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Radio IMC-Montebello - August 17-21 (Audio Links)

imc-montebello, 20.08.2007 - 12:37
photo from aug 18 Tune-in for live reporting in Spanish, French and English ...
Synthonisez pour des reportages en espagnol, en français, en anglais...

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Mobilization Against The SPP

IMC Editorial, 13.08.2007 - 01:00
battle This feature is the IMC's information clearinghouse on anti-SPP and the ongoing mobilization against the Bush/Calderón visit. Check out here regularly for the latest linked updates to articles related to the ongoing actions and events that are part of the mobilization against the visit of the "Three Amigos"/North American Competitiveness Council at Château Montebello.

Cette section se veut une centrale d'information des Centres de médias alternatifs au sujet du PSP et des manifestations actuelles contre la visite de Bush/Calderón. Visitez régulièrement pour voir les articles liés les plus récents portant sur les actions et événements actuels contre la visite des "Trois amigos" et du "Conseil nord-américain de la compétitivité" au Château Montebello.

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Join Our Team of Independent Journalists

Meera Karunananthan, 08.08.2007 - 09:51
Indymedia Ottawa is looking for volunteers in the Ottawa-Gatineau area to cover the struggle against Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. We will cover activities and events taking place in Ottawa-Gatineau and in Montebello where George Bush, Felipe Calderon and Stephen Harper will be meeting on August 20, 2007.

Indymedia Ottawa est à la recherche de bénévoles dans la region d'Ottawa-Gatineau pour couvrir la lutte contre le Partenariat nord-americain pour la sécurité et prospérité. Nous couvrirons les événements et activités qui auront lieu dans la région d'Ottawa-Gatineau ainsi qu'à Montebello où George Bush, Felipe Calderòn et Stephen Harper se réuniront le 20 aout, 2007.
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Ottawa Cinema Politica (OCP) is a go!

Denis Rancourt (dgr), 21.07.2007 - 18:03
Denis Rancourt opens new season of OCP The 2007-2008 series of the Ottawa Cinema Politica (OCP) series is a go, no thanks to the University of Ottawa's attempt to suppress it. Join us for dynamic discussions catalized by remarkable independent documentary films and speakers, every Friday evening of the academic year. And sign the petition to resign the U of O executives responsible for "protecting academic integrity"...
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Homeless Protest Outside Mayor's Office

Press Release, 08.07.2007 - 15:40
An update on the homeless protest (and the police harassment) occuring outside of Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien's office.
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No Olympics on Stolen Land: Movie and Talk

Exile Infoshop & Indigenous Solidarity Group, 07.06.2007 - 03:11
no2010 7:00pm
Thursday, June 14th
Ottawa District Labour Council Boardroom
280 Metcalfe Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
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Critical Mass Ottawa

Evan Dalrymple, 23.05.2007 - 01:00
Ride Your Bicycle Next Critical Mass is May 25th! Join use at Confederation park at 6:00
Ride your bicycle - safety in numbers! Take back the 'autocratic use of space' by joining Ottawa's 20th Critical Mass (since 2002)- we snake around Ottawa on human powered vehicles (mainly bicycles) the last Friday of everymonth, the event happens in hundreds of cities all over the world to highlight a whole litany of issues- predominately the use of public space, sustainability/ ecology issues and human rights issues.
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Ottawa War Recruiting Office Vandalized

The National Capital Crimes Commission, 10.05.2007 - 06:56
The National Capital Crimes Commission issues its first communique after vandalizing the War Recruiting Centre in downtown Ottawa.
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Ottawa Indymedia Editorial Policy (Nov 2006)

IMC Editorial, 08.05.2007 - 10:17
What is acceptable material for posting on Ottawa Indymedia
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May Day Rally

Ottawa Panhandlers' Union, 29.04.2007 - 13:28
Join Ottawa panhandlers, buskers, artists, vendors, and labour activists for a rally and snakemarch on Tuesday, May 1st at noon at the Human Rights Monument in front of Ottawa City Hall to take back control of Ottawa's streets.
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Text En attendant Bush...
20-08-2007 11:01

Text A Hijacked Writ-Small
20-08-2007 10:58

Text PSP: Message de Barlow et Asselin
20-08-2007 07:55

Text Québec solidaire à Montebello
20-08-2007 07:28

Video Community Info Distro Party in Hawkesbury!
20-08-2007 07:11

Text Joining in solidarity, differing in ideology
20-08-2007 00:49

Text A NAFTA SuperHighway?
19-08-2007 22:53

Image Camping for social change
19-08-2007 22:44

Text 19 août: Critique rigoureuse du PSP
19-08-2007 21:29

Image Photos from Montebello - August 19
19-08-2007 20:06

Image Ottawa Protest Coverage - Photos & Slide Show
19-08-2007 19:30

Text Montebello is Fortress North America
19-08-2007 15:56

Text Bike caravan arrives in Montebello
19-08-2007 15:16

Video Manif pré-Montebello
19-08-2007 14:16

Text Des manifestants retenus à Hawkesbury
19-08-2007 12:38

Text Anarchists Attack Bell Canada Enterprises!!
19-08-2007 11:05

Image No SPP - CN's sabotage in Mtl. (2 comments)
19-08-2007 06:22

Image Photos! Montebello before the storm
19-08-2007 00:20

Image Montebello Pre-demo security
18-08-2007 22:07

Text Prospects for Filipinos in CanadaundertheSPP
18-08-2007 20:55

Text Ottawa - Scotiabank hit by Anarchists!! (1 comment)
18-08-2007 11:59

Text GRC : Information à l'intention des manifs...
18-08-2007 09:28

Text Bush lands in Montebello tomorrow!
17-08-2007 14:47

Text CKUT: Jaggi Singh explique le PSP
16-08-2007 16:59

Text Communiqué du campement autogéré
16-08-2007 14:24

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Text Canadian mining abroad: prosperity for whom?
20-08-2007 09:32

19-08-2007 13:07

Text Positions de base des communistes internation
19-08-2007 09:29

Text 911-2B: American Nightmare & Neocon Fantasy
18-08-2007 21:45

Image Toxic Treaty Favors Japan, Not the Philippine
18-08-2007 06:28

Text A new Green Economy in Ontario!
18-08-2007 06:24

Text Panhandling laws do not address poverty!
18-08-2007 06:20

Text U.S. Troops "You can kill anyone you want"
16-08-2007 13:50

Image Hamas TV’s child star says she’s ready for ma
16-08-2007 08:46

Text Fascism of the Heart
16-08-2007 08:12

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