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News :: Media
Memphis Conference Spotlights Media Issues
12 Jan 2007
media1.jpgMEMPHIS -- National Conference for Media Reform kicks off Friday, with nearly 3,000 activists, journalists, policymakers and concerned citizens in attendance. The 2007 National Conference for Media Reform -- a landmark event filled with rousing speeches, musical performances, provocative panels and instructive workshops -- promises to put reforming America’s media system in the national spotlight. "More than 3,000 activists from across the country will gather in Memphis to declare that media reform is now on the national agenda,” said Robert W. McChesney, president and co-founder of Free Press, the national, nonpartisan group hosting the conference. “After years of fighting to prevent further consolidation of media ownership and the dumbing down of our airwaves, the movement is ready to pursue reforms that will transform American media.”
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News :: Media : Protest Activity
Memphis Activists to Demonstrate for Media Reform Saturday
07 Jan 2007
federalbldg.jpgMedia is the issue for a big national meeting Memphis is hosting Friday January 12th through Sunday the 14th. Media scholars and activists from around the U.S. and some foreign countries will come to the 2007 National Conference for Media Reform. (The full conference description and details are updated at the Free Press web site, \"") On Saturday, many of the conference participants will go to the Memphis Federal Building plaza downtown to demonstrate for media policy reforms, and to talk to more Memphis citizens and the working press about key media issues.
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News :: Elections & Legislation : International Relations
Politicians Fiddle While Iraq Burns
23 Dec 2006
iraq.jpgIn 1970, Henry Kissinger chaired the Vietnam War’s version of the Iraq Study Group (ISG). Its name was virtually the same as today’s bi-partisan commission headed by James Baker. Kissinger’s commission was called the Vietnam Special Study Group (VSSG). Both the 1970 and 2006 commissions have the same goal: to extricate the United States from a losing war of aggression. The Baker Commission will have as much success as Kissinger’s “Study Group” from a generation ago. After the Kissinger Commission made its report for a phased disengagement, the U.S. war effort dragged on for three more years. Thousands more U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands more Vietnamese were killed before the U.S. acknowledged its defeat in 1973.
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News :: Media
Thousands Headed to Memphis for the National Conference for Media Reform
22 Dec 2006
Resist06.sizedMEMPHIS -- Thousands of activists, educators, policymakers and leaders in the rapidly growing movement to create a more diverse and democratic media system will gather in Memphis on Jan. 12-14 for the 2007 National Conference for Media Reform. This rousing weekend will bring together legendary journalists with new media visionaries, grassroots organizers and Washington policymakers, civil rights trailblazers and the hip hop generation.
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News :: Labor
United Steelworkers Rally for Workers Rights
21 Dec 2006
goodyear2.JPGOn Saturday, December 16th, the United Steelworkers staged solidarity actions in over 100 cities in the US and Canada, including Frankfort, Louisville, Lexington, and Ashland Kentucky, and Memphis, Nashville and Jackson, Tennessee. On October 5 of this year, in response to unacceptable contract offers from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 15,000 members of the USW were forced to strike for job security and the guarantee of healthcare in their retirement. The Steelworkers are entering the tenth week of their strike and these 15,000 union members are fighting for their working lives.
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News :: International Relations
NASA Plans Moon Base to Control Pathway to Space
15 Dec 2006
moon.jpgSummary: At a time when the U.S. faces historic debt, NASA announced last week its intention to establish a permanent base on the Moon by 2024. There has long been a military connection to NASA’s Moon missions. The NASA plan to establish permanent bases on the Moon will help the military “control and dominate” planet Earth and determine who will extract valuable resources from the Moon in the years ahead. The taxpayers will be asked to pay the enormously expensive “research and development” costs of this program that will only profit the aerospace industry and corporations like Bechtel that intend to build the bases and extract resources on the Moon.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Housing
Nashville to Host 16th Annual Homeless Memorial
14 Dec 2006
memorial1.jpgEvery year the Nashville Homeless Power Project hosts a memorial for our brothers and sisters who have died while homeless. We are joined by hundreds of homeless people, council members, advocates, congregations and our other friends. While many have heard about the murder of homeless woman Tara Cole, there have been countless others who have died because their lack of housing exposed them to increased levels of violence, exposure to hazardous weather conditions, and extreme illness. As of December 14, 2006, the Nashville Homeless Power Project has collected 35 names of people who have died while homeless. We expect that many more have died that the project has yet to learn about. In 2005, 30 names were collected.
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News :: Media
Nashville Speaks Out Against Big Media
13 Dec 2006
ginny.jpgConcerned citizens testify about harmful impact of media consolidation

NASHVILLE — More than 500 Nashville residents joined country music legends at Belmont University’s Massey Performing Arts Center Monday to speak out against media consolidation. The event, the second official Federal Communications Commission hearing, gave the public a chance to tell the FCC how proposed changes to media ownership limits would adversely affect their lives and work.
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since 09 Jan 2007.
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Local Interest
text 01/12 02:24 CST
TTPC Condemns Murder of Nakia Ladelle Baker in Nashville
text 01/07 22:06 CST
Nashville Peace Coalition Hosts Vigil to Mourn the Dead in Iraq
text 01/07 21:51 CST
TTPC President to be Honored at HRC Dinner
text 12/23 16:08 CST
Join Public News Service at the National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis
text 12/23 16:02 CST
Air Force Radio Frequency Jamming
text 12/22 18:12 CST
Christian Peacemakers Wrap Up Jonesborough Vigil
text 12/22 17:56 CST
Georgia Announces 'Week of Peace' January 19th-26th
text 12/21 15:35 CST
Homeless Commission Asks for Less Than Needed
text 12/21 15:00 CST
Living the Legacy of Nonviolence
text 12/15 19:00 CST
New Website for LBGTQ News in East Tennessee: Equality Herald Debuts January 2nd
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text 01/07 22:10 CST
IAC Statement on the Execution of Saddam Hussein
text 01/07 21:48 CST
Death By Numbers
text 12/23 16:14 CST
Restore the Constitution
text 12/23 15:48 CST
Alto Inmediato a la Represion en Oaxaca
text 12/22 18:50 CST
No More Troops for Iraq
text 12/22 18:20 CST
Office Occupations To End the War in Iraq
text 12/21 15:27 CST
Neo-Cons and Other Cons
text 12/21 15:21 CST
Paul Wolfowitz’s Speech Disrupted by Atlanta Activists
text 12/21 14:49 CST
Iraqi War Deaths: Week of December 10th - 16th
text 12/15 18:45 CST
January 27th: March on Washington to End the War
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