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Press Releases

Mission & Issues

Ballot Access

2006 Candidates

Hall of Fame



See OKIES interview at Capitol by OETA


Watch the trailer

"Facing America's Independents"

a documentary about how independent voters see themselves. See IndependentVoting.org










Text Box: OK Indy




“OKIES, Bringing Voter Choice to Oklahoma



Get your own OKIES bumper sticker!!!

Just send your mailing address to okies@okies.info

 Next OKIES Quarterly Meeting

 Sunday, Oct. 14th at 4:00 PM, OKC Downtown Library




Initiative Petition: Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform

   to give voters more choices: www.OkVoterChoice.org


 ● Are voters more dissatisfied with major party politics? 

 Only 15% of voting age Oklahomans voted in 2006 primary,

 or 21% of registered voters, a fifty year low. 

 Also, three of four legislative primary races went unopposed.


  Why do we limit ourselves to only two choices?”

 asks Jamie Lopp in a letter to the Oklahoman.


 A Sunday Oklahoman editorial on OKIES shows why

 redistricting reform is needed. More background added here.


 Release: OKIES Support Redistricting Reform html / pdf


   Rep. McMullen fights for Redistricting Reform (HB 1937)

Gov. Henry says an Independent Commission may help.


 OK House to have Saturday session:

 Access to our state government shouldn’t be limited to

 lobbyists and special interests,” said Speaker Lance Cargill.


 Release: OKIES Supports Ballot Access Reform

   html / pdf More information at www.OkVoterChoice.org


 OKC- Tim Russert says safe districts makes divisive politics


 ● Oklahoma civics classes are not teaching students how to

   participate in government says Center for Civic Education


 Ballot Access Reform Bills Introduced. (1/10/07)


 OKIES Issues page updated. (12/28/06)


 OKIES interview (3 min) at the Capitol by OETA. (12/4/06)


 Three reasons why Oklahoma needs more voter choice.


 OKIES in the Tulsa World. (12/5/06)


 Legislators see problems with straight ticket voting (11/28/06)


 Urban Tulsa article mentions OKIES. (11/15/06)


 Release: OKIES members bring up new issues: html / pdf


Who we are:

Oklahomans who want their voice heard in state and local government, but do not fit into the two major parties.


What we stand for:

OKIES wants to bring more voter choice to Oklahoma.  Coalition members have many different views on specific policies, but all agree that a government answerable to the people is essential.


What we are doing

OKIES seeks to provide a voice for the 200,000 Independents across the state by recruiting and supporting independent-minded candidates and promoting reform that engages more voters in the democratic process.


OKIES members David Splinter, Clark Duffe, and

Richard Prawdzienski hold a VOTE Independent banner.


 A Virginia Independent probably decided control of the    

US Senate, demonstrating the power Independents can hold. 


 An Oklahoma Democratic leader sounds concerned

  because six state House seats were decided by a total

  of only 802 votes. 


 See 2006 Election Results for Oklahoma Independents.


 The Sapulpa Herald highlights Independents. (11/7/06)


 The Oklahoman says our ballot access laws are too tough.


 Four reasons to reform Oklahoma’s ballot access laws.


 OKIES endorses pro-ballot access reform candidates.

     Read the press release: html / pdf. (11/1/06)


 OU Daily article highlights Independents and the need

     for ballot access reform. (11/1/06)


 OKIES member Richard Prawdzienksi says it is scary

   “how our two-party power structure forces both candidates

    and voters into undesirable positions” and that “with parties

   of their own, the true agenda of a candidate would stand out

   clearly” in a Gazette commentary. (11/1/06)


 Press coverage of the formation of OKIES. (11/1/06)


 Oklahoma Coalition of Independents announces formation

     in a statewide press release (10/27/06).


 FairVote.org ranks Oklahoma (pdf) as having the most landslided Congressional races in the nation and ranks us 42nd on their Democracy Index. (10/24/06)


OKIES Coalition Members



Clark Duffe

Libertarian for Sen. 41

(405) 760-3108





Matthew R. Jones

Ind. for House 4

(866) 582-2336  





Jimmy Cook

OK Libertarian Chair

(918) 342-3108  





Richard Prawdzienski

Ind. for House 39

(405) 844-7577 





Elmer Zen Million

Ind. for Lt. Governor

(405) 366-7800



Northwestern OK


Michael Hammer

Ind. for House 59

(580) 886-2436



Oklahoma City


James Branum

Ind./Green for House 99 

(405) 476-5620  



Southwestern OK


Kim Wright

Ind. for Senate (Miss.)

(580) 477-2599





Bob Batterbee

Ind. for House 74

(918) 230-8943





David Splinter

(405) 370-3431



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Oklahoma Coalition of Independents
P.O. Box 950
Norman, OK 73070

Phone: 405-370-3431