New Hampshire IMC :
New Hampshire IMC


Featured news by and for the local community


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Astronauts and Other High Flyers

The media celebrates astronauts' deaths while ignoring the total cost.

I spent a good part of my enlistment in the United States Air Force at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. I happened to be there when three astronauts died in a fire in Florida. The media focused on the event with laser beam precision and devoted innumerable man-hours revealing the details to an eager public.

On January 27th of this year we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the tragic deaths of the three United States astronauts who were incinerated in that space capsule on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida.


News :: Durham-UNH : Elections & Legislation

Senator Barack Obama Visits UNH


Yesterday was the official start of “Obama-mania” in New Hampshire. About 2400 people filled the Lundholm Gymnasium at UNH, waiting in anticipation, while strains of “Rescue Me” and “A Change'll Do You Good” played in the background. While awaiting the senator's arrival, I asked a few people what had lured them out to hear Obama speak.

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Commentary :: Globalization

Through Being Cool


I like being cool.

I like cool things. I like irreverent, funny TV shows. I like to see “the man” taken down a peg.

I like Andy Milonakis. I like the Colbert Report. I like Family Guy.

And I LOVE Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a perfect amalgam of slackerdom, surrealism, and superheroes. Sometimes I even imagine myself as a superhero who does nothing all day. I can relate.

As a loyal viewer, I was expected to respond with a middle finger of solidarity when Boston “overreacted” to Adult Swim’s marketing campaign. I should have laughed at the stupid city officials who thought a lite-brite was dangerous.

But I didn’t laugh. I felt manipulated. Was something wrong with me? When did I turn into such a square? Was I actually on the side of “the man?”

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Commentary :: Housing : Urban Development

The Cocheco Waterfront Development Plan is an Unoriginal Project of Gentrification

Condos, townhouses, and yuppie art galleries are not the way to distinguish Dover from any other waterfront mill town on the rebound.

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News :: Children & Education : Durham-UNH : Elections & Legislation : War

Cost to New Hampshire of Iraq War

Even before an additional 20,000 troops are sent to Iraq, NH citizens and businesses will pay about $1.5 billion for Iraq war this year. That sum equals nearly one-third of the entire state budget and would pay for health care for one-third of the state's residents.

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Commentary :: Environment

Don’t believe NH Fish and Game’s public relations campaign, instead know the truth

It is time to end hunter domination of NH Fish and Game Department and fund a true state wildlife agency that will put wildlife's needs first and that will fairly represent those who don't hunt, fish, or trap, since they too have an interest in wildlife and their habitats.

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News :: Media

Bradley Roland Will, U.S. Journalist and Camerman, Killed By Oaxaca Paramiliaries

Brad Will a U.S. journalist and cameraman, was shot and killed yesterday in Oaxaca, Mexico, by paramilitaries affiliated with the PRI, the former Mexican ruling party. Will was in Oaxaca covering the continued resistance of teachers and other workers against the PRI-controlled government of the State of Oaxaca. According to reports from New York City Independent Media Center and La Jornada, Will, 36, was shot at the Santa Lucia Barricade from a distance of 30-40 meters in the pit of the stomach by plainclothes paramilitaries and died while en route to the Red Cross.

Read the New York IMC Press Release.


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News :: Protest Activity

Trial of Dover Six

The trial of the Dover 6 started at Henry Law Park just off Central Ave on Monday Oct 30 with a group of about 20 people including most of the 6 and many supporters. After a brief discussion and some minor harassment from a passerby the group marched in silence to the Dover District Courthouse where their trial for trespassing at NH Congressman Jeb Bradley's office was scheduled for 1 pm.

The six people, including William Woodward, Macy Morse, Randy Kezar, Nina Jordan, Lee Roberts, and Aaron Carine were arrested May 31, 2006, at Bradley's office after the congressman's nonresponse to the group's request for a substantial statement or committment regarding withdrawing American forces from Iraq. The protesters were charged with criminal trespass, a class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine.


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Which term do you prefer for illegal immigrants?
Illegal Criminals (hat tip, Fox News)
Illegal Aliens
Undocumented Workers
Economic Migrants
Republican Scapegoats


A 'different set of rules' may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
-- Newt Gingrich, speaking at the Nackey S. Loeb First Amendment award dinner
Source: Union Leader

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