Thurs September 13- Town Hall Meeting on Grady

09/13/2007 - 00:00

Make Grady the conscience of caring in Georgia --

Not the victim of underfunding.

Keep Grady public, NOT private. For ALL Georgians.


Town Hall Meeting on Grady

Hosted by Channel 2

Grady Hospital Atrium

Thursday, September 13

Be there by 7:00 pm

Please plan to come out for the town hall meeting at Grady on Thursday
Sep 13 at 7 PM. For those who can't get in, we will have a rally
outside! For more information contact Bert Skellie at

Did you know that:

Atlanta Race Riot Walking Tour

09/09/2007 - 01:00
09/09/2007 - 02:00

Atlanta Race Riot Walking Tour
1:00 - 2:00 pm
5 Points, Atlanta

Join the walking tour of 1906 Atlanta Race Riot sites where dozens of African-American men, women and children were killed or beaten by a racist mob of 10,000 white men and boys just over 100 years ago. Meet at the gazebo in Woodruff Park (Edgewood and Peachtree). For more information, call 404.413.6363 or e-mail

Relaunching Indymedia Atlanta Soon!!

06/26/2007 - 10:47
06/30/2007 - 10:47

We're working really hard to relaunch indymedia atlanta in time for
the USSF, in the meantime, check out the coverage and publish your
reports on

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