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Ottawa Indymedia editorial policy (revised)

Editorial Collective, 08.11.2006 - 14:09
What is acceptable material for posting on Ottawa Indymedia
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Take action against Climate Chaos Saturday

Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, 31.10.2006 - 18:24
Join the GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION Saturday, Nov. 4th at 1 p.m. on Parliament Hill.

Guest speakers confirmed so far include:

Paul Dewar, New Democractic Party MP
David Chernushenko, Green Party of Canada
Dale Marshall, David Suzuki Foundation

Actions worldwide are confirmed to be taking place in at least 45 different countries. In Canada, concerned citizens in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax and Ottawa will take to the streets. Don't miss the opportunity to join this important movement.
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Indy Journalist Killed by Paramilitaries: Oaxaca

various, posted by Dianne Murray, 28.10.2006 - 17:54
Brad Will William Bradley Roland, aka Brad Will, Indymedia reporter, documentary maker, and cameraman was shot several times by a paramilitary gunman in Oaxaca. Brad died of gunshot wounds to the torso (stomach and chest) on Friday. He was with Indymedia in NYC. The shooter has been id'd thanks to others filming the incident. Brad Will was one of 4 people killed, one a teacher. Another journalist was also wounded in the gunfight. Reports follow - mostly on Indy webspace but some other sources: narconews, blogs, etc.
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Troupes canadiennes hors d'Afghanistan

Francine Dumas, 25.10.2006 - 17:42

October 28: A pan-Canadian day of action to oppose the Government of Canada's decision to put Canadian troops in Afghanistan. Supported by the Canadian Peace Alliance, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Islamic Congress, Council of Canadians, CAW, CUPE, New Democratic Youth Caucus, and many more.

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OCT 17th: Indigenous Oaxacans to Speak at Carleton U: "Dignity & Autonomy"

Indigenous Solidarity Ottawa, 15.10.2006 - 09:32
Zapotec weaver Indigenous people from Oaxaca (in Mexico) will speak about their struggle.

When: Tuesday October 17th, 7:00 PM

Where: Carleton University, Tory Building room 208 ( map)

A 5$ minimum donation is requested to help cover costs of travel.
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Afghan MP Malalai Joya in Ottawa Sept.13, 7pm

truth seekers, 12.09.2006 - 08:03
MP Malalai Joya clutches a copy of the Koran to her chest Malalai Joya, a courageous Afghan MP who criticizes the warlords and druglords that plague her nation, will speak in Ottawa on Wed., Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. This event will counter the upcoming government propaganda blitz surrounding Afghan President Hamid Karzai's visit to Ottawa around Sept. 20-22. Don't miss this opportunity to hear the unfiltered truth about what is really going on in Afghanistan, be there Wed., Sept. 13 at 7 p.m.
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Can & On Gov'ts Planning Labour Day Attack on Mohawks, Six Nations: Mohawk Nation News

Mohawk Nation News, 26.08.2006 - 22:13
Mohawk Nation News report says various governments may be planning an attack on at least 3 Six Nations/Mohawk lands for this Labour Day: Akwesasne, Six Nations, and Tyendinaga.
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Rally in Solidarity with Lebanon -- Aug. 12th

Coalition for Justice in the Middle-East, 10.08.2006 - 12:55
Coalition of Arab Canadian Professionals and Community Associations
C A P C A In Solidarity with Lebanon and Palestine
Parliament Hill; Saturday, August 12, 2006 @ 11:00 am

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Manif 22 juillet sur la colline

Francine Dumas, 19.07.2006 - 17:52
Appel urgent à une manifestation le samedi 22 juillet à 11 h sur la colline parlementaire

Nous nous joignons à la « Coalition of Arab Canadian Professionals », à l’Alliance canadienne pour la paix et à diverses organisations afin de dénoncer les crimes de guerre commis par Israël à Gaza et au Liban et pour demander au Canada et à la communauté internationale de se prononcer contre ces crimes et de faire parvenir immédiatement de l’aide aux peuples palestinien et libanais.
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Support Ottawa's Homeless! 24/7 Vigil & Petition for Steven Beriault

Jacques, 11.07.2006 - 17:53
Give Us Homes, Don't close the underpass! Support Ottawa's Homeless Youth. Come to the Rideau Street Underpass and sign the petition to Stop the Closure of the Underpass and help secure housing for the homeless. Don't let Steven Beriault's death be in vain. NEW!! UPDATE ON SITUATION AT END OF ARTICLE...

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22-11-2006 19:48

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Text Exporting Values:The Religious Aspect of War
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29-11-2006 10:44

Text The Terrorists Who Aren't in the News
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