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* Confluence/STLIMC editorial meeting @ CAMP, 2/21, 7pm
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Announcement :: Code PINK : Military : Protests and Vigils

Update: MO Marine risks redeployment after he, mom protest in DC

Tina Richards and her Marine son Cloy need your help for them and for all families being destroyed by this war. Cloy served two horrific tours in Iraq (read/listen here) and now is back home in Salem MO, attending college, rebuilding his life. Tina and Cloy, with many hundreds of other active military families and veterans, were in the forefront of Saturday's huge peace march in Washington DC. Now the Marines want to redeploy Cloy. Because of his medical conditions and Tina's advocacy, it does not seem likely that they will actually redeploy him. But there are thousands of other soldiers and marines facing this back-door draft, disrupting their families and futures.

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Review :: Art and Culture

And Carl laughed

Review and reflection on the production by Clayton High, "And Carl Laughed" about radical priest, Carl Kabat who is currently in jail for pouring blood and symbolically disarming a nuclear missile silo. Carl is 74, part of the local Catholic Worker community, an Oblate priest, and has spent about 16 years in prison for varies peace actions, often performed as a clown. The play is a poignant portrayal of his life, filled with clowning, and original music.


Announcement :: Code PINK : Protests and Vigils : Right-wing politics

CODEPINK/Instead of War Sends Convoy to DC

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News :: Civil and Human Rights : Protests and Vigils

Pics from St. Louis MLK Day March 2007

Pictures of the 2007 March have been posted to the STLIMC Media Gallery. Thanks go out to the photographer who brought us these images.


Announcement :: Civil and Human Rights : Crime and Police

CAPCR: Town Hall Mtgs on Police Shootings

The St. Louis Police have shot another young man. Citizens investigating the case have declared it murder. They say witnesses dispute the police account that Jeremy Robinson drew a gun and was shot in "self defense". These witnesses say that Jeremy was on the ground, hands flat, when the officer shot him in the back. This officer then turned him over and shot him again. They believe they saw him drop a gun next to the body to justify his actions.

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Commentary :: Education

SLPS Risks State Takeover, Letter from Board Member Downs

The St. Louis Public School system is on the verge of takeover by the state of Missouri, as a result of years-long managment and funding problems. Here is a letter which School Board member Peter Downs sent to the special advisory committee that is recommending the takeover, which he feels to be hasty and ill-advised. 12/31 UPDATE: Public Schools Top Mayor's Person-of-Year Poll

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News :: Civil and Human Rights : Housing and Development

StL Equal Housing Funding Cuts

Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council Suffers Federal Funding Cuts, a severe blow to their ability to fight housing discrimination. For the first time since 1996, EHOC will not be receiving funding through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP).


Commentary :: Housing and Development

Nuisance Opportunity in Old North City

From Ecology of Absence blog: Oh, what a fine evening it was for seven young men to congregate on the steps of the house at 1215 Wright Street in Old North St. Louis. No finer point for commerce could be found within blocks, and business seemed to be as good there as it usually is.

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Announcement :: Housing and Development : Local politics

Galen Gondolfi running for 20th ward against Schmid

From ACC Blog: Gondolfi Declares Candidacy for 20th Ward Alderman
Campaign trumpets "participatory politics"

Community activist Galen Gondolfi is entering the race for alderman of the 20th Ward. Filing Monday at the St. Louis Board of Elections, Gondolfi made official his intention of seeking the post in the March 6, 2007 primary election.

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News :: Environment : Health issues : Housing and Development

Roosevelt Students Awarded for Lead Poisoning Work

November 15, 2006. St. Louis, Missouri. Students at Roosevelt High School will receive awards for essays and art work at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 15, 2006.


Announcement :: General

2007 NCOR Event Details and Call for Proposals

The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares.

We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C.

Read on for more details. Thanks!


News :: Electoral politics : Military : Right-wing politics

Election Results Have Strange Turn of Events

Rumsfeld Resigns from Department of Defense

Claire McCaskill wins Missouri Senate seat while Stem Cell Initiative passes. The Smoking tax is defeated. Minimum wage increases. Democrats take control of the House of Representatives. And now, Donald Rumsfeld has resigned from the office of Secretary of Defense. What else might happen in the next few days?

[ View Election Results | Discuss your election ideas ]

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Do you think this stuff doesn't happen in the West? I sell this equipment all over the world, especially in the Middle East. I deal with buyers from Qatar, and I get more concern about proper legal procedure from them than I get in the USA.
-- Anonymous wiretapping equipment vendor

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