191 Armagh St (near corner of Madras St)

Featuring three-course vegan meal, the Save Happy Valley Community Dinner will bring you speakers about and footage of Happy Valley. Please email savehappyvalley@yahoo.com to book your tickets now! ($15 waged, $10 low income, $5 children).

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th and 16th August. For more information, please contact us at savehappyvalley@yahoo.com or call Geoff on 0273210406.

The Save Happy Valley Coalition is a collection of groups and individuals from around Aotearoa committed to stopping Solid Energy's proposed open cast coal mine in Happy Valley (Upper Waimangaroa Valley) on the West Coast. They work to raise awareness on climate change in New Zealand. They are also deeply concerned about the fate of all endangered species under threat from Solid Energy, including Powelliphanta "Augustus" at the nearby Stockton mine. The Coalition is made up of West Coast locals, students, workers and the general public. The group has a track record of creative protests and lock-ons as well as producing a variety of informative media. They have been occupying Happy Valley since 28th January 2006. More information about the coalition and its history can be found at http://www.savehappyvalley.org.nz/aboutus.htm

Coal Action Network (CAN) is made up of individuals and groups committed to fighting the continuation of coal mining in Aotearoa New Zealand. It was recently formed specifically to fight Pike River Coal Company Ltd, a company that is preparing to mine coal beneath native forest adjacent to Paparoa National Park and has applied for a further permit to mine beneath the national park. CAN intends to extend its focus over time and to utilise the full spectrum of non-violent action to bring about the cessation of coal mining in this country. To get involved, please email coalactionnetwork@gmail.com




Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

Keep up the good fight!

Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

if anyone wants to do silidarity events and action when the mining conference is on - go for it!

Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

choice poster! ;o)

Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

solidarity not silidarity

Re: Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public

sil·i·dar·i·ty –noun, plural -ties.

1.union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests whilst wearing oversized shoes and clown pants, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote silidarity among union members.

Re: Re: Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Pub

Look in the first paragraph of the battle section in the following interent link for silidars.


Re: Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public

sil·i·dar·i·ty –noun, plural -ties.

1.union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests whilst wearing oversized shoes and clown pants, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote silidarity among union members.

Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

great poster

Re: A Future Without Coal? Alternatives to Minerals: Public Foru

first new word ive made in ages, and it was by accident. :)

if anyone does want to events and actions though, go for it