Wounded Warriors
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Welcome to Wounded Warriors

Our Mission: Supporting Families

Our mission is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. The families of our casualties suffer in many ways: some financially, some psychologically.

Wounded Warriors mitigates their trauma by allowing them to find peace and solace as a family once more in family-friendly resorts that we provide free of charge. The resort condominiums that we own in Orlando, Florida and Galveston, Texas are quiet havens where war torn families can reunite and become stronger. 

 please Support Wounded Warriors!

You can learn about our mission, sign up for our newsletter, read archived newsletters and make secure tax-deductible donations.

Please take a few minutes to learn about Wounded Warriors and what we do to support the families of those who, as Abraham Lincoln said,

"... gave the last full measure of devotion."

We cannot complete our mission without you.


Semper Fidelis!

John D. Folsom

John D. Folsom
Colonel, United States Marine Corps, Reserve
Founder, Wounded Warriors

Read Biography

Wounded Warriors
wounded warriors in the News

August 23, 2007...Wounded Warriors Retreat to be named for Senator Chuck Hagel and Bob Kerrey... (Read More)

See our Archive of Articles

To read our family stories, click here...

Wounded Warriors is a Nebraska non-profit corporation. We are a 501(c)(3)tax exempt corporation. Our Employer ID# is 20-1407520.
Wounded Warriors does not actively solicit contributions from individuals.
We believe in full disclosure. You have full access to our corporate documents and most recent financial reports in order to determine how your donations are used. We will do our best to ensure that your gifts are used for your intended purpose and will be good and faithful stewards.
Terms of Use | Finanancial Information

Make a Donation
Please send an e-mail to John Folsom (JohnFolsom@woundedwarriors.org) or call (402) 490-7875 should you have any questions.

Wounded Warriors, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with the Wounded Warrior Project.

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