Immigration Minister’s allegations on African refugees are unfounded and unsubstantiated

African Think Tank is concerned that statements on African refugee matters by Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews are not consistent with facts and/or with the reality experienced by the refugees, and therefore do not present a complete, fair and/or reasonable account in the public domain.

World's biggest uranium enricher frantic to keep dumping waste in Russia

By Diet Simon, collating from German IndyMedia postings

Russian nuclear opponents say they will defy a ban and demonstrate in St Petersburg tomorrow against the massive import of British, Dutch, French and German uranium waste to Russia.

40 Years Ago Today: Che Guevara


Che Guevara was executed on this day, 8th October 1967.

Che was born on 14th June 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. While at
university he went on a motorcycle journey with his friend Alberto
Granado who ran a dispensary in a leper colony in Argentina. The
movie “The Motorcycle Diaries” is based on Che's adventures.

Defiant Protests to Minister's Decision on Gunns Pulp Mill

Almost 500 people marched in Launceston on Friday less than 24 hours after Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull decided the proposed Gunns Pulp Mill in the Tamar Valley would proceed with more stringent environmental controls based upon a report by the Chief scientist, Dr Peacock. In a mark of defiance the lively rally decided "We will continue to stand up to protect Tasmania’s future. We will stop the pulp mill."

Video: Hobart Logging Truck Protest | Launceston videos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The Miscarriage of Hospital Policy

I'd like to tell a story about two mid trimester miscarriages at a major Australian teaching hospital. It wasn't as horrific as Jana Horska and Mark Dreyer's experience, but just as telling and traumatic for those involved.

When your having an ultrasound at 18 weeks and the doctor (ultrasound technician?) goes all silent you know something is wrong. Then after many minutes of measurements they finally say that they can't find a heatbeat. No counselling is offered - just a direction to navigate the warrens of the hospital to the emergency department.

Beware of the Health Care Complaints Commission: Iemma Orders a Pseudo Inquiry

Premier Morris Iemma backed down from his original promise to Mark
Dreyer, whose wife miscarried in RNS Hospital bathroom after being
ignored by staff who were busy, to include certain important aspects in
an inquiry which has been launched.

is the usual NSW government tactic when something confronting comes
along: pretend to have an inquiry, or better still, refer it to the
Health Care Complaints Commission.

Free the Burmese Refugees held on Nauru

vigil for burma"While the Australian Government express outrage at the Burmese military junta's treatment of the Burmese people, we continue to detain 7 Burmese men on Nauru even though we recognise them as refugees. These men fled the Burmese regime to Malaysia where they were again persecuted. They are members of a minority group called Rohingyas." said Pamela Curr from the Refugee Convention Defenders Alliance.

See also: Vigil for Burma 2/10 | Video: Vigil 27/9

Video: Protest in Sydney 6/10

Hundreds of Burmese monks being massacred and tortured

By Avaaz
Our emergency petition to stop the crackdown on peaceful protesters in Burma is approaching 600,000 signatures, from every nation of the world, and is closing fast on our 1 million goal. But the situation in Burma remains desperate, with reports of hundreds of monks being massacred and tortured. Burma's rulers have also killed and expelled international journalists, cutting off global media coverage of their cruelty.

Drop the Charges Against Lex Wotton! - Melbourne Speakout

Drop the Charges Against Lex Wotton! - Melbourne Speakout

The Indigenous Social Justice Association—Melbourne called a speakout
in support of Lex Wotton on Saturday 22 Sept 07 at the old GPO to
coincide with a rally being held at the same time in Redfern. As well
as speeches from some of the groups supporting the rally, there was a
message from Sam Watson, Indigenous activist and Senate candidate for
Queensland. Watch the YouTube video.

Nuclear opponents from six European countries met in Germany

than 100 anti-nuclear activists from six European countries met in
Dortmund, Germany, on Saturday (22 Sep) for a uranium conference,
reported the Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen on IndyMedia Germany.

Victoria: Labor Government Attacks Street Artists

Victorian State ALP Government are introducing specific laws targetting
graffiti in Victoria, despite Melbourne's global reputation for its
graffiti and in particular stencil graffiti artists. The Graffiti Prevention Bill 2007 has been attacked as heavy handed by Julian Burnside QC, president of Liberty Victoria.

The lies behind the Proposed Tasmanian Pulp Mill

“Government and industry have been caught out. Logging levels in
Tasmania will double if the pulp mill goes ahead,” said Wilderness
Society campaigner, Geoff Law. “Gunns’ official figures give the lie to Government and industry
claims that logging levels won’t go up. If the pulp mill goes ahead,
woodchip production will sky-rocket from 3.4 million tonnes per annum
to nearly 7 million tonnes per annum.” The information comes from a cover letter to Gunn's shareholders dated 12 September 2007.

See also: Tell Mr Smith not to support Gunns' proposed pulp mill | Video: Tasmania's Clean Green Future: Too Precious To Pulp?

Anti-nuclear Cyclists Tell Howard 'On Yer Bike'

On Monday morning, 17th September, a group of cyclists left Canberra on the second leg of their mammoth journey from Rockhampton, QLD, to Adelaide. The group of concerned citizens, Cycle Against the Nuclear Cycle have spent the last 3 months visiting areas likely to be effected by the current federal governments plans to install nuclear power in Australia. "John Howard has asked for a fair and balanced debate on nuclear power, so we have decided what better way to do this than to visit communities and listen to peoples concerns directly" said spokesperson Beck Pearse.

Citizen Attempts Arrest of War Criminals in Federal Parliament

“Point of order Mister Speaker: I have a Warrant for the arrest of John Howard, Alexander Downer, Philip Ruddock, & Brendan Nelson as War Criminals.” said anti-war activist Peter McGregor from the vistor's gallery in Federal Parliament on Wednesday Sept 19. Peter McGregor, a retired academic from Newcastle, was himself then arrested, & charged with ‘unlawful entry on inclosed lands’ & taken into custody.

On July 5th Mcgregor attempted a Citizens Arrest of Attorney-General Philip Ruddock as a War Criminal at a law symposium at the University of NSW.

Poll: Should John Howard, Phillip Ruddock, Alexander Downer, and Brendan Nelson be arrested and tried for War Crimes?

Howard to nuke Australia with Bush's GNEP, says Senator Milne

Yellow-cake John: Australia quietly signs up to nuclear club

Canberra, Monday 17 September 2007 - - Australian Greens Climate Change Spokesperson, Senator Christine Milne, today condemned the Howard Government's action in signing up to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership overnight, without making any public announcement of that act.

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