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Author and syndicated columnist. Soldier, developmental aid advocate, war game designer, lecturer, and radio commentator. Austin Bay’s next novel, The Wrong Side of Brightness, is now available. To read Chapter1, click here.

Austin’s syndicated column runs in newspapers throughout the United States and on several Web sites. Read Austin's columns written during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Recall The New York Times March 26 article that called the US attack a "quagmire" and said the battle would last for months? In a column March 28 Austin shows why 25 days was his prediction, with five to six weeks the outside.

To link to a Morning Edition radio commentary, click here.Words matter. Actions matter. Learn about micro-development aid here. Contact Mr. Bay via Creators Syndicate Web site. For speaking engagement information, click here.

Recently on Austin Bay Blog

The Wrong
Side of Brightness

Trade paperback

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Austin Bay, 2005