The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Leading the Web to Its Full Potential...

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find W3C news, links to W3C technologies and ways to get involved. New visitors can find help in Finding Your Way at W3C. We encourage organizations to learn more about W3C and about W3C Membership.


Keeping Privacy Promises: Privacy Workshop Report

Casa Don Guanella, Ispra 2006-12-14: A W3C Privacy Workshop Report recommending next steps for keeping privacy promises when exchanging sensitive information on the Web is now available. In October 2006, privacy and access control experts from America, Australia, Asia and Europe met to study Web privacy issues and solutions. Please read the press release about the results of the W3C Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics-Driven Enforcement, hosted by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. (News archive)

XSL-FO 1.1 Standard Enhances High Quality XML Formatting

2006-12-05: Today the World Web Consortium released Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1 as a W3C Recommendation. Version 1.1 adds new functionality to the XSL 1.0 Recommendation for change marks, indexes, multiple flows, and bookmarks, and extends support for graphics scaling, markers and page numbers. A change list is available. Read the press release and testimonials and about the XML Activity. (News archive)

XForms 1.1: Working Draft

2006-12-12: The XForms Working Group has updated XForms 1.1, a foundation for the next generation of forms for the Web. XForms 1.1 adds to version 1.0: several new submission capabilities, action handlers, utility functions, user interface improvements, and helpful datatypes as well as a more powerful action processing facility, including conditional, iterated and background execution, the ability to manipulate data arbitrarily and to access event context information. Visit the XForms home page. (News archive)

Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces: Working Draft

2006-12-11: The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has released the third Working Draft of Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces. In multimodal interaction users choose the way or "mode" of access that suits their current needs. With this framework, developers can provide user interfaces allowing multiple ways to interact with the Web and output for each mode, including displays, tactile mechanisms, speech and audio. (News archive)

CC/PP Version 2.0: Working Draft

2006-12-08: The Device Independence Working Group released the First Public Working Draft of Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies 2.0. A CC/PP profile describes a device's capabilities and user preferences and is used to guide content adaptation. Version 2.0 is an update to the CC/PP 1.0 Recommendation for alignment with the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Visit the device independence home page. (News archive)

CSS Mobile Profile: Working Draft

2006-12-08: The CSS Working Group released a Working Draft of CSS Mobile Profile 2.0. This subset of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2.1 is a baseline for implementations of CSS on constrained devices like mobile phones, written to ensure interoperability and for alignment with OMA's Wireless CSS Specification 1.1. Visit the CSS home page. (News archive)

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0: Working Draft

2006-12-07: The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has released an updated Working Draft of Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and requests comments prior to a second Last Call. ATAG helps developers design tools that are accessible to users, and that produce accessible Web content. The result is that more people, including those with disabilities, can create Web content that is accessible for more users including people with disabilities. Find out more from the Web Accessibility Initiative home page. (News archive)

Workshop on the Mobile Web in Developing Countries

photo of speaker at the Workshop 2006-12-06: The Workshop on the Mobile Web in Developing Countries is underway 5-6 December in Bangalore, India. Jataayu Software hosts. Participants are discussing mobile Web access within developing countries in terms of needs, blocking factors and potential uses. "We must ensure that the Web is designed to meet the needs of sparser populations and of those whose only access to the Web may be on their phone," said Tim Berners-Lee (W3C). Read the press release, about W3C Workshops and about the Mobile Web Initiative. (Photo: Ken Banks, News archive)

Mobile Testing, Device Description Groups Launched

Mobile Web Initiative 2006-12-05: Advancing its goal to make browsing the Web from mobile devices a reality, W3C is pleased to announce the launch of two groups: The MWI Device Description Working Group is chaired by Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware) and is rechartered to enable the development of globally accessible data and service repositories for use in content adaptation. The new MWI Test Suites Working Group is chaired by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C) and Carmelo Montanez (NIST) and is chartered to enable conformance testing for mobile Web user agents. Participation is open to W3C Members. Read about the Mobile Web Initiative. (News archive)

W3C Talks in December

2006-12-03: Browse W3C presentations and events also available as an RSS channel. (News archive)

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