Sonntag, 23. September 2007
Kraljeva Sutjeska: Everything Katarina
Kraljeva Sutjeska is basically known for two things: the Franciscan Monastery and the Dusper house - the oldest typical house in Central Bosnia.

Kraljeva Sutjeska. (novala)
The monastery was built in the 14. century.

Apart from that and one the oldest mosque everything is Katarina. When the Ottaman conquered Bobovac Queen Katarina escaped to Rome and never saw her home country again. But the citizens of Kraljeva Sutjeska keep her name alive. A lot of places, people and items are named after the last Bosnian queen.

In the village
House in Kraljeva Sutjeska. (novala)

The driveway to the monastery
Monasterey Kraljeva Sutjeska. (novala)

The monastery contains a museum and a library.
Wall in Kraljeva Sutjeska. (novala)

"The war hasn't happened in Kraljeva Sutjeska", the guide said. I wonder where this crater in the wall comes from. Fireworks?
Window. (novala)

The church has seen definitely better days.
Church. (novala)

There are little plates in the walls to show if the cracks are getting larger.
Wall in church. (novala)

Dusper-house ...
Old Bosnian house in Kraljeva Sutjeska. (novala)

... and Madonna protecting it.
Madonna. (novala)

Tourist Info Kraljeva Sutjeska [Bosnian, English, German]
BH Tourism Kraljeva Sutjeska [Bosnian, English, German]

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Video: Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Freitag, 21. September 2007
Bobovac - As Green As Green Can Get
So let's wrap this up. Two more to go and we are done with Bosnia for 2007. I'll spare you the pics from the Sarajevo Film Festival, because right now I'm home sick and bored.

Sign. (novala)

Bobovac. About an hour's drive from Sarajevo the shock absorbers of my car presumably ended their lives on the dirt track to the medieval remains of the Bobovac fortress. They did it gracefully.

View towards Bobovac. (novala)

Shock absorbers or not, I still had to walk 1,5 hours to reach the hill with the little chapel. It used to be a court and turned into a chapel dedicated to St. Michael in the 15th century.

Chapel. (novala)

It's a green walk. A nice and easy green walk. Anyone with two healthy legs can do it. Not as impressive as Sutjeska National Park, but nice for those who are into green.

Here you can see an drawing of the ancient Bobovac fortress that protected the Bosnian monarchs:
Drawing of the ancient Bobovac. (novala)

It must have been a not too small settlements in the mountains. What an effort to conquer it.

View. (novala)
Click to see full green panorama: bobovac_xl (jpg, 98 KB)

Signs. (novala)

I regard this as an unobtrusive invitation to come back for some rock-climbing.

Rocks. (novala)

Flower. (novala)

River. (novala)

Wikipedia on Bobovac [English]
Beautiful website: Nongovernmental Association "Kraljevski grad Bobovac" [English, German, Italian, Bosnian]

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Donnerstag, 20. September 2007
Fitzcarraldos Traum
Die relationship liegt wieder im Hafen und was uns über Wasser hält, ist nicht nur die Verdrängung (frei nach Kutter), sondern auch das Land in Sicht.

Harte Arbeit hat Astrid in die Ausstellung "esperanto" gesteckt, die heute Abend im Brick 5 in 15., Fünfhausgasse 5 eröffnet wurde. Sehr zu empfehlen. Am 22. und 23.9. verkaufen die ausstellenden Künstler eigene Werke.

Building Brick 5. (novala)

Astrid und Luca. (novala)

Schild. (novala)

Fitzcarraldos Traum. (novala)

Bilder. (novala)

Bilder. (novala)

Buffet. (novala)

Astrid Steinbrecher
Brick 5

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