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02.19.2007 - 17:37

March 4th: Iraq War Teach-in in Tacoma

On March 4th, 2007, Tacoma SDS will be holding an Iraq war teach-in at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. The event will include speeches, discussion, lectures, music, food and more. The speakers range from Iraq vets, Evergreen and UPS professors, to students. Following the teach-in will be a free folk concert with Ryan Harvey and Brenna Sahatjian from the Riot Folk! collective.

March 4, 2007 -- 4:00pm
Wyatt Hall Room 109
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner
Tacoma, WA 98416

02.18.2007 - 10:37

February 20th: Impeachment Town Meeting in Olympia

There will be a town hall meeting in Olympia on the constitutional crisis and the case for impeachment. Washington State Senator Eric Oemig is the special guest at the town hall meeting. Elizabeth de la Vega, David Lindorff and Ray McGovern are the speakers.

Where: Washington Center for the Performing Arts,
512 Washington SE, Olympia, WA

When: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 7 p.m.
Doors open at 6 p.m.

No charge for admission.
02.16.2007 - 13:53

Memories of Camp Quixote

The abbreviated story of Olympia's Camp Quixote
02.14.2007 - 07:41

Occupation Project Seattle Returns to Occupy McDermott's Office

Seattle Occupation Project Today, Wednesday, Feb 14th, the Seattle Occupation Project will "visit" Representative Jim McDermott's downtown office, 1809 7th Avenue, Suite 1212, Seattle. They plan to ask him for a promise to vote _against_ any further funding for the illegal war.

Code Pink will also be visiting McDermott's Washington DC office.
02.13.2007 - 12:26

February 16: Antiwar Movie Night -- "The Ground Truth"

The Democrats' Exit Strategy The International Socialist Organization presents its first antiwar movie night:

The Ground Truth
8:00 pm, Friday, February 16
$5 suggested donation
21st and Union Community Center, 2111 E Union St.
Discussion to follow featuring Chanan Suarez-Diaz, Iraq veteran and President of Iraq Veterans Against War, Seattle Chapter

02.11.2007 - 20:49

Report from the February 10th Leonard Peltier March and Rally

February 2, 2007 marked the 31st anniversary of Leonard Peltier's illegal extradition to the United States from Canada using coerced and fraudulent testimony. This was the beginning of his odyssey that resulted in his false conviction for the June 1975 murder of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation in Fargo, North Dakota 1977.

On February 10th, supporters from around the Pacific Northwest joined together for a march, demanding freedom for Leonard Peltier.

02.11.2007 - 20:38

Interview with Rosalinda Guillen

Saturday, February 10th, community and student groups from Bellingham, Tacoma, Olympia, and Seattle held a vigil at the Tacoma Detention Center to protest Immigration Control and Enforcement's (I.C.E.) aggressive immigration enforcement tactics.

Rosalinda Guillen was at the vigil and talked to Seattle Indymedia about the ongoing struggle for human and immigrant rights.

02.08.2007 - 07:29

March 21st: IWW Protest at Starbucks' General Meeting

The IWW Starbucks Workers Union and Justice from Bean to Cup! campaign invite you to the Starbucks Annual Shareholder Meeting for a celebration of dissent and resistance. Around the world, cafe workers and coffee farmers are struggling against the exploitative labor practices of the world’s largest coffee chain. Baristas in New York, Chicago, and Rockville have made common cause with union baristas in New Zealand and Canada to create an independent voice on the job and win a living wage. At the same time in locations including Ethiopia and Kenya, coffee farmers are demanding that Starbucks respect their autonomy and right to survive.
02.08.2007 - 04:46

February 10: Leonard Peltier March in Tacoma

Leonard Peltier Photograph by Jeffry Scott 14th annual NW Leonard Peltier March & Rally
12:00 NOON: MARCH FOR JUSTICE Portland Ave. Park (on Portland Ave. between E. 35th & E. Fairbanks. Take Portland Ave. exit off I-5 and head east)
1:00 PM: RALLY FOR JUSTICE U.S. Federal Court House, 1717-Pacific Ave.

These are very important times for Leonard Peltier. A new lawsuit has been filed to get all the documents the government has withheld. There are many parallels between Leonard's case & the war in Iraq. Both were created upon the foundation of lies. In time many of the fabrications were revealed. In both cases the government resisted releasing documents that revealed the truth. Behind both are the same reasons for what took place, the interests of multi-national energy corporations. This year our call is for: PEACE WITH JUSTICE & TRUTH! FREE THE DOCUMENTS!
02.07.2007 - 00:46

Camp Quixote Given Orders To Disperse

On February 1st, the day that the City of Olympia banned sitting, panhandling or performing (except in designated areas) on the sidewalk, the Poor People’s Union (PPU) set up a tent encampment in downtown Olympia at the corner of Capitol and Columbia, since that time, the encampment has grown to include 25 tents, each holding more than one person, a kitchen, a portable toilet and a wooden, communal hall.

All of us in the camp view it as our home and respect it as such. People who would have been sleeping outside alone, isolated from any sort of community have now found one, a community with one thing in common: the City has no concern for us as human beings.

Now that we have begun to take care of ourselves independently of the City, the local government and their police are preparing to come and destroy the small, beautiful place that we have built for ourselves.
02.06.2007 - 13:26

Lt. Ehren Watada's Trial Video Updates

Lt. Watada Lt. Ehren Watada's court martial trial began February 5, 2007, at Fort Lewis, Washington. PepperSpray Productions has compiled a series of video updates.
02.04.2007 - 07:42

Watada Videos from Pepperspray

Two videos, "Soldier We Love You, Lt. Ehren Watada, GI Resister" and "The War Tribunal" are available from
01.29.2007 - 21:19

Report from the January 27th Demonstration

On Saturday, January 27th, a crowd estimated to between 2,000 and 2,500 marched through the Central District of Seattle. The march was organized by a coalition of activists who demanded that the U.S. government end the War in Iraq and bring the troops home now.

For the past couple years, most anti-war demonstrations have been organized by ANSWER. The marches would pass through the downtown core -- beginning or ending at one or more of three hubs: the Federal Building, Westlake Park, and Seattle Center. The January 27th protest was a welcome sea change. It began at 21st and Union, outside the Center for Social Justice, the former headquarters for Aaron Dixon's 2006 campaign for U.S. Senator. Rather than shouting anti-war slogans at downtown shoppers, the activists targeted a stronghold of the military -- the Jackson Place Army Recruiting Center -- and shut it down.

01.29.2007 - 12:28

Seattle Anti War Protest, January 27, 2007

Protest Photo audio slideshow on Saturday's protest that shut down an army recruiting center in Seattle.
01.28.2007 - 20:42

February 3: SDS Zine Release Party - Tacoma

SDS zine release party in Tacoma. Free music, karaoke, vegan food, zines, and more!

The party starts at 8:00pm in Club Rendezvous at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. Club Rendezvous is in the basement of the student union building next to the Cellar (pizza place). Feb. 3, 2007. Bring your friends, all are welcome.
01.28.2007 - 18:20

What categories do we need for improved Indymedia Newswire?

The first practical steps to improve the Newswire are:
(1) develop a consensus for a small number of useful categories
(2) find enthusiastic tech people to make this happen
01.26.2007 - 14:58

January 27: March & Rally to Bring the Troops Home Now!

More than 3000 American troops and 650,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the lies that Democrats and Republicans have used to justify this war. This must end now.

Date/Time: January 27 (Saturday), 1:00 pm
Location: Center for Social Justice (formerly the Dixon campaign headquarters) at 2111 E Union St. in Seattle's Central District.
Sponsored by: Jan. 27 Coalition to Bring the Troops Home
01.23.2007 - 09:28

Report from the Citizen's Hearing

Over 400 people crowded a hearing room in Tacoma, WA on January 20th and 21st for a Citizen's Tribunal on the case Of Lieutenant Ehren Watada. Watada is being Court Martialled at Fort Lewis for refusing deployment to the Iraq war with his Stryker Brigade.
01.19.2007 - 00:47

January 28th: Seattle IMC Meeting

SUNDAY January 28th
12:30 pm -- Editorial Meeting

3 pm - Technical Meeting

The Gayton Family Meeting Room
Douglass-Truth Branch
Seattle Public Library
2300 E. Yesler Way
Seattle, WA 98122

Have you wanted to write for the Seattle IMC? Or, would you like to work behind the scenes on the technical aspects of new media?
Help us improve our reporting -- and the way we deliver it

01.16.2007 - 00:33

Report on MLK Day In Seattle

Thousands of people turned out on Monday, January 15th, to remember Martin Luther King, Jr., and his unfinished work. At the rally at Franklin High school, speaker after speaker quoted King's eloquent and powerful words.