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  • Welcome to San Francisco Indymedia v3.0!

    You may have noticed some technical difficulties with San Francisco Indymedia. There are a couple reasons for our continued downtime:
    1. We moved our server.
      For a long time, we were hosted by Linefeed, who had servers at the California Community Colo. The community colo shut down but a new one is growing in its absence -- the San Francisco Community Colocation Project. Our server has moved there & we are settled in.

    2. Our database server went up in smoke.
      During the move, the machine that hosted our database literally caught fire and began smoking. Thanks to a generous donation from a local activist and Global IMC, that machine was replaced with one that is much better than the previous database server. We are now up and running on the new database box.

    3. We are preparing a radical codebase migration.
      For a while, SF-IMC has experimented with different formats and variations on the traditional Indymedia model. We've found some things that work and some things that don't. In the meantime, other IMC's have heard the call for upgrading the IMC codebases to match contemporary advances in user-generated content websites. This culminated in a meeting of Indymedia programmers in Sao Paulo, Brazil this past year at the first ever Techmeet. The project to revamp the Indymedia codebases is now underway and SF-IMC is participating. So, we are migrating our codebase and preparing to do a massive overhaul. Please bear with us!
    We will be finished with our upgrades soon and SF-IMC will be back and fully functioning. Thank you for your continued patience.

    Reclaim the Media and have Fun!

    ...your sf-active coder team

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