Sexual Decoys

Sexual Decoys

Zillah Eisenstein

In this book, Zillah Eisenstein continues her unforgiving critique of United States from the point of view of a US citizen. She charts its most recent forays into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well... More ›

The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

Mmatshilo Motsei

This book is inspired by the courage of a young woman, known variously as ‘Khwezi’ and ‘the complainant’, who took a principled decision to lay a charge of rape against Jacob Z... More ›

Heavens May Fall, The

Heavens May Fall, The

Unity Dow

The Heavens May Fall takes up the story of a fiery up-and-coming lawyer at the Bana-Bantle Children’s Agency in Mochudi, Botswana. Naledi Chaba’s caseload is bulging with stories of rape a... More ›


Kick The Tin

Kick The Tin

Doris Kartinyeri

When Doris Kartinyeri was a month old, her mother died. The family gathered to mourn their loss and welcome the new baby home. But Doris never arrived to live with her family – she was stolen fr... More ›

Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment With Legalised Prostitution

Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment With Legalised Prostitution

Mary Lucille Sullivan

Can a prostitute be raped? Are pregnancy and STIs an Occupational Health and Safety issue? What sort of society buys and sells women and children for sex? Does legalisation solve the dangers of sex wo... More ›


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2007-12-05 - Ink Readings Lin Van Hek and Joe Dolce

Wednesday 5 December, 7.30pm, Council Chambers, Prahran Town Hall, Cnr Chapel & Greville Sts, Prahran 

An intoxicating evenin...More ›

2007-11-23 - A Passion for Flowers A photographic exhibition of images from If Passion Were A Flower... by Lariane Fonseca.  Supper Bar, Swinburne Place, Hawthorn.  23 Nov-18 DecMore ›

0000-00-00 - Declaration of Independent Publishers

Publishers Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein recently attended the meeting of the Alliance of Independent Publishers in Paris. A declaration was produced by more than eighty publishers from around the world.  Download the International ...More ›