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Martin Luther King Day
01/07/2007 The Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., often called Martin Luther King Day, is a United States holiday marking the birthdate of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., observed on the third Monday of January each year, around the time of King's birthday, January 15th. It is the only United States federal holiday commemorating an African American and one of only four to commemorate an individual person. Martin Luther King Day was founded as a holiday promoted by labor unions in contract negotiations.

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Pres. Ford Legacy: Nixon’s “Above the Law” Pardon & Kennedy Assassination Cover-up
01/06/2007 President Gerald Ford who never authored a single bill has been described as a pencil pusher in Congress on the appropriations committee. Eulogy after eulogy given by his fellow politicians remarked how good and honest Ford had been. A typical quote, "In a soaring tribute to a modest man, Gerald R. Ford was remembered for bringing the ordinary virtues of decency, integrity and humility to mend a broken government after the pain of war and scandal."

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2nd Annual South Florida Radical Activist Conference. January 5-7
01/05/2007 The location for this year's SFRAC is the Wallflower Gallery in downtown Miami, which is an amazing center for local art, culture, and activism. The Fri. show will be there from 5pm-12pm ($7 at the door) and Sat. and Sun. workshops/skillshares will be from 11pm-7pm each day.

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TakeBackTheLand Update: Shantytown Support Grows
01/05/2007 Greetings: As you are aware, the Umoja Village Shantytown, home to about 40 otherwise homeless people is under raid-watch. On January 11, 2007 the City of Miami Commission will vote on a new ordinance which would outlaw the shantytown. In classic Miami style politics, when the housing crisis boils over, instead of passing a law which deals with housing, they are passing a law to keep us from talking about the housing crisis. As we build our campaign to fight this overt attack on the shantytown and the continuation of cruel policies against the poor and homeless, we are picking up support.

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Critical Mass Miami: Bike Ride on Saturday January 13th
01/05/2007 Friends and Fellow Cyclists- We have another exciting Critical Mass coming up in exactly 9 days! On Saturday, January 13 at 10:00 a.m., we'll be meeting at the Brickell Metrorail station and riding through the Grove to Merry Christmas Park and back to Brickell. Meet new friends and enjoy amazing weather as you make a statement about sharing the road and getting fit.

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PHOTOS: Miami's King Mango Silver 25th Strut - “Still Crazy After All These Years”
01/01/2007 The King Mango Strut began 25 years ago as a rejected group (the Merry Mango Marching Band) of the King Orange Bowl Parade. It bills itself as the “Weirdest Parade in the Universe” and is praised by the media as “the satirical parade that always captures the spirit of the community, where news and satire collide on the streets of Coconut Grove.”

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Day 69-TakeBackTheLand: Miami Com. vows to be arrested if emergency ordinance passed
12/31/2006 On Wednesday afternoon, Miami Commissioner Tomas Regalado visited residents of Umoja Village, the Liberty City shanty town, along with reporters, and he got an eye full. Regalado told the Watchdog Report the “government has spent millions and millions of dollars and has not delivered anything for these people, and we owe them and I think I should be here.” Regalado noted that if the Miami commission passed the new "emergency ordinance" language on January 11th that would allow the police to raid and dismantle the village, that after the vote, he would leave the dais, come to the village, and wait to be arrested. “Life is a two-way street and it cannot be one way for big developers and a dead-end for the poor people, and that is all there is to it,” he said.

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Miami D22 Demonstration/ Prayer Vigil To Demand Justice For Haitians - No Deportations
12/23/2006 On Friday, December 22nd the Haitian American Grassroots Coalition joined families and community leaders in a demonstration and prayer vigil in front of the INS Building in Miami, asking for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitian immigrants.

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Iran’s Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism
12/23/2006 In his year-end press conference, President George W. Bush once again condemned the Iranian government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the officially sponsored conference of Holocaust deniers convened in Teheran earlier this month, declaring that it heralded a really backward view of the history of the world. This is from a US president whose administration frankly discusses the options of supporting a sectarian civil war that would result in the uprooting or extermination of Iraq’s more than 5 million Sunni Arabs and of provoking a region-wide Sunni-Shia war that could claim millions more victims (New York Times, Dec. 17, The Capital Awaits a Masterstroke on Iraq).

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Miami displaced residents confront Dade Housing Agency saying "Here we are now!"
12/22/2006 Yesterday homeless people from Scott Homes, LIFFT and Miami Workers Center confronted the Miami-Dade Housing Agency demanding Homes for the Holidays, while over 80 emails from across the country flooded the inboxes of county officials also demanding homes for the holidays. See press coverage below.

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Open Letter to Miami City Commission: Cease Efforts to Dismantle the Umoja Village
12/19/2006 We implore The Miami City Commission to reverse an injustice and defeat the emergency resolution that was passed at it's last meeting and that the commission cease efforts to dismantle the Umoja Village settlement while the housing crisis exists.

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Congress Trip to Cuba: Is it a crack in the wall between two ancient foes?
12/18/2006 Congress Trip to Cuba: A Salute to Congressman Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Congressman William Delahunt (D-MA) and Their Eight Colleagues....A bipartisan delegation of ten members of the U.S. Congress are now visiting Cuba and represent a ray of rare hope that President George W. Bush will tolerate a modest beginning of a settlement of the age-old split between the two ancient foes.

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Day 52- TakeBackTheLand: Miami Plans Raid of Shantytown; Clergy Expresses Support
12/15/2006 It looks like the City of Miami is preparing for a raid on our "Umoja" Liberty City Shantytown, while local clergy demand 'Hands Off of Take Back the Land' Shantytown. Confirming the fears of Umoja Village residents and Take Back the Land organizers, the city of Miami pased by a 3-2 vote, including a 'yea' vote by the lone Black commissioner and Manny Diaz ally Michelle Spence-Jones, an "emergency ordinance" to redefine the meaning of "exempt public land," essentially gutting the Pottinger Settlement which protects the shantytown, and other homeless people, setting the stage for a government raid on the property.

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Brad Will's death finally hits main stream media, no mention of his IMC affiliation
12/11/2006 Six weeks after the death of indymedia video journalist Brad Will, the Miami Herald on Dec. 11 carried a McLatchy News Service story "Filmmaker's death in Mexico puts focus on region" with no mention of his NYC IMC Indymedia affiliation.

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Jan. 27 National Washington D.C. Peace March: Spread the Word!
12/09/2006 Dear friends of United for Peace & Justice, The Iraq Study Group report calls for major changes in U.S. policy in Iraq -- but doesn't call for the only change that will help solve the horrible crisis there: Bringing all the troops home, now. Join us in the streets of Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 27, to deliver a resounding message to the new Congress: We don't want half measures that will only prolong the bloodshed. It's time to bring an immediate end to the war!
Here's how you can get involved and help make January 27th the biggest possible demonstration for peace:

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Miami FTAA lawsuit re: Nov. 2003 demonstrations is set for trial May 27, 2008
12/08/2006 The Killmon v City of Miami case (Miami FTAA lawsuit re Nov. 2003 demonstrations - case with 20 plaintiffs and 70+ defendants) has been returned by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals back to the trial level (U.S. District Judge Cecilia Altonaga - Southern District of Florida), the trial court has now entered its Scheduling Order. See the link below to view the Scheduling Order pdf document.

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Secret US database on international travelers exposed
12/07/2006 Details have emerged of a US government program that collects information and creates a “risk profile” of all people entering and leaving the United States. The program, secretly in place since 2002, is part of much broader system of government spying and attacks on privacy rights.

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Day 42- Taking Back the Land in Miami
12/05/2006 “We are housing for the people, by the people,” proclaims a sign outside the kitchen at Umoja Village in Liberty City, Miami. What is Umoja Village and how did it come to be in the historic heart of the African American quarter here?

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Soviet Nuclear Chief Says All Russian Polonium is Shipped to U.S.
12/04/2006 Russian nuclear energy chief stated officially that a radioactive element of Polonium 210 which had caused death of former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko could not be obtained illegally in Russia, the Reuters news agency reported Friday.

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As Security in Oaxaca Deteriorates - A New Mexican Revolution Cannot be Ruled Out
12/01/2006 With Calderón’s deeply troubled inauguration last night, amidst a deteriorating security situation in Oaxaca, the possibility of a New Mexican Revolution cannot be ruled out. The once-localized and relatively contained popular unrest in the southern state of Oaxaca has evolved into the onset of a violent rebellion likely to permanently stain the early days of Calderón’s presidency, and his ability to rule the country effectively. After being temporarily eclipsed on the national scene, the defeated leftist presidential candidate, Andres Manuel López Obrador, is making his high risk feint of trying to capitalize on Oaxaca’s chaos to boost his own “revolution” by launching a “parallel government”.

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Turning Out The Lights (A poem about 9/11)
11/30/2006 A poem about 9/11

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Peace and Freedom Party Setting Tone for 2008
11/30/2006 The 2006 Elections are over and the Peace and Freedom Party has plans to push forward with an agenda that will meet the needs of working class people across the nation. The Mid-Term Elections provided an indication of the great unrest and dissatisfaction that people nationwide have with America’s present leadership. Americans appear to be riding the fence between the Republican and Democratic Parties, and voters are uncertain about landing on either side of the fence.

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We are now aware that we are an empire: A talk with Mark Hertsgaard, Journalist/ Author
11/29/2006 In 1983, Mark Hertsgaard published his first book, Nuclear Inc.: the men and the money, in which he investigated the wheeling in dealing behind the rise of the nuclear power industry in the US. In 1989, he published a seminal work on how government spokespeople and the press had begun to work together to limit the scope of public debate in On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency. However, Hertsgaard is probably not best known for these two books, which demonstrate that he had his finger on the pulse of significant trends from the outset, but for his two last books Earth Odyssey and The Eagle's Shadow: why America fascinates and infuriates the world. For the former, he traveled the world to visit some of the most troublesome environmental areas. On these trips, he was also confronted with the world's opinions about and prejudices towards his home country. Craig Morris spoke with Mark Hertsgaard for Telepolis.

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Day 36: Take Back the Land Umoja Village Shantytown Full to Capacity
11/29/2006 After just one month and four days, the Take Back the Land Umoja Village Shantytown is built and occupied to full capacity. We have no more land on which to build and we have already turned away no less than three (3) homeless people looking for permanent shelter.

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Subcomandante Marcos: We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War
11/28/2006 Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, Warns the Rebel Leader, Subcomandante Marcos. December 1, the day that Felipe Calderón takes office, will be “the beginning of the end for a political system that, since the Mexican Revolution, became deformed and began to cheat generation after generation, until this one arrived and said, ‘Enough,’” warned Subcomandante Marcos during a press conference. Calderón, he added, “will begin to fall from his first day.” He stated, “we are on the eve of either a great uprising or a civil war.”

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Awesome documentaries available free on google video
11/26/2006 Here are some really powerful documentaries that are free! These are definitely worth watching and please, if you have documentaries to share with the world, upload them as well! (in the comments)

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Day 31- Take Back the Land shantytown named UMOJA (unity) Village/ Holiday Dinner
11/24/2006 After much anticipation and debate, the Liberty City shantytown has a name: the Umoja Village. Umoja is the Swahili word for "unity" and one of the principles of Kwanzaa. It is also the name of the Shantytown built in Liberty City. The naming ceremony was attended by about 50 people, followed by a catered dinner. After the celebration and cleanup, residents are getting ready for bed and another potential rainstorm.

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Videos: UCLA Student Attacked by Campus Police/ 500 UCLA Students Protest
11/19/2006 A student was shot by campus police with a tazer gun multiple times in the library on UCLA campus on Tuesday, Nov. 14. A community service officer (library security guard) was making regular rounds at the library, randomly asking students to show their student ID in order to enforce the school's policy allowing only UCLA students in the library after 11 PM. Mostafa Tabatabainejad, for an unknown reason, did not show his student ID and was asked to leave. Several minutes later the community service officer returned with campus police as the student was leaving the library. Click on the video link below to hear and see the events surrounding the UCLA student being assaulted and tazered by campus police.

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BBC Footage of 9/11: The Twin Towers Show Positive Proof of Explosives
11/19/2006 On September 7, 2006 the BBC showed a special anniversary program for the anniversary of 911 events. The show was called "911: The TwinTowers". The video is of great significance as you can see and hear the Tower being demolished and hear the sequence of charges.

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Newly Elected Officials Work as “Janitors for a Day” at Nova Southeastern University
11/17/2006 On Tuesday, November 14th, newly elected officials of Broward County, along with over a dozen clergy and community leaders which included Marleine Bastiene, Executive Director of Haitian Women of Miami (FANM), waged a symbolic protest by donning gardener gloves and using rakes to pull weeds while working alongside the 350 janitors, landscapers and other service workers who maintain Nova Southeastern University.

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Felony Wiretapping Charge against Fla Activist Charles Grapski Thrown Out of Court
11/17/2006 ALACHUA 11/17/06 -- The felony wiretap charge against Charlie Grapski, accusing him of illegally recording City Manager Clovis Watson Jr. in his office, has been dismissed by Senior Judge Aymer "Buck" Curtin. The judge made the ruling Thursday, Nov. 16, in less than 10 minutes of discussion between Grapski's attorney, Joe Little, and Assistant State Attorney Geoffrey C. Fleck.

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What is the Miami Workers Center? Find Out! Get Involved! Get Paid For It!
11/16/2006 Dear Friends, The Miami Workers Center is looking for a few good people to join our staff. This is a rare and exciting opportunity to join one of the most exciting, dynamic and innovative social justice organizations in the country. Job descriptions, responsibilities and application information are below. Please forward this announcement on to people who may interested. African-Americans, Latin@s, Carribeans and Women of Color strongly encouraged to apply.

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Fr. Jean-Juste suspended from acting as a priest by the Diocese of Port au Prince
11/16/2006 Fr. Jean-Juste has been suspended from acting as a priest by the Diocese of Port au Prince. That means he cannot exercise his priestly functions. This happened during the time when the coup government falsely jailed Fr. Jean-Juste after trying to have him assassinated during a funeral mass. While in jail, thousands rallied in support of Fr. Jean-Juste and called for Fr. Jean-Juste to run for President of Haiti. It was at this time that Fr. Jean-Juste was suspended from acting as a priest under the false accusation that he was a candidate for political office. Church leadership was under intense pressure to silence Fr. Jean-Juste’s calls for democracy and human rights. Fr. Jean-Juste explains in detail what happened, below.

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Florida activist arrested while investigating election fraud goes on trial today
11/16/2006 Charles Grapski was arrested on Monday May 1st in Alachua City Hall where he was inspecting the absentee ballots from an April 11th election. The arrest was made by City Manager Clovis Watson, Jr., (Standing on far right in above photo) with assistance from Chief Robert Jernigan (in white shirt) and two other APD officers. Watson, who also serves as the city's Police Commissioner, is a sworn police officer and signed Grapski's arrest report.

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Yikes - Military training promoted in Latin America
11/15/2006 Did you see USA Today? I've attached it below. Since when does Costa Rica have a military for the US to train? The graphic in the paper highlights CR as one of the eleven countries? Melida

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Will The Democrats Turn a Blind Eye to the Destruction of the Bill of Rights?
11/15/2006 Unless November's new blood improves the Democratic Party's civil liberties pedigree, the Democrats will have failed even before they are sworn in next January. In its disregard for truth, public opinion, the separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, the US Constitution and statutory law, the Bush administration has been more of a regime than an administration. The Bush/Cheney executive branch has operated independently of all the constraints that provide accountability and prevent despotism.

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Brad Will of IMC Killed in Oaxaco- His last video/ IMC posts/ Worldwide protest photos
11/11/2006 Brad Will was killed on October 27, 2006, in Oaxaca, Mexico, while working as a journalist for the global Indymedia network. He was a part of this movement of independent journalists who go where the corporate media do not or stay long after they are gone. To believe in Indymedia is to believe that journalism is either in the service of justice or it is a cause of injustice. We speak and listen, resist and struggle. In that spirit, Brad Will was both a journalist and a human rights activist. Those of us who knew Brad know that his work would never have been completed. From the community gardens of the Lower East Side to the Movimento Sem Terra encampments of Brazil, he would have continued to travel to where the people who make this world a beautiful place are resisting those who would cause it further death and destruction. Now, in his memory, we will all travel those roads. We are the network, all of us who speak and listen, all of us who resist...... NYC Indymedia

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“Miami Paints Peace” an Extraordinary Event
11/06/2006 On Saturday, Nov. 4th, Vietnamese Artist, Anna Huong, invited artists and peace activists to an outdoor Peace Mural Exhibition woven among tropical flowers, Bonsai, water lily ponds and garden sculptures on the grounds of the Miami Art Palace. Anna’s plans for the days activities were 5-fold: 1- View a 300 foot long Peace Mural created by Anna; 2- See the beautiful grounds of the Miami Art Palace; 3- Participate in hands-on interactive “Paint Peace” sessions with Anna creating new peace art; 4- Confront the challenge of peacemaking in our local, national and international community; 5- Enjoy complimentary food and refreshments.

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300 Floridians create global warming human art SOS for Global Warming Day of Action
11/05/2006 Over 300 South Floridians braved gale-force winds blowing off the ocean to call on congressional candidates to effectively tackle global warming by creating a mass aerial art image of a flooding Florida and a drowning giant human. Community members joined Greenpeace for the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION ON GLOBAL WARMING on November 4th by using our bodies to create a giant aerial art image that highlights the threat of global warming.

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Day 11- Miami Activists Take Back the Land
11/03/2006 Last night, we had the "Take Back the Land" Grand Welcoming Celebration. We were all concerned about the turnout for our official Grand Welcoming because it rained all day long. On top of that, we recieved a donation of a dumptruck full of mulch just a few hours before the event. So, we had to spread it all out before the event and during the rain.

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Introduction to James Petras and his Website for Social Justice Commentary
11/02/2006 James Petras has a long history of commitment to social justice, working in particular with the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement for 11 years. In 1973-76 he was a member of the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Repression in Latin America. He writes a monthly column for the Mexican newspaper, La Jornada, and previously, for the Spanish daily, El Mundo. He received his B.A. from Boston University and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.

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Invitation to the Miami "Take Back the Land" Grand Welcoming Celebration
11/01/2006 You are cordially invited to the "Take Back the Land" Grand Welcoming Celebration. The event will be held on Thursday, November 2, 2006 beginning at 6:00pm at the "Take Back the Land Shantytown", on the corner of 62nd St. and NW 17th Ave. in Liberty City. Come experience the Power of the People as we celebrate the liberation of public land for the public good.

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Cuban Medical Diplomacy: When the Left Has Got It Right
10/31/2006 Living in a hostile neighborhood led Fidel to look for allies elsewhere. Part of this process has included the conduct of medical diplomacy, which is the collaboration between countries to improve relations and simultaneously produce health benefits. Medical diplomacy has been a cornerstone of Cuban foreign policy and its foreign aid strategy since shortly after the triumph of the 1959 revolution.

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Day 7- Miami Activists Take Back the Land
10/30/2006 The South Florida Peace & Justice Network's "Peace Speaking Tour" stopped in Liberty City Saturday afternoon October 28th where Carlos and Melida Arredondo joined the "Take Back The Land" squatters and protesters to demand "Money For Housing Not For War!" Discussions focused on the corruption that is behind both the City of Miami housing crisis and the war in Iraq and on the need to build grassroots movements that put people before profits.

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Photos- So Fla Peace Speaking Tour at St Maurice Catholic Church in Dania Beach 10/29
10/29/2006 "A Day for Peace - A Day for Justice" was the theme of the The Peace Speaking Tour event at St. Maurice Catholic Church in Dania Beach on Sunday October 29th. Featured speakers were Carlos & Melida Arredondo and Camilo Mejia. Entertainment was provided by Folksinger Andrew Susman and the Raging Grannies. The afternoon Vegitarian Vegan meal was provided by the South Florida Peace & Justice Network.

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10/28/2006 The Bolivarian Youth, ANSWER Florida, ANSWER FIU-BBC, the Broward Anti-War Coalition and other activists held a protest demonstration in Miami at the Torch of Friendship on Saturday October 28th, against the colonial occupation of Iraq to Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Haiti and EVERYWHERE!

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Bush moves toward martial law, revises Insurrection Act with Public Law 109-364
10/27/2006 In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law (1). It does so by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States. The Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C.331 -335) has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C.1385), helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. With one cloaked swipe of his pen, Bush is seeking to undo those prohibitions.

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P-POW! DOHA Round Down! TKO for the WTO!
10/27/2006 The World Trade Organization is on the ropes. The WTO is beyond reform and it's now time for alternatives. The Doha Development Round came to a grinding halt in July and World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, suspended indefinitely, are unlikely to get back on track. Not that they ever were on track.

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Keith Olberman (MSNBC) says "Republican party biggest terrorist threat in USA"
10/26/2006 MSNBC's Keith Olberman eloquently bursts the bubble of the Republican party's cheap fearmongering commercials, stating that the Republican party is the biggest terrorist threat in this country. Thank you Mr. Olberman... finally, a real human being and true patriot reporting the truth.

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Day 1- Miami Activists Take Back the Land
10/24/2006 We did it! Yesterday, a group of organizations and individuals, led by the Center for Pan-African Development, successfully took over land in Liberty City.

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Miami Activists "Take Over" Public Land to Build Shanty Town for Homeless
10/24/2006 Citing disillusionment with the ability of the "system" to serve the needs of the poor Black community, and in the wake of the latest government housing scandal, several organizations and individuals, under the leadership of the Center for Pan-African Development, occupied (took over) public land today and are building a shanty town to house the homeless for those living in squalor.

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America: Freedom to Fascism "Director's Final Cut"
10/21/2006 I finally received a DVD of the full length movie, and watched it last night. The short review is that if Fahrenheit 9-11 won the "Palm D-Or", then "AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM" deserves the whole tree! This is the film that F/9-11 aspired to but failed to be.

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Video Clip: Vote rigging scandal documentary - Clint Curtis vs Rep. Tom Feeney, FL
10/20/2006 A VIDEO EXCLUSIVE - The Clint Curtis / Tom Feeney Vote-Rigging Scandal as Seen in the New E-Vote Documentary 'Eternal Vigilance'. Representative Tom Feeney of Florida — the man Clint Curtis says asked him to create election flipping code in Florida — continues to shame corrupt congressman…

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AFL-CIO Rally Urges Florida Atty Gen Crist Probe of Police at '03 FTAA SUMMIT
10/13/2006 Almost 100 union members and retirees gathered Thursday to urge Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist to investigate city of Miami police actions during the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit in November 2003.

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Coalition of Immokalee Workers at its best exposing oppression of migrant workers
10/08/2006 The case started in 2002. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers had heard the stories for years. As migrant workers passed in and out of rural Collier County, coalition staff members would hear laborers talk about
migrant camps elsewhere. The owners would let them stay and work in order to pay off their debts for alcohol and drugs which were priced so high they would be in debt forever. They were effectively enslaved. This time, the coalition had heard enough and decided to fight back.

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Part 1- Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism
10/05/2006 Buried amongst the untold affronts to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the very spirit of America, the torture bill contains a definition of "wrongfully aiding the enemy" which labels all American citizens who breach their "allegiance" to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.

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Part 2- Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children
10/05/2006 The "horror of the shrieking boys" gets a rubber stamp from the boot-licking U.S. Congress & Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship. Slamming the final nail in the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the boot-licking U.S. Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children in the name of the war on terror. There is nothing in the "detainee" legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured.

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Ohio 2004 Ballots Tell Tales of Theft & Fraud
10/02/2006 Ohio election protection activists have won a landmark court battle to preserve the ballots from 2004’s disputed presidential election, and researchers studying those ballots continue to find new evidence that the election was, indeed, stolen. Among other things, large numbers of consecutive votes in different precincts for George W. Bush make it appear ever more likely that the real winner in 2004 should have been John Kerry. Meanwhile, indictments and prison terms are mounting among key players in that tainted contest.

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Court Victory for FTAA Protestors
09/30/2006 Appeals court in Atlanta says lawsuits from "Miami Model" police riot at FTAA protests, November 2003, can go ahead. In a significant victory for constitutional rights, today, the Eleventh Circuit handed down its ruling denying qualified immunity to several officers who engaged in unlawful arrests at the demonstrations against the meetings of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Miami, Florida, during November 2003. This ruling clears the way for the demonstrators who suffered constitutional rights deprivations to proceed with their litigation.

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The US Government's Usage of a Hydrogen Bomb at WTC
09/28/2006 Our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally. The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage, but when domestic usage is considered, the international usage seems inescapable. The process of exclusion based on the known facts leaves only one viable option for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings - a relatively pure hydrogen bomb.

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U.S. Army 'School of Assassins' at Ft. Benning One Step Away From Closure?
09/23/2006 At long last, the ignominious U.S. Army School of the Americas may be breathing its last. Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Venezuela have stopped sending their military officers to the Spanish-language military academy run by the CIA at Fort Benning, Geo., and funded by U.S. taxpayers. The SOA is losing four countries whose citizens endured some of its bloodiest teachings. More withdrawals are on the way.

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Air Force Secretary Suggests Testing Microwave Weapons on the American Public
09/14/2006 As if things could not get any scarier in Washington among members of the Bush regime and their plans to “make us safer”, the Associated Press reports that Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne stated Tuesday, September 12, that weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on Americans in crowd-control situations before being deployed on the battlefield. Such weapons are being designed to not only disable people, but also to disable tanks and other weapons by “zapping” and destroying their electronic gear.

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How Hitler Became a Dictator
09/06/2006 Whenever U.S. officials wish to demonize someone, they inevitably compare him to Adolf Hitler. The message immediately resonates with people because everyone knows that Hitler was a brutal dictator. But how many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? My bet is, very few. I’d also bet that more than a few people would be surprised at how he pulled it off, especially given that after World War I Germany had become a democratic republic.

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Ten Years Ago: The CIA and the Crack Epidemic in South Central Los Angeles
08/27/2006 Ten years ago, on August 18, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News articles uncovered the CIA connection with the crack epidemic in South Central Los Angeles. All major media networks including the Los Angeles Times would refute all the evidences brought up by the the San Jose Mercury, and a DEA officer testimony. The story exposed by a small local paper would have died, but the articles were posted on the San Jose Mercury website for the world to see. Later, under a lot of pressure, the editor of the paper would take all the articles off the website.

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Bush administration FTAA hemispheric initiative "is dead"!
08/24/2006 A top Argentine trade official was quoted in Buenos. Aires as saying the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA, a hemispheric commerce initiative pushed by the Bush administration, "is dead." Carlos Alvarez, a high-level official in the Southern Cone Common Market, or Mercosur, trade bloc's permanent secretariat, said "the FTAA is dead because it implies an asymmetrical model of negotiations between north and south."

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Shocking Video: Protestor Shot With Rubber Bullets
08/19/2006 Elizabeth Ritter was shot four times with rubber bullets by police while she was protesting a Free Trade Summit in Miami, August 10. This horrifying example truly shows the disconnect between police and the citizens they pose as protecting and serving. These police actually laugh at their victims, in spite of news cameras and hundreds of witnesses of which they were certainly aware. Arrogant and unchecked power now threatens to be the norm for ever-increasing riot police.

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School's Open and DFAM Helps Students "Just Say No" to Recruiters
08/14/2006 Miami-Dade public schools opened today and several DFAM volunteers, along with members of Miami for Peace, Veterans for Peace, and the Quaker Peace Center, were at high schools to hand out leaflets that inform students of their rights to opt-out from releasing their personal information to military recruiters. On the back of these flyers is a form, that once filled out by the student and signed by his or her parent or guardian, removes that student's data from the recruiters' lists.

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3 Videos Israel Doesn't Want You to See
08/14/2006 Outside a Bethlehem’s Hospital Ismail Hawarjeh sat sick with grief. Earlier this month Israelis had killed his wife with explosives at their home. As is often the case his story of abuse couldn’t be verified. The army had nothing to say, and what was happening inside the refuge camp was off limits to foreign reporters, but not to the Israeli media. An Israeli camera went right along with the soldiers. (Click on video link below)

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WTO: Best Left For Dead?
08/10/2006 The collapse of talks at the World Trade Organization is a victory for the global justice movement, but also presents new challenges. With the failure of the Doha round of negotiations in late July, some optimistic defenders of corporate globalization will tell you that the World Trade Organization (WTO) is taking a "time out." Most observers, however, are calling the suspension of talks a "collapse." India's trade minister, Kamal Nath, has judged that the trade negotiations are now somewhere "between intensive care and the crematorium," and the future of the organization itself is in question.

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Lebanon attack a joint Israeli-U.S. operation: Dead UN soldiers had atrocities info
07/30/2006 Our intelligence sources report that the Israeli Defense Force attack on Lebanon is being carried out as a joint Israeli-U.S. military operation. Moreover, there are joint Israeli and U.S. war rooms coordinating the U.S.-supported Israeli attacks on Lebanon. The ultimate aim of Washington and Jerusalem is not only to eliminate Hezbollah as a political force in Lebanon but also to remake Lebanon as an American and Israeli client state. Israeli forces are pounding parts of Lebanon, especially in the north, where there are no Hezbollah units and primarily Christian populations. In addition, Israeli forces are being aided by the Bush administration with high-resolution overhead imagery from U.S. spy satellites and signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts from National Security Agency assets, including SIGINT satellites.

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Miami Residents Storm County Hall Demanding “Stop the Thieves & Housing Now”
07/29/2006 Residents of Miami-Dade stormed the County Commission today shouting “Stop the Thieves and Housing Now. The residents demanded the county commission call an emergency meeting in order to address allegations of widespread corruption in the county administration. The residents expressed their outrage at the theft of money by county officials and developers, earmarked for affordable housing for Miami’s low-income residence.

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Are you now or were you ever an enviromentalist?
07/28/2006 In the US today, ‘terrorism’ has replaced ‘communism’ as the catchphrase for all that is evil in the world. Where the ‘Red Scare’ once saw all left-wingers stigmatised as ‘communists’, it is environmentalists and animal rights activists who are now being targeted as ‘eco-terrorists’ by the media, business interests and politicians – including the attorney general, Alberto Gonzales. Building on post-9/11 fears and legislation, a new ‘Green Scare’ has escalated in recent months with a sudden rise in the number of environmentalists arrested and a dramatic lengthening of the potential sentences they face. Activists who have never physically harmed anyone now risk being arrested and charged with crimes that carry life sentences – or, as in one case, a charge sheet that could result in a 300-year prison sentence.

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Pretext for war with Iran: White House plans to move chem-bio weapons from Iraq into Iran
07/26/2006 Informed sources have told WMR that arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, who acts as an unofficial foreign policy adviser to Karl Rove, was at the White House last week with a group of Iranian opposition figures. Among the topics discussed was a promised $25 million grant by the Bush administration to the Iranian insurgents. The money is to be used to plant Desert Storm-vintage biological and chemical weapons shells, confiscated by U.S. forces in Iraq, on the Iranian side of the Iraqi border. The weapons will be used as "proof" of Iran's plan to "attack" U.S. troops in Iraq. That will be used to justify, ex post facto, the coming U.S. attack on Iran.

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Israeli WMD Chemical Weapon dropped on children in Lebanon identified
07/25/2006 WMR reported that the Israeli military was using poison gas on villages in south Lebanon. According to a former U.S. weapons expert who served in Iraq, the artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a chemical weapon delivery device. It is being handled by an Israeli Defense Force soldier and Hebrew lettering can be clearly seen on the armored vehicle. Another chemical weapons shell of the same type can be seen lying on the ground to the right. It is not known what type of chemical is in the chemical canister, however, gas dropped by the Israelis in villages in southern Lebanon has resulted in severe vomiting among the civilian population.

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Lebanon and Gaza invasions planned last month in USA meetings with top Israeli officials
07/25/2006 The Israeli invasion of Lebanon was planned between top Israeli officials and members of the Bush administration. On June 17 and 18, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud Knesset member Natan Sharansky met with Vice President Dick Cheney at the American Enterprise Institute conference in Beaver Creek, Colorado. There, the impending Israeli invasions of both Gaza and Lebanon were discussed. After receiving Cheney's full backing for the invasion of Gaza and Lebanon, Netanyahu flew back to Israel and participated in a special "Ex-Prime Ministers" meeting, in which he conveyed the Bush administration's support for the carrying out of the "Clean Break" policy -- the trashing of all past Middle East peace accords, including Oslo.

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Israeli Aggression on Lebanon: What kind of WMD causes this damage?
07/23/2006 Beirut 6/21/06: I left the office early last night; at midnight. There was only one devastating picture yesterday: that of two people who were killed in air strikes on Akkar, (the poorer area) in the north, late Wednesday night. Both corps were black, both were dismembered , both were "weird". I don't think it matters anymore to try to prove that Israel is using unconventional, forbidden weapons .. that would only prove that it should have used "allowed" weapons. Who cares, people are dying anyway. And whatever weapons are being used, the pollution they're creating will kill the survivors from cancer later...........

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9/11 Vendetta
07/17/2006 A 9/11 Truth video, drawing parallels to the movie "V for Vendetta".

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Hack the Vote: Step-by-step instructions on how to break into Diebold’s software
07/17/2006 Did our votes count? More importantly, will they count next time? We in Information Security have been protesting the use of the poorly designed voting machines from Diebold and others, and as a result of their poor implementation and widespread use, our election remains in question and our country remains bitterly divided. Many people feel that their votes didn’t count, and for good reason. THESE SYSTEMS ARE NOT WORTHY OF OUR TRUST! In an effort to bring this to your attention, I have put together this shortened document that will show you exactly how easy it would be to break into Diebold’s GEMS software, which is the software used to tabulate regional voting results.

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Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election Video + GAO Report CONFIRMS IT
07/17/2006 STOLEN ELECTION- UPDATED! THE definitive film short about the theft of the 2004 election plus GAO reports "stolen election".

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Neo-Nazi's worming their way into a recruit-starved military
07/16/2006 Ten years after a scandal over neo-Nazis in the armed forces, extremists are once again worming their way into a recruit-starved military. Before the U.S. military made Matt Buschbacher a Navy SEAL, he made himself a soldier of the Fourth Reich. Before Forrest Fogarty attended Military Police counter-insurgency training school, he attended Nazi skinhead festivals as lead singer for the hate rock band Attack. And before Army engineer Jon Fain joined the invasion of Iraq to fight the War on Terror, the neo-Nazi National Alliance member fantasized about fighting a war on Jews.

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High Impact Uranium Weapons Video - short, free online
07/15/2006 Ben Franklin

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Day 2 Liberty City Seven Pre-Trial: Bond Denied - Strong Case of Conspiracy
07/05/2006 The second day of the Liberty City Seven pre-trial bond hearing. On Friday the Liberty City Seven plead “not guilty” and their defense attorneys started questioning the government witness for the prosecution. Today all five defense attorneys resumed their questioning in the hopes of proving their case, that their clients did not actually participate or were not involved in the conspiracy outside of taking the al-Qaida “oath” and should therefore be entitled to bond.

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Day 1 Liberty City Seven Pre-Trial: The government’s first witness takes the stand.
07/03/2006 On the first day of the Liberty City Seven trial 6 of the 7 defendants plead “Not Guilty”. The prosecution opened with their indictment which sounded ironclad. I silently said to myself, these guys are in real trouble. Then a defense attorney starts to question the government's first witness, the representative FBI agent who is one of the three Liberty City Seven case agents, and slowly the case against the 7 starts to crumble.

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The Miami Seven: Jon Stewart looks at the Miami Seven Case
06/28/2006 Jon Stewart takes a look at the case known to many as "The Miami Seven." He examines the careful and decisive evidence told to us by the US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales...... These individuals wish to wage a quote: "full ground war against the United States." Stewart...... Seven guys? I’m not a general. I am not anyway affiliated with the military academy, but I believe if you were going to wage a full ground war against the United States, you need to field at least as many people as say a softball team.

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Miami Terrorist Case: Read what the mainstream print media is saying
06/27/2006 (Reuters) Seven men charged with conspiring to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago and the FBI building in Miami were entrapped by a federal informant, lawyers for two of the suspects said on Monday. / (Newsweek) Terror Plot Takedown: The Feds foil a homegrown plan. Will the charges stick? / (Miami Herald) Fresh details of an alleged homegrown terror plot to blow up U.S. targets surfaced in a court document filed in Miami.

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7 Arrested in Miami Terror Plot - "Aspirational Rather than Operational"
06/26/2006 Seven men were arrested in Miami last week on charges of conspiring to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago and FBI buildings in five cities. It appears the entire case rests on conversations between the group's supposed ringleader and an FBI informant posed as representative of Al-Qaida. We go to Miami to speak with a defense attorney and a community advocate. John Pistole, the FBI's deputy director, described the plan on Friday as "aspirational rather than operational." Amy Goodman interviews David Markus, Defense Attorney and Max Rameau of CopWatch in Miami about the arrests of the Liberty City 7.

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Have Wire, Will Travel: Anna the Medic (FBI Informant)
06/23/2006 Listen, my children, to the story of Anna the Medic, who travels the land, bringing the harsh scrutiny of federal law enforcement to Americans engaged in political protest. In the past two years, Anna, whose real name may be Anna Davies or Anna Davidson, has turned up at rallies and marches from South Florida to Northern California, with a lot of stops in between. She has demonstrated for animal rights and protested the Iraq War, all the while meticulously gathering information on political dissidents for the FBI. According to FBI affidavits, Anna has been a paid informant in 12 investigations of "anarchist" groups. She's a veritable Scarlet Pimpernel, on the federal government tab.

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UM Strike Results: Janitors vote for union, Students facing rigged system are penalized
06/22/2006 Almost four months after going on strike, the University of Miami janitors finally got their union last week. The story that began March 1 is almost over now, and the only ones left out of the happy ending are the 18 students who pushed the limits of the accepted in their support for the workers. Even as the janitors celebrated, UM continued to persecute the students for their nonviolent protests on behalf of the strikers.

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JFK Murder Solved - Bush Sr. Link to Kennedy Assassination
06/19/2006 A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

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Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job
06/19/2006 Here is a collection of videos on the web about the events of 911. Necessary viewing for anybody curious as to why this issue continues to be brought up, or who has doubts to the validities of the claim that 911 was an Inside Job.

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