Basketball is bad for our health

Another ‘sports’ section post that has a little to do with sports.

National assembly of Serbia recently decided that they don’t want to hold sessions if the national TV doesn’t broadcast their work live. Yesterday they were supposed to disscuss the signing of the Kyoto protocol, after Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro signed it a bit earlier this year, leaving us as the last European country not to do so (if you don’t count superpowers like San Marino and Vatican city, that is).
Now that ain’t so bad, because, frankly, in comparison to some countries who refused to sign it, we are practicaly insignificant polluters. But – there is always the question of principle to do the right thing, right.

Alas, it just so happened that a basketball tournament was in session at the same time, so the national television RTS decided that the ball players are far more interesting than watching some guys quarell about life, politics and everything in between. So they cancelled the Assembly game and ran the B-ball game instead.

Cancelation of live broadcast left the members of radical party – SRS, and former Milosevic party – SPS, depressed and angry so they left the building in protest, thus stopping all parliament work and blocking the signing of the Kyoto protocol.

This left me with some interesting conclusions which can be, but aren’t necessarily so, true.

*A game of basketball can be bad for your health some times. *National assembly is very much alike some blogging community – if there don’t have an audience, they stop working. *Serbia has managed to keep some common features with the US and Australia (even though they don’t have any basketball games blocking the Kyoto at their countries).

Update: luckily, the Assembly managed to finish the session yesterday so the Kyoto protocol will be signed after all.

Darko Milicic explains what really happened

Our basketball journey ended pretty sudden, but not completely unexpected this year, we had a not-so-good team and maybe even more important, Moka Slavnic – good player, but terrible as a coach. As for the players, well, it seems that they have some individual qualities but unfortunately they suck as a team, especially our two key players, Gurovic and, more explicitly, Darko Milicic:


Journalist: What happened, your impression of the game?
DM: These three big [ expletive deleted ], these three [ expletive deleted ] of judges took the game from us, that’s what happened. These [ expletive deleted ], these three [ expletive deleted ], they think they are [ expletive deleted ], I’ll come over and [ expletive deleted ] their mothers in [ expletive deleted ], all three of them. That’s all i have to say. [ expletive deleted ] all three of them. [ expletive deleted ] his Italian pompeus mother in [ expletive deleted ], brother. That’s all I have to say.
Journalist: Darko, calm down, tell us your impressions…
DM: [ expletive deleted ], they can suck my [ expletive deleted ], you can put that in the papers, brother. All three of them, I don’t give a [ expletive deleted ] who they are. This is all I have to say.
Some moron from the background: You guys fought very well!
DM: The hell we did, [ expletive deleted ], he doesn’t blow the whistle, he [ expletive deleted ] his pants. I’m gonna [ expletive deleted ] his mom in the mouth. If he has a daughter, I’m gonna [ expletive deleted ] her too. We fought, I died, I’m gonna go to the medics now, and they stole the game from us like [ expletive deleted ].

translation end

So as you can see from this short but thorough statement, it was all judges’ fault really. Plus the fact that they had to shorten the hymn at the introduction ceremony from 86 seconds to 75, that had to have some influence on our players. Now give us our gold medal and maybe we’ll think about forgiving you!

Seriously now, the video can serve as a warning – see what happens when you give a whole lotta money to a kid and dispose him of any education whatsoever. Darko would fit perfectly in 90’s Serbia, playing in his Air-max nike’s.

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