

Program Guide (pdf)

Get Involved : Donations and Bequests to 3CR

Become a 3CR Media Maker!

As an independent organization 3CR can only keep on being a voice for social and environmental justice by being supported by like-minded people.

Join 3CR's programmers in making an active contribution to freedom of speech and thought by directly supporting 3CR with a regular financial donation.

As a 3CR Media Maker you choose how much you would like to donate to 3CR and how frequently - weekly, fortnightly and monthly.

Why become a 3CR Media Maker?
>>You recognise that your support is necessary if independent voices on issues of social, political and environmental justice are to remain in the media.
>>A once-off set up of the scheme allows you peace of mind knowing that you are regularly donating to independent media .
>>A monthly donation would greatly assist 3CR financially throughout the year by ensuring a constant income and facilitating long term planning by the station.

The Benefits of becoming 3CR Media Maker :
>>You can choose the amount of your donation and how frequently you donate (weekly, fortnightly and monthly).
>>You don't need to worry about affording a lump sum payment.
>>Your donation is 100% tax deductible so you can claim the entire amount back via your tax return. (Therefore you are helping the >>Commonwealth government support independent media!).
>>No fiddly receipts - you will receive one yearly statement of your total tax deductible amount before the end of the financial year.

Phone 3CR on 9419 8377 or email our Administration Coordinator to get your brochure sent to you.


3CR is unique as a community radio station which relies neither on corporate sponsorhip or government support to survive financially. 3CR runs on the support of its broadcasters, listeners, supporters and a small number of government grants and a limited community announcement scheme.

We appeal to you, as a supporter of community, uncensored radio to donate what you can afford to 3CR. Donations to 3CR are tax deductible. Your support will help to keep one of the best community radio stations on air. Your voice will be heard: 3CR gives a voice to people who are not usually heard. 3CR has a policy of non-racist and non-sexist broadcasting and supports the struggles of working people. 3CR supports Australian artists and music and has a policy of playing 55% Australian music each week.


Donate Online Now
Visit Our Community website - the easiest way to donate.

Donate in PERSON by visiting 3CR at:

21 Smith Street

Send us a CHEQUE made out to:
Cheques are to be made out to "Community Radio Federation Pty."
Post to:

PO Box 1277

Or CALL us on:
9419 8377 with your CREDIT CARD details.

All donations are tax deductable.

THANKYOU for keeping uncensored, independent radio on air!

Bequests to 3CR

Include 3CR in your will and continue your support of independent, progressive community broadcasting. 3CR has a comprehensive brochure available titled 'How to Include 3CR in Your Will'. Phone the station on 9419 8377 or email to request a brochure be sent to you or call the Special Projects Coordinator on 9419 8377 to discuss your bequest.

3CR will have a future…

Since 1976 subscribers, radiothon donators and volunteers have been coming together to make alternative radio a reality. One way to continue to support 3CR is to make a future commitment to 3CR with the inclusion of a bequest to 3CR in your Will.

Making a Will is a way of expressing your love and concern for family and friends. It can also be a way of continuing to support the causes you are passionate about - such as free and independent radio. Whether you have many possessions or a few making a Will can give you peace of mind.

With a bequest you can leave a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or a residue gift (the amount left after your gifts to family and friends).

For more information on changing or making your Will you can obtain a Bequests Brochure from 3CR (9419 8377) from Dynamic Recorders Co-ordinator, Bree McKilligan. Free legal assistance is available from your trade union, local Community Legal Service or local Citizen's Advice Bureau.

We would appreciate you letting us know if 3CR is a part of your Will.



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