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Army Dismisses Olson Subpeona

January 31-February 2:
Tacoma, WA: With two charges of "conduct unbecoming an officer" having been dropped in the impending court martial of Lt. Ehren Watada, the U.S. Army has dismissed its subpeona for testimony from independent journalist Sarah Olson and Honolulu Star-Bulletin reporter Greg Harkesako. The dismissal of these two charges against Watada both reduce his possible prison term by two years as well as remove any threat of prison time for Ms. Olson who had stated the opinion that journalists should not be forced to testify in the prosecution of free speech. The turn around of events is being heralded as a victory for the rights of a free press. The Free Press Working Group has the story here. For an interview with Sarah Olson follow this link to Democracy Now.

Genoa, Italy: The trial against some 25 activists for "sacking and devastation" during the July 2001 Group of 8 Summit got under way once again on January 16; this, after a long delay in the proceedings. The activists are being supported by the organization Supporto Legale, which is also bringing legal proceedings against the police for violence, torture and abuse of power. Global Indymedia has the story here.

Washington, D.C: In a move reminiscent of the Bush Administration's pre-Iraq invasion progaganda campaign, U.S. officials in both Washington, D.C. and Baghdad reportedly will be unveiling new evidence which implicates Iran in attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq. According to State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack, the administration has evidence which implicates Iran in Sectarian attacks against Iraq's Sunni minority as well as U.S. forces there. Read more here.


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Announcement :: Media

Action Alert - ATT Proposal To Fayetteville

CAT1.jpgAs was mentioned by long-time journalist Bill Moyers at the recent National Media Reform Conference in Memphis, the media giants will stop at nothing in order to consolidate, not only their profits but their power to control the content of what the average person is exposed to . In recent days, AT&T; has made a proposal to the City of Fayetteville which could, in the long run, adversely affect Community Access Television and internet service in the local area. What follows serves to further explain the potential threat which now looms over independent media in Fayetteville.


Commentary :: War

The Unthinkable: The US-Israeli Nuclear War On Iran

The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity.


Commentary :: War

Bush Must Go: Only Impeachment Can Stop Him

10197.jpgWhen are the American people and their representatives in Congress and the military going to wake up and realize that the US has an insane war criminal in the White House who is destroying all chances for peace in the world and establishing a police state in the US?


Commentary :: Media

Army Attempts To Redefine Free Speech

olson-jamail.jpgU.S. Army Prosecuters have subpoenaed two journalists to testify for the prosecution in the Court Martial of Lt. Ehren Watada who, in 2006, refused deployment to Iraq on the grounds that the U.S. occupation there is immoral. Both independent journalist Sarah Olson, and Honolulu Star Bulletin reporter Gregg Kakesako, face potential prison time if they do not testify against Mr. Watada whose exercising of his First-Amendment right to free speech served as their source of information. Another respected independent journalist, Dahr Jamail, has been put on the prosecution's witness list. The article that follows clearly and precisely clarifies Ms. Olson's objections to the Army's attempts to censor, and thus chill constitutionally-guaranteed speech and the right to a free press.


Commentary :: Right Wing

A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule

Borrowing the opening line from Dickens' Tale of Two Cities - "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...." He referred to the French Revolution promising "Liberte, egalite and fraternite" that began in 1789, inspired by ours from 1775 - 1783. It ended a 1000 years of monarchal rule in France benefitting those of privilege and established the nation as a republic the way ours did for us here a few years earlier.


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

A Gathering of the Radically Concerned

abyali.jpgIn solidarity with the Zapatista Encounter with the People of the World in Chiapas, Mexico.


Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

December 22: A Day of Solidarity With the People Of Oaxaca

Oaxaca5.jpgPeople across The U.S.A Demonstrate at Mexican consulates to Condemn the Murders and Violence by State and Federal forces in Oaxaca, Mexico


Commentary :: Peace

More Troops Means More Genocide

abbie_1x1.jpgGood fucking luck Democrats.

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