Homeland Support for our Injured Heroes

The Helping Our Heroes Foundation provides a way for donated funds and services to directly reach our injured military and a way for concerned Americans to volunteer to actively support our armed forces.

The role of the foundation is to provide patient advocates, identify and fund educational opportunities for the soldier, coordinate specialty counseling (financial assistance, career, housing, etc.), and assist with emergency funding needs as deemed appropriate.

Your help is needed. Please consider making a donation in support of our injured troops, and check-out our opportunities for volunteering to see where your skills could assist this worthwhile effort.

A Letter from the President

February 2006

Dear Fellow Americans:

Recently you may have seen information in the media concerning the care and welfare of our wounded service members.  The very thought that those whom we hold so dear may not have been treated with the utmost respect is disheartening. The Helping Our Heroes Foundation has seen the process up close over the past five years since our deployment into Afghanistan.  Today, we offer suggestions as to what role we might serve in creating a better living environment for those recuperating:

  1. HOHF created a concept of patient advocates which we would like to expand upon and formalize.  Having garnered the support of the alumnus group from the United States Military Academy we would assign one alumnus to each patient while they recuperate. The advocate would be able to provide information on where to get assistance, spend quality time with the patient when family is not nearby, discuss educational and career options, explain the medical board process and engage openly with patients about any problems, fears etc. that they may experience.  This group of alumnae would follow the patient’s recovery in their home town by introducing local support from the local USMA chapter. 
  2. HOHF would implement communications systems at WRAMC so that EVERY patient learns of the outside organizations willing to help and how. The plan would also identify the internal points of contact for medical, pay, VA and other issues. HOHF has already made contact with a national “consumer brand” that would be willing to assist or absorb the cost of weekly informational pieces (such as tray liners on every patient’s meal tray), electronic information boards around the post, and printed information packets for family members to receive.
  3. HOHF would provide charitable giving information for those in need.  HOHF would teach the mentors how to reach out and obtain grants for families from a variety of organizations wishing to help.
  4. HOHF would create a food plan for outpatients to include gift cards at local restaurants, baskets of “necessities” to keep in the room for when the patient is not up to traveling to the mess hall, etc.
  5. HOHF would resume its monthly “open events” to provide a forum for patients and family members to discuss what their unique needs are and to seek help as well as emotional support.

We look forward to being of assistance to military leadership as they determine what their new plan for treatment will be.  Our commitment will continue until the last service member returns from deployment and we hope that we can count on you to help us fulfill our promises!

Karen Theobald Conlin
Helping Our Heroes Foundation, President
703-994-9364 cell
21010 Southbank St.
Suite 805
Potomac Falls, VA 20165

Great appreciation to all our donors & volunteers!

Legally incorporated in October of 2004 at the request of the United States Army, HOHF has been busy helping our heroes. The Helping Our Heroes Foundation Board of Directors extends their gratitude to all the donors and volunteers who have provided the funds and assistance to make wonderful things happen for our wounded military.

We still need all the help we can get — please make use of our tax deductible status to make your gift to support a veteran through the Helping Our Heroes Foundation.


Give Feedback

Patients and Family Members,

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wants to hear from patients and family members about their experiences with military medical care. [more]



Send Gifts to Our Heroes

Send gifts to combat support hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gifts can be sent to medical personnel caring for our wounded in theater or to soldiers. [more]

Helping our Heroes over the Holidays

We thank everybody who made donations to our veterans over the holidays. Also, we would like to thank everybody who contributed to and/or attended the Holiday Party. [more]


Veterans Day Race and Walk
Sunday, November 12, 2006 Washington, D.C.
The Veterans Day Race had a great turn-out even through the not-so-great weather conditions. We would like to thank everybody involved.[more]


First Annual HOHF Golf Tournament

The Golf Tournament was a great success. Thank you to our volunteers and sponsors. [more]


Operation Education

Tuesday June 20

The Honorable R. James Nicholson, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, along with U.S. Senator Larry E. Craig, Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and Dr. Karen White, University of Idaho, will launch Operation Education — a pioneering scholarship program designed to help veterans severely and permanently wounded since September 11, 2001. The Helping Our Heroes Foundation has pledged initial funding and continued support of this program. [more]

A huge THANK YOU to AirTran Airways!

AirTran Airways has donated over 300 round-trip airline tickets to HOHF each year for emergency travel by our wounded heroes and their families. This very generous support by AirTrans has enabled bringing together patients and their loved ones when they most needed it, a clear benefit to their morale and health.

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