Maine Indymedia :
Maine Indymedia


Featured news by and for the local community


News :: Children & Education

Make Open Forums Truly Accessable - Read And CALL the Governor Today

A call for action on the DOE's open forum policy


News :: Elections & Legislation : Environment : Incineration

Over 1 Million Pounds a Day of Toxic Construction & Demolition Waste Planned to be Burned in Westbrook

On Thursday, November 17, about a dozen people spoke out at a Public Hearing against plans for over a million pounds a day of toxic construction and demolition waste to be burned at the SAPPI mill in Westbrook.

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News :: Liquifide Natural Gas

The Bureau of Indian Affair’s Catch-22

Nulankeyutmonen Nkihtahkomikumon
(“We Take Care of the Land”)
P.O. Box 313, Perry, Maine 04667

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity

Veterans For Peace and the Veterans Day Parade

Veterans for Peace had some issues with the American Legion, concerning the Veterans Day Parade

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Peace : Protest Activity

The Maine Civil Liberties Union (MCLU) FOIA Requests and Monitoring of Maine Indymedia Discussion Lists.

The FBI has been monitoring open discusion lists run by Maine Independent Media Center and the Maine Coalition for Peace and Justice.

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News :: Media

Maine Video Activists Network Episode 9

Tom Manning Walking Art Show, Opportunity Maine, Net Neutrality, Hemp Fest, Medicare Part D, and Labor Day Celebration

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Announcement :: Prisons

Portland Art Show by Tom Manning, U.S. Political Prisoner

Can't Jail the Spirit: Art by Political Prisoner Tom Manning and Others

USM Area Gallery, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland
Bedford Street, Portland

Friday, September 1st – Friday, October 20th

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

You are invited to the First Annual Blackfly Ball!

You are invited to the FIRST ANNUAL BLACKFLY BALL! A dress-up dance
party for all! During Machias' wild Blueberry festival on AUGUST 19th starting at 6:30pm.



What shall we do about our Solid Waste?
Burn It! BTU’s=$$$!
Bury It and “Mine” The Gas
Seek a High Tech Solution
Reduce the Amount & High Tech
Make the Legislature Eat all Out-Of-State Waste

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