Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Iraq : Labor/Economics/Business

Iraqi Oil Scheme Protest-10.jpg

Iraqi Oil Scheme Protest-10.jpg
Union Leader, Mrs. Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein: Oil Scheme Is an Economic Occupation of Iraq

Video posted to Youtube:

Audio from WSQT:


News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods

Temple Courts Residents, NAHT protest eviction plans

On the morning of June 5, residents of the beseiged Temple Courts apartment building, backed up by the National Alliance of HUD Tenants demanded that any demolition of their building be preceded by construction of new housing for all residents, just as a new stadium is being built for the Nationals prior to demolition of RFK.
(Audio: 5 min 8 seconds)
Download Link


News :: Globalization/Anti-Globalization

No Borders, No Nations: Day of Protest against Racist Migration Laws and Borders at the G8 Summit in Germany

Monday June 4th was a day dedicated to the struggle to end racist laws towards migrants, for freedom of movement of all people and to draw attention to the role the G8 countries and the institutions they control play in creating the conditions that force people to leave their homes and migrate north. Throughout the day at the many actions the chant that was most heard was “We are here, we will fight, freedom of movement is our right”. This chant rose up in many languages, French, German, English, Arabic and more. Representing the many people who are held in detention camps and refugee camps across Europe. Another popular chant was “no borders, no nations, stop the deportations”. This chant expressing the main message of the days events: the abolition of borders.

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News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Globalization/Anti-Globalization : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification

Tenants and advocates protest Deutche Bank in DC as G-8 begins

On June 4,as the G-8, the eight richest nations on Earth begin to meet in Germany, the National Alliance of HUD Tenants, supported by Empower DC and Mobiliztion for Global Justice protested at the offices of Deutche Bank right here in DC asking them to stop investing in gentrifying low income housing.
(Audio 5 min 11 seconds)-download link:


News :: Globalization/Anti-Globalization

Anti-G8 Protests Begin in Germany

Today in the German City of Rostock tens of thousands of protesters marched through the city in an opening show of opposition to next weeks Group of 8 (G8) meeting in Heiligendamm, Germany. The march had two starting points at opposite sides of the city. Both marches met at the central harbor for a closing rally and concert. Activists from many backgrounds came out for the march. Carrying banners, puppets and signs protesters called attention to the many reasons to oppose the the G8. This year climate change and war took center stage among the NGO set. A large and militant block of anarchists and anti-fascists also marched. With banners and flags flying they drew attention to the larger problem of capitalism and empire. It is no use to ask the G8 to do anything was the major sentiment. It just legitimizes an illegitimate authority.

An English language news ticker with on the ground reports from the protesters: de.indymedia.org/ticker/en/
Information on the blockades: www.block-g8.org/index.php || General information on the protests: de.indymedia.org/en/

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News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Gender/Sexuality/Identity : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods

Homophobic City Councilmember, Religious Fundamentalists Team Up Against Gay Nightlife

On May 30, City councilmember Harry Thomas(Ward 5) convened a town meeting to oppose reopening the Gay clubs displaced by the stadium. Michael Kelsey, pastor of New Samaritan Baptist church, showed up with 300 signatures opposing opening the clubs. his follows the precedent of the expulsion of Gay nightlife from Dupont Circle and live music from Adams-Morgan.

More in this report from WSQT Guerilla Radio.

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News :: Anti-War/Peace : Civil Liberties/Constitution : Iraq : Military, Weapons

IVAW Member Adam Kokesh may lose his "Honorable" status over a protest

Washington, DC - Marine Corps veteran and IVAW member, Adam Kokesh, is facing a military hearing on June 4th that could result in his discharge status changing from “Honorable” to “Other Than Honorable” due to taking part in activities critical of the U.S. occupation in Iraq. Kokesh, who served in Fallujah in Iraq and was honorably discharged in November 2006, recently rejected a plea bargain offered by the military saying that it “risks the free speech rights of veterans and threatens to silence the voices of those whose experiences are most relevant in the most pressing debate before the nation.”
Press conference June 1st at 5pm, at the courtyard in front of Union Station in Washington DC.
videoVideo of Press Conference || videoVideo of Iraq Veteran Lawyer for Kokesh || Defense Fund and Letter from the Marines || Anti-war Iraq vets reenact occupation at Washington DC landmarks

VFW to Corps: Don’t Stifle Freedom of Speech

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News :: Human Rights

Israeli Occupation Forces Storms Balata Refugee Camp

On May 24, the Israeli Occupation Forces stormed Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus, Palestine. First entering the camp disguised as Palestinian civilians, and later with a number of armored vehicles, the army arrested camp residents and placed the entire population under curfew. This video produced by the Research Journalism Initiative and the Anarchist Film Collective "A-Films" documents the invasion.



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