Archive for May, 2006

Deep Throat This!

I had to swallow a long, black thing earlier today. No, it was not a dick. It was a camera on a tube.
For years now, I’ve been experiencing gastritis. This has led me to put on a great deal of weight. It has also led me to vomit rather often when the excess gastric […]

My Last Range

What a week it has been for me. I had to stay in camp all day and overnight on Sunday. Then I had to work overtime on every single working day that came thereafter. Friday saw a much welcome break courtesy of a public holiday but then Saturday, I had to spend all day and […]

My First Election

Well, I’ve just voted in my first and possibly last election. The ruling party here in singapore has long decided that voting would be compulsory for all. Rather silly of them, I’d reckon, for there was little hesitation on my party to vote for one of the opposition parties.
Dr. Tan Bin Sing, be fucking […]

A Holiday For Me

It’s the 1st of May. Another year, another labour day. 
This might well be the last time that I will be enjoying the 1st of May as a public holiday but it will be the first of two Labour Days that I will be enjoying this year. The reason being that I’ll be returning back from […]


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