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Photo/Video Report: SOU Students Walk-Out F14

Rogue IMC Volunteers, 15.02.2007 - 23:09
SOU Students walk out of classes to protest program cuts On Wednesday, February 14th, hundreds of students cut classes to gather at Southern Oregon University in a demonstration of solidarity “to try and promote education in our state.”

Following the rally several hundred students were joined by faculty, staff and community supporters and the mass of education supporters marched from the university campus to Ashland's downtown plaza.

Here you can find a photo and video clip report-back of the SOU Valentine's Day March & Rally 2007 that took place in Ashland, Oregon.
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WSF: Corporatization of Poverty, Local Reporter in Africa

Kate Eleanor, 12.02.2007 - 19:24
The World Social Forum began on January 25 with a march from the biggest slum in Africa, Kibera (the location of the movie Constant Gardener) to Uhuru Park (Freedom Park). A huge stadium was filled with street puppets, banners for every social justice cause under the African sun, gigantic multi-colored PACE flag, signs that said "The World's Number 1 Terrorist" over a picture of our commander in chief, and people in blazing African colored dresses, saris, hijabs, those sporting Mohawks and just every stripe and color all rocked out to the music.
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SOU Students WALK OUT For Education!

Ian Dooley, 11.02.2007 - 08:46
Fund Higher Education NOW! Walkout on campus Valentine's Day, February 14th, at 11:30 a.m..

"The purpose of the walk-out will be to support funding for education in this state. We will be meeting in front of the SU (courtyard) and then walking together to the Plaza downtown"--Ian Dooley, SOU student

Note: 50 to 55 positions representing faculty and staff are being eliminated - translates to department, program and service cuts.

Ian Dooley spoke about the walk-out on the 2/12/07 editon of The Brain Labor Report radio show. Here for the MP3 audio file:  http://www.kskq.org/blr/2007/02/12/walk-out-sou-to-save-education/
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Photos 3000 Dead Memorial in Medford 1/6/07

Photography by Kate Gould, 04.02.2007 - 12:25
A large gathering of peace activists came together in Medford, Oregon on January 6, 2007 to remember the loss of 3000 United States solidiers in the Iraq War.

Click on any photo to make it larger
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Local Reporter: World Social Forum/AbuGhraib

Kate Eleanor , 30.01.2007 - 21:08
I attended one presentation where two women from Abu Ghraib gave their testimony about their treatment by American soldiers . . . . One woman started to give her testimony in Arabic, when the room erupted with "Alakbar, alakbar, down with USA, alakbar, alakbar, down with Bush, down with USA, down with Bush!". (Amen, amen, down with USA….). These men thrust their arms up in unison with each line, and I about jumped in my chair. (This was when I flipped over the badge stating my name and country.)

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"My Brother is going to Baghdad"-video clips

Wes Brain for OPEU D4 Productions, 29.01.2007 - 22:04
click any photo to make big On January 27th, 2007 over 100 Iraq war demonstrators stood strong in Medford Oregon to show a voice united with those who marched in Washington D.C. and across the nation.

Hear interviews with family members of a soon to be deployed soldier.

Sister speaks out: "He was ROTC so he could pay for college, and in 2000 when he signed up for ROTC none of this was happening. So he kind of got stuck...Right now he's in the last week of training before he's sent over to Baghdad."

Father speaks out: "Let's be fair. If my son goes, his daughters go. If working people's kids have to go then he's a worker too."

Sister and Father interviews in two video clips here-
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Siskiyou Environmental Film Festival!

SEFF Co sponsor, 29.01.2007 - 09:45
 * * * S E F F * * * The Siskiyou Environmental Film Festival is back for another great round of events!

Friday-Sunday, February 2-4
Havurah Sanctuary
185 North Mountain Street (down the street from SOU), Ashland, OR
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Honoring the Fallen

Jason Houk, 26.01.2007 - 14:46
Honoring The Dead Close to 100 lined the streets in Ashland, Friday 1/26/07 honoring the fallen soldiers. Since March 20, 2003, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, as well as more than 3,000 American soldiers, and others have lost their lives.
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Citizens for Peace and Justice, 24.01.2007 - 09:46


JANUARY 27, 2007


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Anne Feeney Agitates Ashland's Workforce

Jason Houk, 20.01.2007 - 11:45
* * * Anne Feeney * * * Labor singer Anne Feeney delivers a message of solidarity and empowerment in Ashland, Oregon as close to 70 community members, union and non-union workers, self-employed workers, family and friends gathered to benefit community radio, Jobs with Justice and a local workforce facing layoffs and cutbacks.
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Generic media SOU Poly Sci Prof Bill Hughes @ Feb14 Rally
18-02-2007 11:06

Image SEIU @ SOU Valentine's Day Rally For Education
16-02-2007 21:33

Generic media "Educate, Save Our State!"
15-02-2007 16:11

Image Additional protections needed for Rogue River
15-02-2007 11:56

Text KSKQ This Week Issue #26, 2-14-2007 Updates
14-02-2007 00:57

Generic media Peace Rally, Walmart and Lincoln’s Head
09-02-2007 08:31

Generic media "We are the alternative media source for SOU"
07-02-2007 09:18

Text KSKQ This Week Issue #25, 2-7-2007
06-02-2007 23:32

Image Press Recognizes "Living A Radical Peace"
06-02-2007 22:03

Text pockets of peace demonstrations all over! (1 comment)
05-02-2007 11:39

Image Kids Sending Valentines to Chocolate Co.
04-02-2007 12:30

Text Free Palestine-Isreal Film Screening
02-02-2007 14:34

Text KSKQ This Week Issue #24, 1-31-2007 localnews
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Image Images of Nonviolent Eco-Activism (2 comments)
27-01-2007 13:49

Image The Dangers of "Forest Biomass Extraction" (4 comments)
24-01-2007 13:33

Text The American Activist Wed. Jan 24 12pm LIVE
24-01-2007 12:05

Text KSKQ This Week Issue #23, 1-24-07
24-01-2007 00:08

Generic media Hal Anthony on Brain Labor Report
22-01-2007 08:04

Image Crop Circle Research (2 comments)
17-01-2007 18:50

Text Forced to Patronize For-Profit Insurance Biz?
17-01-2007 18:48

Text KSKQ This Week Issue #22, 1-17-2007
16-01-2007 22:11

Image Siskiyou Environmental Film Festival Feb. 2-4
14-01-2007 15:47

Image Anti-Surge protest in Ashland, OR (1 comment)
11-01-2007 20:47

Text ROGUE INDY WILL BE DOWN STARTING 1/10 @ 2PM (1 comment)
10-01-2007 13:47

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Text The Planet Can No Longer Afford Americans!
19-02-2007 10:10

Text MayDay 2006 DVD - ¡Gigante: Despierta!
18-02-2007 17:58

Text Echoing Pre-Iraq War Disinformation Campaign,
18-02-2007 08:55

Image Anticapitalist video: Memory, Dignity And Str
17-02-2007 16:16

Text Your Human Right to Hate
15-02-2007 19:30

Text Kucinich on the Issues
12-02-2007 21:05

Image Video-chronicle: Demonstration against racism
12-02-2007 19:13

Image Audio: Protecting Forests
11-02-2007 23:04

Text ¡ Nueva página de internet sobre el Peru !
09-02-2007 16:13

Text New webpage about the People's War in Peru !
09-02-2007 16:10

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