365 Reasons to Love Comics #356

Posted by Bill Reed, Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 5:33 PM

2007 Comics Should Be Good Advent Calendar

Posted by Brian Cronin, Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 7:00 AM


    Remember, each day, click on that day’s door to see what cover is for that day (you can also continue to look at previous day’s covers), all the way until the #1 cover, on Christmas Eve!!

So Far, So Good

Posted by Brian Cronin, Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 4:09 AM


    Here’s the trailer.

What I bought - 19 December 2007

Posted by Greg Burgas, Friday, December 21st, 2007 11:17 PM

    This might have been the greatest week in the history of comics.  I mean, in quantity as well as quality, there was excellent stuff all over the place.  This week, we got three of the best comics DC publishes, an highly entertaining kung fu comic (with a Whirling Devil Dervish and Foothammer Thunder Strike!), one of the best team books out there right now, three new series from Archaia, which consistently puts out good stuff, some very good espionage books, and my favorite book on the market at this moment.  It’s an embarrassment of riches!  So, what’s out there for the discerning reader?  What should you spend your money on instead of buying Aunt Ida another Matlock DVD and your brother a leaf blower that he’ll never use?  It’s Christmas - treat yourself!  As an added bonus, we ask if Dan DiDio should be the subject of new loathing, or if he’s just caving to fans’ desires!

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365 Reasons to Love Comics #355

Posted by Bill Reed, Friday, December 21st, 2007 6:52 PM

He’s probably the real deal!

Posted by Greg Burgas, Friday, December 21st, 2007 6:48 PM

Friday at the Cartooning Class Christmas Party

Posted by Greg Hatcher, Friday, December 21st, 2007 3:34 PM

Lorendiac’s Lists: Who Knows Batman is Bruce Wayne?

Posted by Brian Cronin, Friday, December 21st, 2007 11:01 AM

    Just over a year ago, I stumbled across a thread on DC’s boards in which a bunch of people were throwing out names of people who knew Batman’s secret identity. However, no one had bothered to try to compile all the suggestions into one neat, orderly list, to make life easier for those of us who were coming in late and wanted to make sure we weren’t duplicating previous suggestions.

    My duty was clear! I started cutting-and-pasting, and sorting the names alphabetically, and inserting several more names from my own memory of Batman lore. Then I posted my “First Draft” on several forums, accepted constructive criticism, and offered a more detailed “Second Draft” the following day. Then I waited just over a year before going back and rereading the further criticisms I got at the time, and doing a little extra research, and modifying things until I had a “Third Draft” I was ready to show the world.

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2007 Comics Should Be Good Advent Calendar

Posted by Brian Cronin, Friday, December 21st, 2007 7:00 AM


    Remember, each day, click on that day’s door to see what cover is for that day (you can also continue to look at previous day’s covers), all the way until the #1 cover, on Christmas Eve!!

Comic Book Cheers and Jeers for 12/21

Posted by Brian Cronin, Friday, December 21st, 2007 6:27 AM

    I know you’ve missed this feature, so here ya go! Here are a bunch of cheers and jeers from me, mostly having to do with this week’s new releases (but not all!)!

    There will most likely be some spoilers…otherwise, enjoy!

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Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #134

Posted by Brian Cronin, Thursday, December 20th, 2007 9:57 PM

    This is the one-hundred and thirty-fourth in a series of examinations of comic book urban legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the previous one-hundred and thirty-three. Click here for a similar archive, only arranged by subject.

    Let’s begin!

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365 Reasons to Love Comics #354

Posted by Bill Reed, Thursday, December 20th, 2007 5:20 PM

    It’s finally time for one of the all-time greats to get his own feature here on the column. (Archive.)

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12/20 - Declarative Rabbit Says…

Posted by 3, Thursday, December 20th, 2007 2:04 PM

    It is cute seeing Marvel trying to create a new branding with the word “Young.”


Cool Comic Cover Gallery 12/20

Posted by Brian Cronin, Thursday, December 20th, 2007 8:27 AM

    This week, the featured artist is Massimo Carnevale.

    So enjoy ten cool comic covers by a cool comic cover artist, Massimo Carnevale!

    Read the rest…

2007 Comics Should Be Good Advent Calendar

Posted by Brian Cronin, Thursday, December 20th, 2007 7:00 AM


    Remember, each day, click on that day’s door to see what cover is for that day (you can also continue to look at previous day’s covers), all the way until the #1 cover, on Christmas Eve!!

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