World Public Forum
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WPF "DoC" Declaration on May, 21

WPF Declaration - 2006

Forum’s Achievements

Interview with Giulio Andreotti.

WPF 5th annual session

Baltic dialogue: WPF conducted the regional conference in Tampere, Finland.

Interview granted by the ex-Prime Minister of Italy, Giulio Andreotti,
to PR Director of the WPF “Dialogue of Civilizations,” Alexey Fokin, 21.09.2007, Rome.

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The World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (WPF-DC) is observing its fifth anniversary this year. During these years it has become an influential public force in shaping a democratic civil society based on a...

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On June 4-5, WPF "Dialogue of civilizations" organized the International Regional Conference "European Civilization Space: Baltic Dialogue" in Tampere, Finland. More than two hundred participants took part in the conference.

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