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News :: Media

Indymedia launches new Alternatives site

The "Alternatives" working group of Indymedia (an international
network of over 150 autonomous, non-profit, collectively-organized,
volunteer-run local independent media centers, www.indymedia.org)
invites you to join us in the formation of a global "Alternatives
Independent Media Center!" The "Alternatives IMC" will both gather
content about all the great things people are doing to create a
better world (pioneering alternative social structures, economics,
education, energy, etc.) and to provide a place for people organizing
these projects working on these projects to connect with each other
to do practical, world-changing work. We invite you to check out
information at
'"https://docs.indymedia.org/view/Global/IndymediaAlternatives" and
to become part of the project.


News :: Civil and Human Rights

Indymedia activist killed in Oaxaca

On Friday, October 27, truckloads of pro-government paramilitaries opened fire on a barricade in the outskirts of the Mexican State of Oaxaca, which has been under local control for the past five months. The gunmen killed five people, including US journalist and camerman William Bradley Roland, aka Brad Will. According to La Jornada, Will died before reaching the hospital. Among the dead was also a schoolteacher named Emililio Alofonzo Fabian. Seventeen are reported wounded, including a photographer from the newspaper Milenio Diario, who was at Will's side. Will, age 36, was active in Massachusetts and had worked with Indymedia Centers in New York, Bolivia and Brazil, and is believed to be the first Indymedia journalist to be killed while reporting. Last Communique from Brad Will As reports of protesters surrounded by armed government forces and police continue to pour in, activists in cities around the world are planning protests at Mexican embassies in outcry against the violent aggression against the people of Oaxaca.

Ongoing Coverage: http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/index.html


News :: Environment

Entergy action in Brattleboro draws hundreds

By the time the line of march reached Entergy headquarters hundreds of demonstrators were on hand for a rally and non-violent civil disobedience action.


News :: Health issues

SOS: VT Yankee action!

On Monday October 16:
Noon, Entergy Headquarters, Old Ferry Road, N. Brattleboro VT.

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News :: Protests and Vigils

October 5 - Drive out the Bush regime!

October 5: There is a Way! There is a Day!
[see local actions below]

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Commentary :: Civil and Human Rights

Camp Democracy - This is it

The legacy of democratic change and resistance toward the arrogance of power needs only to be revived. Camp Democracy provides that spark.

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News :: Environment

Protest Greenpeace pro-privatization tour!

Greenpeace must be confronted for their complicity in the corporate privatization of America and playing god squad with the wildlife of Nantucket Sound

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News :: Protests and Vigils

Walk for a Nuclear Free Future

August 6- 9
Rutland, Montpelier and Burlington, VT

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News :: Environment

July 15th 2006 - Direct Action for Climate Justice

Washington, DC Action info:

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News :: Environment

Arrests at Vernon Nuke

Warnings posted at Vermont Yankee

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