This is a place where we list all of the other places you might want to go instead of here to find people on-line in the region formerly known as Columbus, Ohio.

The Columbus Sucks because you suck message board- a DiY show and conversation place where people can talk about stuff.

Consider Biking - the premiere city for conversations about commuter biking and biking in general for our fair city.

Done Waiting forum - a place where people talk a lot about indy music stuff and I think a bunch of washington beachonians hang out there.

Columbus Underground - a bulletin board spot where people talk it up and conversate about all kinds of things, a pretty active community.

DiY Events Calendar - deciding between using the event module and/or CCK & Views & Calendar. Add your events here.

-what events do we want to have listed on here ? replicate the data from the Columbus Sucks calendar + add more ?

-promote the library/infoshop and provide a technical backend for it to come into fruition/ instead we could just use librarything as it would be more realistic.

-do something akin to a local zine library so that we can have our zines downloadable from this site is back again.

Actually it is blank.

This site will be awesome./

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