Oklahoma News

Gold Star Fathers Call for Peace at Oklahoma City Rally

Submitted by indy-re on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 8:37pm.

Gold Star father for peace: Warren Henthorn, whose son Jeffrey died in Iraq, speaks at anti-war rally in Oklahoma City.

Gold Star father for peace: Warren Henthorn, whose son Jeffrey died in Iraq, speaks at anti-war rally in Oklahoma City.

Local action part of worldwide events calling for peace

Oklahoma City - Two Oklahoma Gold Star fathers were keynote speakers today at a rally against the war in Iraq. About 150 activists gathered at the intersection of North Meridian Ave. and the Northwest Expressway, from 1 am to 12:30 pm, to hold signs, listen to music and hear speakers calling for peace.

“Support the troops, bring them home,” said Warren Henthorn of Choctaw, OK, whose son Jeffrey served eight years in the military before dying in Iraq, February 8, 2005. Mr. Henthorn is a regular participant in weekly public vigils where signs calling drivers to “honk for peace” are held.

John Scripsick of Wayne, OK, and his wife Jan were also at the rally, in memory of their son Bryan, killed in Iraq on Sept. 6 of this year. Scripsick said he believes that the death and destruction caused by the war in Iraq is only winning more hostility and hatred against the United States. “Bryan had his doubts about the mission of the war, but he went to Iraq out of loyalty to his buddies in his unit, “Scripsick said. “We must end this thing and bring our troops home immediately,” he said.

Die-In at OKC rally against the warDie-In at OKC rally against the war

GI Rights Hotline to promote services to deploying Guard members during send-off rally in Norman

Submitted by indy-re on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 12:04am.

Oklahoma GI Rights HotlineOklahoma GI Rights Hotline

GI Rights Hotline - action to inform deploying troops of their rights

Tomorrow, the troops of the Oklahoma National Guard that are being deployed to Iraq will be sent off with a lot of flags, patriotic music, and tears of family and loved ones.

The event will take place in Norman at the Lloyd Noble Center from 2-3pm.

Volunteers and supporters of the Oklahoma GI Rights Hotline plan to be outside the event as attendees arrive, to respectfully offer our help for those who do not want to go.

Oklahoma City Vigil To Save Children’s Health Care

Submitted by okimc on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 7:37pm.

SCHIP Veto Override flyer for OklahomaSCHIP Veto Override flyer for Oklahoma (PDF) Local parents and kids will call on Representatives Fallin, Cole, Sullivan and Lucas to vote this Thursday to override President Bush’s veto of children’s health care

As billions are spent In Iraq, Rep. Fallin, Cole, Sullivan and Lucas voted with Bush to block health care for 127,000 uninsured kids in Oklahoma.

[Oklahoma City, OK] – On Tuesday, October 16, at 7:00 p.m., local parents and kids will hold a “Vigil to Save Children’s Health Care” in front of the Oklahoma Republican Headquarters. They will urge Representatives Fallin, Cole, Sullivan and Lucas to vote this Thursday to override President Bush’s veto of expanded health care coverage for millions of kids, including 58,200 additional kids in Oklahoma. Dan Boren (D) voted against it, but has stated that he will be voting to override Bush’s veto. Hundreds of events are happening around the nation, including a rally that will take place the next day, October 17th, at 12 noon on the State Capitol South Steps to Override the SCHIP Veto.

VA Medical--Reckless Endangerment Whims

Submitted by Stephen7 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 7:53am.

Yesterday, 04 September 2007, day 7 of pneumonia symptoms and the first day after the long Labor Day weekend, I got to the Muskogee VA hospital Emergency Room. They expedited me through the blood-work labs, chest x-rays, and EKG. No doubt anywhere. This was a blazing case of pneumonia, with both lungs heavily involved. Combined with my insulin-dependent diabetes, hypertensive heart disease, and the chronic Reiter's syndrome atrial fibrillation, it represented a substantial threat to my 66-year-old life.


Once upon a time, not too long ago, a VA-Medical-entitled veteran with pneumonia was immediately hospitalized -- for at least the days needed to settle on the best treatment for the individual case.


Peace House Tulsa finds new home

Submitted by okimc on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 4:43pm.

This summer Peace House Tulsa received sudden news that the owner of the property was renting to another tenant (a much needed grocery for the neighborhood). Thus began a frantic seach for new digs. Tireless Tulsa activist Joni LeViness took the reins and below is a report from her of the good news about the new home for Peace House Tulsa:

Church of the Restoration has agreed unanomously and with Great Enthusiasm, I hear, to allow PH~T to become their tenant at a price that falls within our means of pledges pledged and also allows PH to be a contributing tenant in some meaningful and wonderful ways. We have enough in pledges to carry wifi for the building.

We'll have our own office, our own entrance and use of the sanctuary to be coordinated with COR's wonderful Secretary Vanessa Thomas. Which means we'll STILL have State of the Union Movies, Volunteers willing and able... We'll Still have Tai Chi!

Dems: Inhofe Snubs Middle-Income Working Parents

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 4:14pm.

OKLAHOMA CITY (Oct. 1, 2007) - Oklahoma U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe's attack on middle income working parents today is one more example of a Washington politician who is out of touch with the people he was elected to represent, State Democratic Party Chairman Dr. Ivan Holmes said today.

"As a U.S. Senator, Jim Inhofe enjoys some of the most generous health care benefits in America," Holmes said. "But, when Oklahoma middle income working families can no longer afford health insurance for about 40,000 children, he tells them, 'tough luck'."

Holmes praised the Congress for last week passing an extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and expanding its coverage to include children of some middle-income families who have lost their insurance coverage due to higher medical costs. The bill is budget neutral because its increased costs are offset by an increase in the tobacco tax.

Study: Oklahoma Op-Ed Pages Dominated by Right

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 4:11pm.

Report: Black and White and Re(a)d All Over

Unprecedented Study of U.S. Daily Newspapers Shows Conservatives with Distinct Advantage in Syndicated Op-Eds Nationally and in Oklahoma

State-Based Data Are Attached (below) as a PDF, while the Entire Report With National Figures and Detailed Analysis is Available Online at www.mediamatters.org/reports/oped/

AIDS Awareness Activities This Week in Tulsa

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 3:18pm.

Show your support for the fight against AIDS

The 2007 AIDS Walk Tulsa 15th annual AIDS Walk is 9am, October 6th, 2007 at Veteran's Park.

The Tulsa AIDS Walk is a project of the Community Service Council and donations are tax deductible. All funds raised at the Walk will go to support direct HIV/AIDS services in Tulsa and will receive matching funds from a National AIDS Fund challenge grant.

For information related to AIDS Walk or to donate please contact:

Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership
Attn: Janice Nicklas
16 East 16th Street
Suite 202
Tulsa, OK 74119
(918) 585-5551, Ext. 226

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Walk the Walk with Hanson
2:30 PM @ Cain’s Ballroom
Walk a mile to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS in Africa

Thursday, October 4, 2007
AIDS Walk Tulsa Pre-Party
Club 209
209 N. Boulder 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Music, Walk T-shirts & more…

Saturday, October 6, 2007
AIDS Walk Tulsa
Veteran’s Park 9 AM

Sooner Express at El Reno RR museum - photo essay

Submitted by indy-re on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 3:23pm.

Union Pacific Engine No. 844 stopped at the Rock Island Railroad museum in El Reno on Wed. Sept. 12, 2007 as part of its Oklahoma Centennial tour of the state.

Oklahoma GI Rights Hotline to begin operations on Monday, September 24

Submitted by okimc on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 12:05am.

Counselors will offer free, confidential legal information to service members, veterans, potential recruits and their families

Nationwide network assists those who seek to get out of the military

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma GI Rights Hotline will officially begin operations on Monday, September 24, undertaking its mission of providing free, confidential, and accurate information on US military regulations and practices to servicemembers, veterans, potential recruits, and their families.

The Hotline can be reached at (405) 231-1138. Live counselors will answer on Mondays from 10 AM to 5 PM. On other days messages will be returned within 24 hours. More live hours will be added gradually in the future.

International Day of Peace celebrated in OKC with children's "Pinwheels for Peace" project

Submitted by okimc on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 3:15pm.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usGovernor Proclaims September 21st as an International Day of Peace for Oklahoma!

Thousands of Students create pinwheels for peace

Celebration at the Gold Dome Multicultural Society

N.W. 23rd and Classen on Friday, September 21st from 5:30-8:00

OKC – Students and other community members throughout the greater Oklahoma City area will participate in the United Nation’s International Day of Peace Celebration at the Gold Dome. From Norman to Edmond and beyond, students are creating pinwheels with words about peace and harmony. These works of art will spin in the wind, decorating schools, homes and businesses on the International Day of Peace. As students create these pinwheels, they are asked to reflect on Peace: A state of calm and tranquility, with no anxiety or violence.

500+ show support for Jena 6 at OK capitol

Submitted by okimc on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 6:07pm.

OKLAHOMA CITY - Hundreds, including state legislators, gathered on the steps of the state Capitol Thursday, in solidarity with thousands in Jena, La. and around the country to show support for the "Jena 6".

AP story via KATC3 in Acadia

CNHI photos

OKC Citizens Said, "No to Bush's War"

Submitted by okimc on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 9:44pm.

More than 75 Oklahoma City activists held a demonstration Saturday, calling for “no more war” in Iraq. Participants held large and colorful signs to the traffic along the Northwest Expressway at Meridian Ave., from noon to 1:30 pm. Darla Shelden, one of the organizers, said that this local event was in solidarity with the Mass March on Washington, DC, called by the “ANSWER” coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), and around the country on Saturday.

Familiar signs saying “Honk For Peace” were supplemented with signs relating to President Bush's speech Thursday calling for a US military presence in Iraq which could last for decades. “Say No to Bush's War” was one of the themes expressed on signage at the demonstration.

Click image for more
photos of event.

Ballot Access Petition Filed with Secretary of State

Submitted by okimc on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 10:35pm.
OBAR press conferenceMatthew Jones, chair of Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform, speaking at the group's press conference announcing their petition campaign, Sept. 14, 2007.

OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform (OBAR) filed today to circulate an initiative petition to put a question on the 2008 ballot. The initiative seeks to reform Oklahoma's ballot access laws, considered the most restrictive in the country.

"It is time to hear what Oklahoma voters think about our state's biased electoral system," said OBAR Chairman Matthew R. Jones. "With half of our state legislative races unopposed last November, we believe Oklahomans will support more voter choice."

OBAR will collect approximately 90,000 signatures over the next 90 days, and plans to integrate petitioning with an awareness campaign, including T-shirts for petition circulators and information cards for signatories.

Sept. 15 Rally in OKC in solidarity with national march on Washington

Submitted by okimc on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 11:11pm.

Sept. 15 March on Wash. buttonSay No To Bush -- Bring The Troops Home Now! Protest

Oklahoma City Holds Rally To Support Mass March On Washington DC This Weekend

As thousands gather in Washington, DC, this weekend, calling for an end to US military involvement in Iraq, a demonstration in solidarity with them will take place in Oklahoma City. Nathaniel Batchelder of the Peace House said the local demonstration will take place from noon to 1 pm, Saturday, at the intersection of N. Meridian Avenue and the Northwest Expressway.

Coalition to Challenge the Nation's Most Restrictive Election Laws

Submitted by okimc on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 10:51pm.

Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform holding Press Conference at Capitol this Friday after Filing Petition

Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform will hold a press conference at 2:00 PM on Friday, Sept. 14th in the State Capitol (east side of first floor rotunda) after filing to circulate an initiative petition. The initiative will seek to reform Oklahoma’s ballot access laws, considered the most restrictive in the country.

To form a new political party, Oklahoma law currently requires signatures equal to 5% of the last presidential or gubernatorial vote, which meant over 73,000 signatures in 2006. This number was TEN TIMES the per capita requirement of many neighboring states, including Texas, Missouri, and New Mexico.

So why keep the lights turned off? Low-maintenance bait for entrapment?

Submitted by jamesnimmo on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 2:35pm.


Not being one who has ever solicited anonymous, or even well-known, sexual liaisons in public settings, I wasn't aware of the Larry Craig foot-tapping dance which seems so imitative of certain insects that tap on leaves and stems to communicate either territorial limits or a need for mating. Thanks to Senator Craig America has received a birds-and-bees nature lore lesson hitherto known only to a relatively few wildlife specialists.

But I do know there is a wafting of sexual pheromones in public parks after dark at certain locations in Oklahoma City (OKC), Will Rogers Park being one of them.

Six candlelight vigils in Oklahoma to honor fallen soldiers

Submitted by indy-re on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 9:34pm.


Oklahomans call on Senator Inhofe to take a stand this September, end war in Iraq

OKC Candlelight vigil at Southwest Corner of NW Expressway and Penn

[OKLAHOMA CITY, OK] – On Tuesday, August 28, members of MoveOn.org Political Action in Oklahoma City will host a candlelight vigil to call on our Oklahoma Congress members to vote to end the war in September. There are events also taking place in Norman,Tulsa and Okmulgee that evening.

"It's time for the Bush Administration to tell the truth and admit that the surge has failed to deliver even the slightest sign of political reconciliation," said Colonel (ret) Katherine Scheirman local MoveOn member and Senior Advisor for VoteVets.org.. "Senator Inhofe and all of our Oklahoma Congress members must Stand Up in September and vote for a responsible end to this deadly occupation" concluded Dr. Scheirman.

Rep John Sullivan Admits Ignorance

Submitted by MManley on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 11:12pm.

Two activists infiltrated the Lions Club Town Hall meeting August 14, where the Hon. Sullivan was speaking publicly in Tulsa, after a very long period of insulation from his constituents.

We sat through his propagandistic claims for this industry or that (the ones providing major campaign contributions to Sullivan), and we listened to him make the "business as usual" partisan attacks, and then we were finally given the opportunity to ask him pointed questions on Iraq and the need for impeachment. Ours were the last two questions of the session, before it broke up.

There is only a 2-line mention in Wednesday's paper, about the impeachment discussion in public with the Representative for OK1:

"Two members of the audience tried to draw Sullivan into discussing possible impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, but the three-term Republican refused to respond."
by: RANDY KREHBIEL Tulsa World Staff Writer

Initiative Petition Launched to Give More Choices to Oklahoma Voters

Submitted by joni on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 9:06pm.

Oklahoma state flagInitiative Petition Underway! More Voices More Choices!

Taking action to open Oklahoma’s ballot to third parties, Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform (OBAR) plans to circulate a petition that will put a question on the 2008 ballot.

“We are looking forward to giving more choices to Oklahoma voters, and with the help of our many supporters, we are confident it will be a success,” said Matthew R. Jones, an Independent and OBAR Chairman.

Edmond Sun publisher calls for Iraq pullout

Submitted by indy-re on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 7:24pm.

The publisher of The Edmond Sun would describe himself and his paper as conservative. But last Sunday, Rick Barnes added his voice to that of many a liberal (and a growing number of his fellow conservatives) regarding the US military presence in Iraq: "Enough is enough — let’s pull out"

[...] We, as a country, have invested, or poured down a rat hole, more than $456 billion and for what? The Iraqi government is coming unraveled — Iraqi legislators are fleeing the sinking ship like rats; the Kurds are wanting to form a separate country and control the oil fields and we continue to offer up our sons and daughters as their life vests.

Pull our troops out, save American lives, leave every piece of non-sensitive equipment there and let them do with the equipment as they see fit. This may seem like pretty drastic measures, but no one else has come up with a better idea.


As a final note — Oklahoma’s portion of this misguided adventure is $6.8 billion and escalating at the rate of $3,111 per minute of every hour of every day. Minnesota had a tragic bridge collapse and reports indicate the bridges of this state are not in much better shape. Why not take a portion of the $6.8 billion and make improvements here? Enough is enough!


Oklahoma State Senator Andrew Rice will challenge Sen. Inhofe in 2008

Submitted by indy-re on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 4:45pm.

Andrew RiceAndrew RiceOklahoma State Senator Andrew Rice, who has been deliberating about a run for U.S. Senate in 2008 while a independent petition built enthusiasm for the race, today informed his friends and supporters that he will seek to unseat Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe.

The text of his email follows:

Democratic Party to collect and ship "most wanted" items to Oklahomans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan

Submitted by dj on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 6:29pm.

The Oklahoma Democratic Party & Veterans Committee will hold a “Support the Troops” event for Oklahomans deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

(Oklahoma City, OK) - The Oklahoma Democratic Party is sponsoring a ‘Support the Troops’ campaign by gathering items from the ‘most wanted’ list that have been requested by our Oklahoma Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ron Wasson, Vietnam Marine Corps veteran, and Katherine Scheirman, retired Air Force Colonel, are co chairs of the Oklahoma Democratic Veteran's Committee, which is devoted to political and social justice issues that affect our country's veterans. They have organized the event to let members of our armed forces know we salute their patriotism and courage.

Group wants to limit terms of state officials

Submitted by okimc on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 11:36pm.

by Ron Jenkins
Associated Press August 17, 2007
published by the Journal Record

OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma City attorney filed an initiative petition on Thursday that seeks to amend the Oklahoma Constitution to impose term limits on some statewide elected officials.

James Dunn, chairman of the “Yes on Term Limits” organization, proposes a limit of two four-year terms for the offices of lieutenant governor, auditor and inspector, attorney general, treasurer, labor commissioner and superintendent of public instruction.

The group will have 90 days to collect 138,970 valid signatures on initiative petitions, representing 15 percent of the total votes cast for governor in the last general election in 2006.
The secretary of state’s office designated the plan as Initiative Petition 736 and proposed State Question 386.

[continue reading from Journal Record story]

Oklahoma County Green Party endorses Fannie Bates in special election for County Commissioner

Submitted by indy-re on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 1:17pm.

Support for local mass transit initiatives key to Party's support

OKLAHOMA CITY - The Oklahoma County Green Party decided at its July 17 meeting to endorse Fannie Bates for county commissioner in the special election on August 14.

The election is being held to fill the seat vacated by Jim Roth upon his appointment by Gov. Henry to the state Corporation Commission. Five candidates are vying for the spot, and the one who receives a plurality of votes in the election will serve out Roth's term.

Noting her long history of grassroots activism around issues of civil rights, social justice and environmental sustainability, Party members were unusually enthusiastic about the endorsement.

"We're proud to endorse Fannie Bates," said James M. Branum, OCGP spokesperson. "We are looking forward to seeing a grassroots activist get elected to office and then continue to fight for the people."

Save the Rails! rally in OKC calls for different transportation choices

Submitted by indy-re on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 5:26pm.

Saturday, August 11 - 10 AM at Union Station, S. Harvey & 7th, OKC

Elected officials, candidates and citizen activists to speak to save the Union Station railyards for future mass transit

OKLAHOMA CITY - Citizens from around the state will be gathering this Saturday at Oklahoma City's Union Station for what they call a rally to "Save the Rails" network that crisscross Oklahoma and provide a ready-made solution to mass transit needs for the entire region. They are inviting all concerned citizens to join them to demand better transportation choices by our politicians and business leaders.

"The people's needs and expressed desire for viable mass transit are not being considered," said Fannie Bates, who is centering her campaign for the Oklahoma Country District 1 seat on the issue. Bates, a teacher with a masters in public health, will speak at the rally.

Deficient major bridges in Oklahoma

Submitted by okimc on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 9:36pm.

MSNBC - Updated: 11:24 p.m. CT Aug 2, 2007

The following state bridges carry at least 10,000 vehicles a day and have been rated as either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete by inspectors, according to an MSNBC.com analysis of the National Bridge Inventory.

A structurally deficient bridge is closed or restricted to light vehicles because of its deteriorated structural components. While not necessarily unsafe, these bridges must have limits for speed and weight.

A functionally obsolete bridge has older design features and, while it is not unsafe for all vehicles, it cannot safely accommodate current traffic volumes, and vehicle sizes and weights.

See chart: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20099119

Business leaders concerned about Central Oklahoma air quality

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 1:10am.

From the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce web site:

Air Quality

The Central Oklahoma region is currently in compliance with all of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) clean air standards. However, air quality has become a concern over the last year because the Central Oklahoma region is in danger of going into non-compliance with the federal clean air standards for ozone. Last summer, Central Oklahoma had several ozone readings that exceeded the federal standard. If these high ozone readings persist next summer, the region will likely go into non-attainment status.

A non-attainment status results in severe impediments to economic growth by placing restrictions on certain types of businesses. These restrictions discourage new businesses from locating in the region, and discourage existing businesses from expanding their operations.

PassengerRailOK.org volunteers visit Paul's Valley Depot

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 1:03am.

PassengerRailOk.org went on the road today to Pauls Valley to further push our northbound campaign to Kansas City. We also helped passengers with information prior to boarding the train. We were greeted with smiles from passengers who were glad to have us there. About 15 people boarded the train. Amtrak's conductor was confused as he is used to seeing me in Norman. Fortunately Mr. Nelson Dent, Mr. Don Grissom, and Ms. Donna Jones served as the Norman depot volunteers this morning. They took care of 70 plus passengers. Needless to say, the train was a sellout this morning.

Oklahoma Democratic Party Praises Democratic Legislators for Standing Up for Consumer and Patient Safety

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 12:57am.

Challenges Republicans to End the False 'Family Values' Rhetoric

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - A recent report from the Oklahoma Center for Consumer and Patient Safety, a Tulsa-based non-profit consumer and patient advocacy organization, gave three Democratic lawmakers a perfect rating on their latest legislative report. The scores were based on legislative votes dealing with issues including extending health coverage to uninsured children, assisted living, identity theft, additional safety requirements for children, and legislation that waived liability for volunteer doctors at free health clinics. All votes were tracked during the 2007 legislative session, which ended at the end of May.