Spontaneous Volunteer Movement during the July war on Lebanon:

Samidoun | Samidoun

12 July 2006, a sudden Israeli aggression displaced within weeks 1.000.000 Lebanese people. Terrorized by the shower of bombs and rockets, populations of South Lebanon and of the Southern suburb of Beirut took shelter in empty schools and other public buildings of the capital. As soon as the first refugees had arrived to these safer areas, NGO-s, influential political parties, and civil society mobilized their personnel and militants and switched their plans of actions to dedicate all their resources into relief efforts targeting the Internally Displaced Population (IDP). At the same time spontaneous relief operations took birth. Those centers had to improvise the logistics of operations since relief was not their core competency. Nevertheless they have been holding the greatest burden of IDPs relief responsibility as late as 3 weeks after the arrival of first refugees. One of the first spontaneous and independent centers was born meters away from the Sanayeh public garden, in the so-called Zico House. It is the Sanayeh Relief Center (SRC) – Samedoon which carried the bulk of the relief operation in 24 refugees' centers.
Before the war, Zico House was a socio-artistic phenomenon in Beirut. It hosts several venues: Beirut Street Festival and other avant-garde art festivals and serves as hostel for artists. It was also the home of diverse NGOs such as Green Line, Lebanese Association for Democracy of Elections, Helem, and Women in IT in addition to the artsy cafe-bar "Samra". With the arrival of the first refugees to the near-by Sanayeh Park, people who used to attend Zico House for this or that reason gathered in its café to discuss the actual situation. Naturally, the initiative of organizing a relief operation came about. The premises of Zico House quickly transformed to providing five directions of relief to IDPs: 1-essential needs provision, 2-hygienic needs provision, 3-medical care, 4-children animation, and 5-psycho-social support. All the work there was planned and carried out by volunteers who were not remunerated. Relief work was supported by NGOs like Physicians Without Borders, Oxfam, Red Cross, ARI and others. The guidance and organization of the work were kindly provided by Professors and members from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the American University of Beirut, who volunteered to promote scientific references of relief work.
We were interested to find out who are these people who decided to join a non-affiliated relief center while they could have joined a multitude of others, belonging to political parties or to religious welfare institutions, which are richer and more organized. We took a random sample of 80 among the 220 who were subscribed the 21th of July or the 7th day of hostilities.

SAMIDOUN Financial Reports

Samidoun | Samidoun

Attached to this Document are Samidoun's Financial Reports:

- Samidoun Beirut Operations covering needs on all areas (food, Hygiene, Medical, Phsycosocial, Sanitation, Community Organization, etc..) to 33 schools including Sanayeh Garden and Theaters. From July 12th till August 18th Download Report

Why Samidoun Is not Participating in the Organization of the International Conference in Solidarity with the Resistance

Samidoun | Solidarity Campaign


Following the call from the International Organizing Committee of the Cairo Conference, Samidoun wholeheartedly agreed to assist and host an international solidarity conference in Beirut to be held between 24 and 26 November 2006.
Although Samidoun had contacted several parties and organizations to participate in the coordination of the conference, we were informed that another conference had been planned at the beginning of November. Although previous experience with the organizers had been negative, from the perspective of democracy and respecting internal priorities, Samidoun agreed that efforts must be joined.
In spite of the initiative to unify efforts in these difficult circumstances, the new conference was called using the same "discouraging" methods, through lack of coordination and not including Samidoun in coordination meetings and discussions. Therefore we would like to clarify the following:

SAMIDOUN Secondary Assessment of Most Vunlerable to winter risks

Samidoun | Samidoun


An assessment targeting the most vulnerable, in the villages with small and medium population which has been attacked during the last war. The detailed assessment contains information regarding the population, schools, community places, extremely vulnerable persons and the needs of the villages communities.

Samidoun Relief Network: Psychosocial Support Project: Progress Report

Samidoun | Samidoun


Early psychosocial interventions for the war-affected citizens

Sep 15th:
In collaboration with Al Jana Cultural Centre, "Jabal Al Nawras", a theatrical performance by the Ramallah Cultural Group for Popular Arts was conducted. The play tells the story of a boy faced by some challenges and how he could overcome them with the help and support of his loved ones. Children coming from Beirut Suburb (Baajour and Mar Elias camp) were very excited, sang and interacted enthusiastically with the actors.

SAMIDOUN: Assesment of Situation of 70 Villages in South Lebanon

Samidoun | Samidoun


Mapping conducted by SAMIDOUN teams from the Tyre hub on 70 selected villages in South Lebanon, mid September 2006.
Available in PDF. Click on attachements to view or download. NEW: Assessment of ELECTRICITY, WATER, COMMUNICATIONS, TRANSPORTATION.
This section is in progress.

Samidoun's Assesment of Situation in Southern Suburb of Beirut

Samidoun | Samidoun


ENGLISH VERSION ONLINE - SAMIDOUN's assesment of situation in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut, first week of September 2006.

Detailed Report on Relief Operations in Srifa

Samidoun | Samidoun


This is a detailed report on relief activities in the town of Srifa up to August 29, 2006.



Up to 12 August 2006Click on "view original" to enlarge, or download pdf.


Samidoun | Samidoun

Samidoun South Lebanon Projects in TYR and in Aita El Shaeb are in need of Proffessional VOlunteers in the following fields:

- Architecture Students or Graduates, no experience needed (URGENT)
The Aita El Shaeb Base is helping the community in the reconstruction phase and it is as well trying to maintain the heritage and history of village by trying to safe-keep the architecture and social organization of the Old Village, and for such it needs Architects to help the Reconstruction unit in their work. for more information call Ismail @ 03-245991 if you find the phone is out of connection or off please send a message and he will call you back.

Olmert Gives Green Light to Developing Bionic Arsenal

Attrocities and Killing | Local Media

Nahar Net

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has given the green light for the Jewish State to set up a special office to develop a nanotechnology arsenal, the leading Hebrew daily reported on Friday.
Yediot Aharonot said that Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres had been told to choose 15 top thinkers to focus on developing futuristic weaponry. The 15 would be selected from within the security establishment, the world of hi-tech and academia.

Washington needs more than bogus praise from Israel

Local Media | Political analysis

The Daily Star

Even the closest friends of the Bush family don't dare say anything about Iraq that approximates what Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told President George W. Bush in their recent meeting at the White House. For having made even more guarded statements than Olmert's declaration that the peoples of the Middle East should be grateful to America and to Bush for the operation in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and a number of Republican congressmen were forced to retire. Robert Gates, designated to replace Rumsfeld, would certainly not sign off on Olmert's observation that the war in Iraq made a "dramatic positive contribution" to security and stability in the region. Even British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush's close ally, would probably not have replied like Olmert to a question about a possible withdrawal from Iraq that he doesn't know that America is weighing a withdrawal.

LEBANON: Images of War

Local Media | Solidarity Campaign

Tadamon Montreal

LEBANON: Images of War
A Multimedia Journey Through the 34-Day War in Lebanon & Its Aftermath

An evening featuring an interactive multimedia presentation on the recent war on Lebanon and its aftermath, with award-winning independent reporter Ana Nogueira of Democracy Now! & photojournalist Andrew Stern....

Cluster Bombs & Israel's 2006 Military Attack on LEBANON.

Local Media | Solidarity Campaign


Cluster Bombs & Israel's 2006 Military Attack on LEBANON.

A Presentation from HABBOUBA AOUN of the Landmine Resource Center in
Beirut on
Israeli Cluster Bombs & their impact on the Lebanese people.

Halutz: Troops violated 'explicit' orders not to use cluster bombs

Local Media | Political analysis

The Daily Star

Israel's army chief launched an investigation into the military's use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, following media reports that he had not authorized wide use of the controversial munitions in fighting.