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08.10.2007 - 17:53

August 11th: Mobilization Against ICE (Tacoma)

ICE Raid In Shelton Results in 25 Detained

Today, Aug. 10th, 25 workers were detained in Shelton by the Mason County Sheriff. They were clearing brush from a field but ended up working in the wrong field. Somehow the police found out and went to where they were working. There, they detained 25 people and took them to Mason County Jail, where they are currently being held. They will be taken to the ICE Detention Facility in Tacoma either tonight or tomorrow.

We are meeting in front of the Tacoma Federal Building (directions below) tomorrow, Aug. 11th, at 2 PM. Those planning on being there should come with supplies (signs, megaphones, ideas, desires, puppets, etc.) and be ready to do what they want. Those wishing to do something (make a speech, distribute liturature, propose a plan, etc.) should come prepared. This just happened today and we are doing the best that we can, given the circumstances.
08.09.2007 - 12:25

Latinos - Fighting and Resisting the War

Latino GI's are being sent on a very bad assignment, indeed. It is called the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
08.08.2007 - 00:58

Report Back From Olympia Anti-Police Rally And March

I wrote an article earlier regarding the arrest of two individuals in Olympia. After writing that article, another anarchist was arrested. This arrest bore many resemblances to the previous ones. Some, not all, have been given the impression that the police are targeting certain people, people whose names have been made public numerous times.
08.07.2007 - 11:07

VIDEO: Raging Grannies Descend on U.S. Congressman's Office

The Raging Grannies of Port Townsend went to Norm Dicks' Office to demand that the Congressman get a spine and end the war. Of course, being the Raging Grannies, they sang their political message to the tunes of a few well-known songs.
08.05.2007 - 19:56

Democrats Kill Democracy: Ironic, Isn’t It?

A few weeks ago, I met with Representative Adam Smith (D-WA) to ask why he does not support impeachment. His view was that many Presidents violated the Constitution, so what was the big deal? Besides, he said, Bush and Cheney will be repudiated in the 2008 election.
08.05.2007 - 18:50

August 27th: Protest Bush's Visit to Bellevue

Protest Satan and All His Evil Deeds George Bush will be visiting the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue on Monday, August 27th to raise funds for embattled Congressman Dave Reichert.

--> Cost to attend the General Reception: $1,000 per person
----> Cost to attend the VIP Reception: $10,000 per person
------> Cost to protest Bush and all his failed policies: priceless

We are encouraging folks to start getting set up and in place around NOON to avoid police road closures, sidewalk closures and traffic. Be prepared to stay until 4pm...
08.03.2007 - 13:53

Report Back on the Impeachment Debate in Grays Harbor

Over 45 people showed up at the Democrats' meeting in Aberdeen August 2nd. During the meeting there were arguments for and against impeachment. While not all were convinced, there was a thoughtful discussion afterward. Here is the basic script.
07.30.2007 - 23:28

August 4th: Pirates of the Health Care-ibbean

A March & Rally for Health Care Justice

Insurance pirates are hoarding a treasure chest of profit, while making the poor, sick & vulnerable walk the plank. It's time to end insurance piracy. Health care for all now!
07.30.2007 - 08:40

Police Step Up the Harassment of Olympia Activists

Jeff Berryhill Activists in Olympia are reporting police harassment, both at and away from the vicinity of protests. In the latest incident, Jeff Berryhill and his friend Mitch were arrested on Thursday, July 26th.
07.29.2007 - 21:54

Report from the "Fund the Wounded! Not the War!" Demonstration

About 200 Seattle citizens took to the streets on Saturday, July 28th, to demand better health care for Iraq war veterans and an end to the war. The signs included, "Fund the Wounded, Not the War", "Had Enough? Impeach!", and "Peace Is Patriotic".
07.23.2007 - 12:45

July 27th: Tacoma Infoshop Grand Opening Party!

you're invited to...


Pitch Pipe Infoshop grand opening party
Friday July 27 2007, 7:30pm-10pm (after Critical Mass)
617 South 17th St (corner of S 17th & S G St)
Tacoma, WA

07.20.2007 - 13:00

July 22nd: Gospel, gumbo, pudding!! Seattle Common Ground Concert this Sunday

Rev. Pat Wright and the Total Experience Choir at the June 8 benefit The members of Seattle Common Ground Relief Collective have been working for over a year now to organize and inspire the survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita who were displaced to the Puget Sound region around the call to Return, Rebuild, and Renew! Along the way, the Rev. Pat Wright has provided spiritual food in the form of a series of gospel benefit concerts.

A Benefit Concert & Dinner
Featuring Total Experience Gospel Choir
Sunday, July 22, 2007
4-7 p.m.
Grace Episcopal Church
8595 Day Road
Bainbridge Island, WA

All donations benefit SCG’s “Lagniappe Caravan” project, which at the end of August will transport a group of survivors from Seattle to New Orleans to reconnect with their home.
07.13.2007 - 01:16

A Story From An ICE Detention Facilty

This is the abbreviated story of a supposedly “illegal” human being. It has been abbreviated for security reasons. All sensitive information has been removed.

07.12.2007 - 00:11

July 13th: 24 Hour Vigil for Human Rights at the Northwest Detention Center

In the wake of the failure of Congress to pass humane, effective immigration legislation, the raids, arrests and deportations conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continue. The result is the separation of families, communities living in fear, and reports of human rights abuses.

Community Members, Faith Leaders Begin 24 Hour Vigil for Human Rights at the Northwest Detention Center on Friday, July 13th at 6:15 P.M. at the Northwest Detention Center, 1623 East J. Street Tacoma WA 98421.
07.09.2007 - 22:05

August 18th: Protest Anti-Immigrant Racists!

SAVE THE DATE—Saturday, August 18 and be prepared to turn out and protest. The racist anti-immgrant group, "Washingtonians for Immigration Reform" along with the John Birch Society and the Minutemen plan to hold their second march through Seattle.
07.07.2007 - 22:52

July 16th: Agustín Aguayo Speaks Out Against War

Agustin Aguayo

Agustín Aguayo, a 35-year-old Army medic and conscientious objector, was convicted of desertion and missing movement March 6, 2007 in a U.S. military court in Germany. Although he faced a maximum of seven years in prison, Agustín was sentenced to eight months in the brig for following his conscience and refusing to participate in war.

Monday July 16 @ 7 p.m.
University Friends Meeting
4001 9th Ave NE (University District)

“Before I left for Iraq I searched deep within me, I concluded that if I go over there I can’t take a life. I ultimately said I’ll go, but I’m definitely a conscientious objector. I’m not willing to cross that line, no matter what I can’t take a life.”

07.07.2007 - 22:25

July 9th: Corrie et al v. CAT Appeal

Rachel Corrie On Monday, July 9th in Seattle, the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, will hear oral argument to decide whether to let the case Corrie et al., v. Caterpillar proceed.

Supporters are encouraged to participate Monday beginning at 9:00 A.M. and throughout the morning and early afternoon by attending the hearing itself and by helping with signing and leafleting outside.
07.07.2007 - 17:37

July 18th: From Sicko to Sanity: United for Universal Healthcare

Filmmaker Michael Moore's latest work, "Sicko" is opening up a debate across the country about the health care crisis facing America. Seattle Area Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare workers and activists are joining forces to facilitate a panel discussion about how we can be part of a movement for a national healthcare plan that gives everyone the quality care they deserve. Please join the panelists for a lively discussion on this important issue!

From "Sicko" To Sanity: Doctors, Nurses, Caregivers and Activists Unite for Universal Healthcare
Wed. July 18, 7 PM
Seattle Central Community College, room BE 1110
Contact: Jesse Hagopian,, 206-962-1685

07.05.2007 - 12:47

Police Brutality in Spokane

One of the signs during the July 4th demonstration in Spokane said "police the police". Who is there to stop the police from committing crimes against the people?
06.29.2007 - 19:56

July 2nd: OPA to Present Report on Seattle Police, Kerlikowske

The Office of Professional Accountability will present its report about Seattle police conduct in the arrest of George Patterson, and Chief Kerlikowske's defense of the officers, to the City Council Monday July 2 at 9:30 a.m. The hearing is open to the public.