Friday, October 26th, 2007

We’re moving! We have free stuff for YOU!

We’re moving to our new (unfinished, for better or worse) offices today! This means that we have a bunch of gorgeous Ikea desks free to you (or, alternatively, in exchange for a donation to Alive in Baghdad. If you’re in New York, need a new desk, and have means to transport it, come and get it! These desks go for between $200 and $300 at Ikea.

Check out the Craigslist post for more info.

1 comment » Filed under bloggin' it by Mike at 8:22.

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Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Bloodspell: gangsta Machinima

If coastal rivalries were played out in a feudal version of Second Life, they may have looked like Bloodspell. This is the first act in a film created by Strange Company and called, most appropriately, a punk fantasy.

1 comment » Filed under bloggin' it by Dina Kaplan at 22:17.

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Thursday, October 25th, 2007

The Philadelphia Inquirer covers Alive In Baghdad

Inquirer Columnist Daniel Rubin writes:

Real life itself is what Conley and colleague Steven Wyshywaniuk are going for each week for their Web-based Alive in Baghdad reports.

The name is a dig at those “Live From . . . ” stand-ups on network TV, in which correspondents move too fast to absorb the nuances of a place where 119 journalists have been killed since the war began.

So Conley, a documentary filmmaker by training, has handed cheap digital cameras to a team of locals to tell stories that haven’t been told, or to tell them from a personal perspective - that, say, of a neighbor or brother.

Which is how he and Wyshywaniuk have landed interviews with a distraught woman whose house was bombed, a masked insurgent, and an Iraqi who, in flawless English, calmly told how he had wound up imprisoned at Abu Ghraib.

Leave a comment » Filed under bloggin' it by Eric Mortensen at 14:24.

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Friday, October 19th, 2007

We’re moving!

On November 1 we will be moving to a new office. The new office is right around the corner from our current office, but it’s a bit bigger. We can’t wait. With the new office we’ll have a conference room we can actually fit into, a few new private offices and enough seats to double or even triple the size of the blip team.

About a year and a half ago we moved into our first office — a few desks inside someone else’s office in the Empire State Building. We left there after a few months and moved to a little apartment/loft on the SoHo-Chinatown-Little Italy border in New York. We’ve now totally filled the space up… we’ve even had to introduce “bunk desks” (one desk on top of another, bunk bed style) so that we can fit everyone.

Now, no more bunk desks, at least for a while.

The new office used to be a woodworking shop. Over the course of the last two months we’ve been gutting and renovating the space — taking out huge table saws and putting in bathrooms, taking out giant sawhorses and putting in desks. We’re almost there. Just a couple weeks away.

Here are a couple pictures:

If I could offer one piece of advice for start-up companies, it would be this: Never build out an office. :)

8 comments » Filed under bloggin' it by Mike at 11:45.

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Thursday, October 18th, 2007

Ask a Future President a Question: 10 Questions is Live

If you ever wanted to ask a question of the future leader of the free world (or, at least, the United States), you now can. We invite you to upload a question to the presidential candidates on and to tag your video “10questions.”

This is the launch of the 10 Questions Presidential Forum.

The Forum has two rounds: from October 17 to November 14 anyone can upload a question. You can also vote to select the best of the submitted questions. From November 17 - December 15, the Presidential candidates will be asked to post their replies to the top 10 questions. Everyone has until December 31st to vote on their answers.

This is a cool way to get involved in the process, and the whole thing is being produced by our friends at techPresident. We hope you participate with a question or a vote and look forward to seeing just how many ways online video can affect the 2008 presidential campaign.

3 comments » Filed under bloggin' it by Dina Kaplan at 16:21.

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Thursday, October 18th, 2007


We’re experiencing a service issue right now. We’re working on it and should be back very soon. We had a service interruption this morning. Please call me if you want to talk: 646-827-9773.

UPDATE: Looks like one of our core database servers “tried to crash this morning, but got hung up.”

In the last several months we’ve been adding more and more servers and changing the way lots of things work to be as efficient and reliable as possible. This isn’t the first time that a partially crashed database server has caused us a problem, though. If the server had crashed completely we would have been okay. If it hadn’t crashed at all, of course, we would have been fine. We’ll be doing everything we can to deal with the “partially crashed” issue.

Please feel free to call me on my cell phone if you’d like to discuss. It’s 646-827-9773. You can also IM me through at least part of the day: I’m on as “mikehudack” on AIM.

3 comments » Filed under bloggin' it by Mike at 6:47.

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Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Will Hollywood kill the web-only stars?

Writing for the Guardian Unlimited today, Galacticast’s Casey McKinnon notes:

The convergence of the mainstream and the web suggests that online entertainment is becoming less of a fringe. But while they embrace the net, the suits are often missing out on one thing that the punk rock generation of online creators have: interactivity.

Leave a comment » Filed under business, chope by chope at 11:04.

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Friday, October 12th, 2007

Silicon Alley Insider: Video winners and losers

Henry Blodget over at Silicon Alley Insider has posted a preliminary report on the “winners and losers” in the Internet video game. He writes:

As discussed in previous installments of our Economics of Online Video series, we expect a major shakeout in this overcrowded space in which most companies will disappear. Whether the companies disappear in a good way (sell out early for a nice price) or a bad way (go bankrupt and/or sell for pennies on the dollar) will be a function of both time and competitive differentiation.

He goes on to name his preliminary winners: “Our preliminary WINNERS include YouTube (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), and”

Thanks, Henry!

Leave a comment » Filed under bloggin' it by Mike at 9:32.

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Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

TechCrunch: “ tops them all”

Thanks to TechCrunch for a great review on the anniversary of the Google / YouTube marriage. Mark Endrickson writes:

“Out of all these alternative services, stands out as the most professional video sharing solution. The website and player are cleanly designed, they accept perhaps the widest range of file formats, they will automatically syndicate your videos to many other websites, and you can choose to place midroll, postroll, adjacent, and overlay advertisements in your uploads. Additionally, you can track your shows’ statistics quite closely and allow users to download your videos. I could go on and on about’s useful features. The only major bummer with is that you can’t seek ahead to points in a video using their Flash player.

It’s no surprise that shows like Rocketboom have decided to migrate over to We even decided to use them for our TechCrunch40 conference. And PC World agrees with us that tops them all.”

4 comments » Filed under bloggin' it by Dina Kaplan at 21:00.

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Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

We’ve got a new homepage!

We’ve got a new homepage! Check it out! In addition to the new homepage you’ll find new show pages (check out make’s) and a few other nifty changes.

Make sure to check out Fivehead.

9 comments » Filed under bloggin' it by Mike at 12:09.

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