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"Results Irreversible"
Daniel Ortega Wins!

November 7, 2006, 11:00am EST

Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Council announced at 7:30pm yesterday evening local time that, with 61.8% of ballot boxes counted, FSLN candidate Daniel Ortega maintained his lead of 38.59% of the vote, with runner-up Eduardo Montealegre of the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN) getting 30.94%. Jose Rizo, the candidate of the Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC) showed 22.93% and Sandinista Renovation Movement candidate Edmundo Jarquín received 7.25%.

While this shows a drop in Ortega’s vote of 1.42% and puts him below 40%, it still would give him a first round victory because he maintained a 7.65 percentage point lead over the second ranked candidate, Eduardo Montealegre. (To avoid a run-off vote, a candidate must have 40% of the vote or be above 35% and have a 5 point advantage over the next ranked candidate.)

Click here for more information.

Click here to read the letter sent to President-elect Daniel Ortega by the Nicaragua Network.

Alert! Sign a letter to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Robert Gates!


Tell your Senators to Oppose Robert Gates!

America Can't Afford Another Ethically Challenged Secretary of Defense!

Gates is an old Cold Warrior involved in most of the illegal and immoral US government actions in the Reagan and first Bush administrations, including:

1. CIA mining of the Nicaraguan port of Corinto and execution of Contra war against Nicaragua ruled illegal by the World Court

2. Providing chemical weapon components to Iraq during Iraq/Iran war

3. Lying to the Senate about knowledge of Iran/Contra scandal

4. "Tailoring intelligence" according to former Sec. of State George Shultz.

Tell your Senators to reject George W. Bush's nomination of Bob Gates. Don't put our military in the hands of yet another reckless Cold Warrior. Relief at Rumsfeld's passing is no excuse to rubber stamp Gates!

Click here for more information.

[This alert is prepared by the Nicaragua Network. For more information, write or call (202) 544-9355.]


Give Gifts that Keep Giving!

Give a gift of trees or of a cistern to capture rainwater in the rural north of Nicaragua!

From the Nicaragua Network

“Let the Rivers Run”

A comprehensive plan for the intelligent management of water and the re-greening of Nicaragua’s watersheds

In Nicaragua as in the rest of the world, rivers are dying from the deforestation of their banks, water-tables are falling from overuse, lakes are being contaminated by chemicals, and forests torn down. The Federation for the Integral Development of Peasant Farmers (FEDICAMP) has developed “Let the Rivers Run,” a comprehensive plan for the intelligent management of water and the re-greening of Nicaragua’s watersheds.

You can help through your holiday giving! Click here for more information.


Second Election Interference Delegation Returns!


Report Back from the Nicaraguan Election Interference Monitoring Delegation


October 8 -15, 2006
By Tom Loudon, Quest for Peace staff

Our jointly sponsored Quest for Peace and Nicaragua Network delegation recently returned from Nicaragua after a very successful visit. The purpose of our trip was to investigate and monitor the level of illegal U.S. intervention in the Election process underway. Nicaraguans will elect a new president and assembly delegates this coming November 5th, and the U.S. Embassy and other members of the U.S. government have been intervening in the Nicaraguan process in a number of troublesome ways.

Click here for more information.

Read the report from the June 2006 delegation!
Click here for more information.

List of interventions by the United States government in Nicaragua's democratic process!

The repeated interventionist statements by successive US ambassadors since 2004 have crossed the line between diplomacy and intervention in Nicaragua's internal affairs. When a US ambassador threatens non-cooperation with a freely elected government that does not have what the US government considers sensible economic policies or does not wish to surrender control of its military to the US’s interpretation of “security,” Nicaraguans think not of aid cut offs, but of US-sponsored armed conflict because that was their recent experience during the 1980s when the United States government organized, funded, armed and trained a counter-revolutionary army to attempt to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. That revolutionary government put in place a democratic constitution and, when voted out of office in the 1990 elections, turned power over to the winning coalition, thus marking the first peaceful turn-over of power to an opposing political party in Nicaragua's history.

Click here for more information.

Read letter from FSLN asking Nicanet to work to stop U.S. intervention in elections!

The Nicaragua Network has been working to expose and stop intervention in the internal affairs of Nicaragua by the U.S. government for over a quarter of a century, most recently in connection with trips by U.S. officials to push Nicaragua to approve CAFTA and to unite the political right in the country in order to prevent an FSLN victory in the presidential elections of November 2006. The Nicaragua Network does not support any candidates in those elections. Our position is that the people of Nicaragua have the sovereign right to choose their leaders without interference from any foreign power. In light of this, we have received the following letter from Daniel Ortega, General Secretary of the FSLN:

Click here for more information.

Nicaragua Monitor on-line issue from August-September 2005. Click here to read.

Click here to access our entire Nicaragua Monitor newsletter - the latest news and commentary from Nicaragua and solidarity groups in the US.  


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Campaigns & Action Alerts

Tell the IMF to drop harmful economic conditions!

Representatives of the Nicaraguan civil society organization umbrella group Civil Coordinator and Oxfam Spain have announced a six month campaign against International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditions in Nicaragua. Civil society representatives also travelled to Washington to lobby at the IMF’s spring meeting. They took with them a letter to the director of the IMF, Rodrigo de Rato, asking him to make the institution’s policies in Nicaragua more flexible so that the country has a chance of achieving the United Nations Millennium Goals of poverty reduction. Adolfo Acedevo, member of the Civil Coordinator’s economic committee said that the IMF conditions imposed on the Nicaraguan government have “grave” affects on the population, 80% of whom live on less than US$2 a day and cannot afford to pay for their children’s education or proper healthcare for their family.

Click here for more information.

Campaign to Close Down the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)!

The Nicaragua Network, as a member of the Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC), has been working actively against the misnamed National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a multi-faceted U.S. government-funded organization which promotes lack of democracy around the globe.  LASC, together with progressive labor activists, conducted a major education effort to convince the AFL-CIO convention, held in Chicago July 25-28, to stop taking NED and Bush administration money for the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center. Read more

We urge you to write letters to the editors of your local newspapers whenever an article appears about the National Endowment for Democracy. You can expose the anti-democratic activities of this multi-faceted U.S. government-funded organization. Use some of the material in the accompanying articles below. Send us copies of your letters (to and let us know if they are printed by your local paper.

LASC Calls for an End to the NED!

Kaufman Blasts NED at CounterInaugural

DR-CAFTA Approved in US:
How Could It Happen? And What Can We Do Now?

By Kathy Hoyt, National Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Network      [8/29/05]

Maybe I should stop waking up to the clock radio news and try music instead. The blow at 6:00am on Thursday July 28, 2005 , could only be compared to that morning in February 1990 when I was awakened by news of the Sandinista electoral loss. The House of Representatives had passed CAFTA in the middle of the night! I screamed, "That's impossible! The President didn't have the votes!" What can we tell our friends in Central America now? We worked hard; we did all we could, but we lost. Now the subsidized agribusiness corn and rice will come flowing in and price Central American farmers out of the market and off of their land! It was too much to bear. Read more

The Fight Against Nemagon Continues in Managua!

Support Banana Workers Affected by Nemagon
Send an automatic email to President Bolaños and the members of the National Assembly! Find out how!

Read about the plight of thousands of banana workers who have been poisoned by the pesticide Nemagon produced and sold by Dole, Dow and Shell. Paul Baker-Hernandez, representative of Nicanet in Managua, describes the workers' emotional march to the capital in an effort to get compensation for the disastrous and sometimes fatal effects of the poison. --Read More and Respond

Stop Water Privatization in Nicaragua!

Update on Water Privatization in Nicaragua

Support for Justice in the Maria Luisa Acosta Case

Supreme Court to Consider Opening Case against Tsokos!   [9/21/05]

By Kathy Hoyt

 On May 26th, 2005, Nicaragua's Supreme Court agreed to consider the request by indigenous rights lawyer Maria Luisa Acosta that a criminal case be opened against land grabber Peter Tsokos and his lawyer Peter Martinez. Acosta believes the two men were the intellectual authors of the murder of her husband, Francisco Garcia, Bluefields businessman and science professor. Two men, Ivan Argüello and Wilberto Ochoa, have already been convicted in a Bluefields court of murder for hire.   Read more

We Have Other Plans: Communities Implement Alternative Development

A new film produced for Nicaragua Network, with accompanying study guide

This film explores current projects in Nicaragua that put true development in the community's hands. Effectively saying "We have other plans" to the Washington Consensus and its imposed neoliberal model, the communities in the film provide uplifting examples of development by alternative means.

The film puts the focus on how and why these projects are successful, and ultimately applicable in many other communities around the world.  Read more.

Living in the Land of Our Ancestors: Rama Indian and Creole Territory in Caribbean Nicaragua

A new book by geographer Gerald ("Jerry") Mueller Riverstone, available from Nicaragua Network, about indigenous land rights struggles in Caribbean Nicaragua.

The Rama Indians and Afrocaribbean Creoles inhabit southeastern Nicaragua's Caribbean coast and islands, and one of the largest intact rainforests remaining in all of Central America. Despite the region's designation as an International Biosphere Reserve, it is currently being affected by colonization and deforestation along Nicaragua's advancing agricultural frontier, and is further threatened by tourism development and proposed oil pipeline, railway, and road-building projects.  Read More

Appeal to Nicanet supporters

We ask for your generous support to allow our own important work to continue.  And please consider a monthly or quarterly pledge, which will contribute toward our financial stability.

Click here to donate:


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About the Nicaragua Network: Over 26 Years of Solidarity with the People of Nicaragua

The Nicaragua Network has been organizing in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua for over 26 years. In February of 1979, the Network was founded to support the popular struggle to overthrow the 45 year US-supported Somoza family dictatorship, and after the July 19 victory, to support the efforts of the Sandinista Revolution to provide a better life for the nation's people. Thus, for over a quarter of a century, the Network has been a leading organization in the United States committed to social and economic justice for Nicaragua, Latin America and the world, based on respect for sovereignty and self-determination. The Network advocates for sound U.S. foreign policies that respect human rights and international law. The Nicaragua Network provides information and organizing tools to a network of 200 solidarity, sister city, and peace and justice committees across the U.S.

Publications include the Nicaragua Network Hotline, the Nicaragua News Service, the Nicaragua Monitor, and occasional monographs. The Network organizes speaking tours of Nicaraguans in the U.S. and study tours and brigades to Nicaragua. Some important current campaigns are: confronting water privatization, debt cancellation for Nicaragua and other poor countries, and radical change of IMF/World Bank measures. We also have campaigns in support of unemployed coffee workers, banana workers, labor organizing in the Free Trade Zones, indigenous rights, and the efforts of Nicaraguan environmental organizations.


Nicanet - The Nicaragua Network

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Share Your Memories of Nicaragua

The Nicaragua Network is compiling remembrances of people whose lives were changed by their visits to and involvement in the Sandinista experiment. Read more.

Contact Us!

Nicaragua Network
1247 "E" Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003

(202) 544-9355

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nicaragua map

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