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Sexual Decoys

Sexual Decoys

Zillah Eisenstein

In this book, Zillah Eisenstein continues her unforgiving critique of United Sta... More ›

The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

Mmatshilo Motsei

This book is inspired by the courage of a young woman, known variously as &lsquo...; More ›

Heavens May Fall, The

Heavens May Fall, The

Unity Dow

The Heavens May Fall takes up the story of a fiery up-and-coming lawyer at the B... More ›


HELP! I'm Living with a Man Boy

Reviewed by Peter Laud

“Boys will be boys – and that, at least in the eyes of women, is the... More ›



Ink Readings Lin Van Hek and Joe Dolce

Wednesday 5 December, 7.30pm, Council Chambers, Prahran Town Hall, Cnr Chapel &a...; More ›



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$AU 34.95


Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment With Legalised Prostitution

Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment With Legalised Prostitution

Mary Lucille Sullivan

Can a prostitute be raped? Are pregnancy and STIs an Occupational Health and Safety issue? What sort of society buys and sells women and children for sex? Does legalisation solve the dangers of sex work? Sex worker advocates have argued for many years that legalising prostitution is the way to make the industry safer both for workers and clients. In 1984, the State of Victoria did just that, and W...More ›

$AU 34.95


Sexual Decoys

Sexual Decoys

Zillah Eisenstein

In this book, Zillah Eisenstein continues her unforgiving critique of United States from the point of view of a US citizen. She charts its most recent forays into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the violations at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. She argues that these share much with the domestic problems of the 2004 US Presidential election, and Hurricane Katrina. She warns that wom...More ›

$AU 29.95


The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma

Mmatshilo Motsei

This book is inspired by the courage of a young woman, known variously as ‘Khwezi’ and ‘the complainant’, who took a principled decision to lay a charge of rape against Jacob Zuma, a man who was a father-figure, a family friend, a comrade, and the Deputy President of South Africa. She took on the fight against considerable odds. Zuma is one of the most popular and powe...More ›

$AU 24.95


Heavens May Fall, The

Heavens May Fall, The

Unity Dow

The Heavens May Fall takes up the story of a fiery up-and-coming lawyer at the Bana-Bantle Children’s Agency in Mochudi, Botswana. Naledi Chaba’s caseload is bulging with stories of rape and abuse. So when she takes on the case of a 15-year-old girl who has been raped by the lodger, she’s on a familiar battleground, involving her own peers.And it’s not only J.J., her silk-s...More ›


$AU 24.95


HELP! I'm Living with a <strike>Man</strike> Boy

HELP! I'm Living with a Man Boy

Betty McLellan

Are you tired of finding towels on the bathroom floor? Have you ever walked through a supermarket with a thirty-five-year-old child who wants only the most expensive things on the shelves? How do you go about making men understand the difference between helping out with the housework and doing it? And what about violence? Help! I’m Living with a Man Boy has forty-one practical scenarios that...More ›

$AU 19.95


Anger of Aubergines, The

Anger of Aubergines, The

Bulbul Sharma

Food as a passion, a gift, a means of revenge, even a source of power – these are the themes Bulbul Sharma explores in her collection of stories. Women weigh up the loss of a lover or the loss of weight; they consider whether hunger and the thought of higher things are inextricably linked; they feast and crave and die for their insatiable appetites....More ›

$AU 22.95


Kick The Tin

Kick The Tin

Doris Kartinyeri

When Doris Kartinyeri was a month old, her mother died. The family gathered to mourn their loss and welcome the new baby home. But Doris never arrived to live with her family – she was stolen from the hospital and placed in Colebrook Home, where she stayed for the next fourteen years.The legacy of being a member of the Stolen Generations continued for Doris as she was placed in white homes a...More ›

$AU 39.95


Honour: Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence against Women

Honour: Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence against Women

Lynn Welchman & Sara Hossain

Norma Khouri brought the issue of honour killings into the news in Australia. Whatever one thinks of Khouri, the story she had to tell was based on the reality of many women’s lives, not only in Jordan but also in Italy, Kurdistan, Latin America, the UK, South Asian and Nordic countries. The purpose of this book is to support human rights activists, policymakers and lawyers by explainin...More ›

$AU 24.95


Heavens May Fall, The

Heavens May Fall, The

Unity Dow

The Heavens May Fall takes up the story of a fiery up-and-coming lawyer at the Bana-Bantle Children’s Agency in Mochudi, Botswana. Naledi Chaba’s caseload is bulging with stories of rape and abuse. So when she takes on the case of a 15-year-old girl who has been raped by the lodger, she’s on a familiar battleground, involving her own peers.And it’s not only J.J., her silk-s...More ›