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The Lebanon-Support portal was launched during the Israeli attack on Lebanon, and its services were launched fully by the time of the cease-fire and the beginning of the recovery phase.

The portal was conceptualized after several discussions between the partners on the best manner to support coordination efforts where all actors (local CBOs/NGOs, INGOs, international agencies, and others) can interact and share information. This was in addition to attempting to solve a problem faced by the coordination mechanisms already in existence, such as OCHA/HIC and the HRC. The latter platforms were able to provide information on a macro level (large UN operations, government operations) but lacked the ability to link with localized projects.

The portal had been designed to take into consideration the fluid situation regarding relief coordination in Lebanon. The Coordination Platform had taken into consideration the fact that Lebanese civil society is very active and that, from previous experience, recovery and development will be undertaken by a variety of actors of different sizes, shapes, and access to resources. The design of the portal reflected this fact and created a space where different kinds of actors can interact and share information.

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