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FEMA Has Nothing On This Tent City
by The Toxic Reverend Wednesday, Jan. 03, 2007 at 12:50 AM PO Box 391, Guerneville California 05446

Richmond California where they used a "Tent City" for a five-week period. It reduced violent crime by 90%. Yet the criminalization of homelessness continues,as a national trend that began with the formation of HOmeland Security.

Toxic Reverend <toxicreverend@.....> wrote:

The City of Miami

FEMA has nothing on this.

Bcc: Please forward and post.

The following excerpts are from:
The Criminalization of the Homeless
Reference material are active links at the above address
Limited copyrights apply 2007

KRON Channel 4 news reported a story about Richmond California where they used a "Tent City" for a five-week period. It reduced violent crime by 90%. The story was titled, In Richmond & Oakland, Prayers & Community Fight Violence Posted November 5, 2006 at 8:10 p.m.

This does show what an organized "tent City" that could be comprised of the homeless could do. If it a type of Neighborhood Watch Program could be modified into a "Harmony Patrol".
The very basic's for this and it's "self-governing
structure are shown with Seattle's "Tent City" a
mobile homeless camp", Dignity Village (in Portland,
Or hs1 ) and Justiceville "Dome City" in LA (hs2 ).

Besides being of service in a public emergency because "Tent Cities" are mobile. They could also split funding with Emergency Services and Homeland Security. One such example of this was the
"Made With Love Cafe" that served the New
Orleans area, after Katrina. From what "Cor" told me in a phone call, they did have a type of "Harmony Patrol", too. What many in the Rainbow Family call "Shanti Sena".
A Harmony Patrol tbe patterned after Neighborhood
Watch Program's (HP1, HP6, ,) and the Shanti Sena
Council of the Rainbow Family (HP3, HP4 ). The
Shanti Sena Council does have specific training. Just
Google (
"Shanti Sena Council training " and you can acquire a
new concept in neighborhood security.
There are reports showing that the decent homeless
can get along rather well with a Neighborhood Watch
Program (HP8). Though the "Deviant Homeless" do
have a problem with it.
There are a number of instances in which
Neighborhood Watch Programs have been used to deal
with Homeless problems (HP5, HP7). It can help deal
with domestic violence(HP10), prevent rape ( HP11)
and murder (HP12).
Drug dealers hate the neighborhood Watch Program. It
is "bad for business". In order to have sex parties with minors as the Michelle Johnson murder had revealed (hrm34) and child prostitution such as the Russian River Times newspaper reported (hrm33), you need drugs to control them with.
Trust me on one thing. One of the biggest problems with creating any homeless services program are the NIBY people (Not In My Back Yard). It is truly a miracle when INBY's (In My Back Yard) step forward to actually present the facts.
In that regard, please see, Letters of Reference from past neighbors, in support of "Homeless Permits' and such.
End of excerpts from:
The Criminalization of the Homeless


Maybe you could use Umoja Village to create one for

Umoja (Homeless) Village blog.

Considering that your plan to criminalize the homeless
has been declared illegal and a "civil rights violations",
you might want to reconsider.
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU of Southern California Wins ...
LOS ANGELES -- The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a historic decision today in a ... Appeals Court Ruling Ends the Criminalization of Homelessness ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jon
Date: Jan 2, 2007 10:44 AM
Subject: takebacktheland
To: Toxic Reverend < toxicreverend@.......

Tom, this is the Umoja Village blog. They are a shantytown, built by the residents in Liberty City, Miami. Seems to be partly symbolic- A protest against massive theft of public funds for low income housing- partly practical- a place for people to live. Seems like the sort of thing you're interested in.

Happy New Year,

-- End of forwarded message -=-------

Best regards,

Tom Krohmer
Environmental Technologist
The Toxic Reverend

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The Toxic Reverend

Who are the criminals ?

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