Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: AIDS : DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW

Over 20 arrested in White House AIDs protest, Mayor WIlliams confronted at Freedom Plaza AIDS vigil

Dec 1, several hundred protestors demanded that needle exchange and condom distribution be funded, and that international aid be used to fight AIDS without requirements for abstinance-only or the purchase of drugs from the brand name corporations. We also demanded that CVS stop hiding condoms behind the counter in urban stores

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News :: Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Human Rights : World Uprisings

PFP expanding operations to towns surrounding Oaxaca City

Thursday Nov 30th, 2006 4:12 PM: short update from today (given via instant messaging)

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Commentary :: Commentary/Op-ed : Globalization/Anti-Globalization : World Uprisings

Happy Anniversary, folks: Miss Liberty At The WTO

A blast from yer past, from back in old Seattle. Originally posted 12.09.99:

Give me your Starbuck's, your Gap,
your Nike Towns full of sweatshop inventory,
your McDonald's, gobbling profit and craving more;
Send these, and tacky corporate-branded outlet malls to me,
I put my Louisville Slugger through your plate-glass door!

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Commentary :: Commentary/Op-ed : Environment/Food/Health : Labor/Economics/Business

Anarchy in Yellowstone: A people’s history of Yellowstone National Park?

While recent books, such as Restoring a Presence: American Indians and Yellowstone National Park by Peter Nabokov and Lawrence Loendorf, have continued the work of writing indigenous peoples back into Yellowstone’s history, most of the history of the parks is written from the standpoint of the parks’ bureaucracy as well as that of the large concessions that have managed services in the parks


Interview :: World Uprisings

A Ride Through New Orleans w Suncere Ali Shakur

NOthumb.jpgA drive through tour of New Orleans with Ali Suncere Shakur.



Commentary :: Commentary/Op-ed

Journalist Mohammed Omer on the Hell that is Gaza

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Israeli-Occupied Gaza is a hell hole! Its 1.4 million inhabitants are trapped. Their society is under siege by the Zionist’s Death & Mayhem Machine. On Nov. 28, 2006, Palestinian journalist, Mohammed Omer, shared his eyewitness account of the daily horrors. He lives in the Rafah refugee camp. Supposedly, Israel P.M. Ehud Olmert has extended his “hand in peace” to the Palestinians. If so, let’s hope he washes the blood off of it first!

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Commentary :: Anti-War/Peace : Civil Liberties/Constitution : Commentary/Op-ed : Elections/Legislation/Government : Foreign Policy/Imperialism

Editorial Cartoons: It's going to be a New Day with the New Democratic Majority!

Once again the Democratic Party has pandered crassly to "progressive" voters and once again the "Pwogwessives" have fallen for the scam. Like Charlie Brown attempting to kick Lucy's daintily-held football, Amerika's Pwogwessive voters came charging up, expecting to slam it clear into next week, but instead found themselves kicking air and landing on their asses.

On "Meet The Press" one Sunday last May, Congressional Stepford Wife Nancy Pelosi declared that there'd be a "New Day" when the Democrats take control of Congress. Let's see what wonderful surprises they have in store for us on five important issues… (a series of 5)

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News :: Human Rights

Oaxaca’s popular movement suffers yet another brutal day

A peaceful protest in Oaxaca was repressed by the federal police stationed in the center of the city. By nightfall, a few people were reported killed, hundreds arrested and hurt and many disappeared.

11/27: Oaxaca Solidarity Action, Monday 5PM at 1911 Penn. Avenue (Mexican Embassy)
11/30, 12/1, 12/2 : Oaxaca Solidarity Benefit

Reports from Oaxaca:
11/27 Oaxaca: Repression Unleashed
Deaths and Disappearances Continue in Oaxaca || 7th Mega March Takes off in Oaxaca

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News :: Civil Liberties/Constitution : Military, Weapons

Pentagon, FBI Documents Reveal Widespread Domestic Surveillance of Political Groups

NEW YORK-The American Civil Liberties Union today released new Pentagon documents showing that counterterrorism resources were used to monitor American groups opposed to the war in Iraq and military recruitment. The ACLU is calling on Congress to investigate the widespread surveillance of political and religious groups by the Defense Department, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

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Commentary :: Anti-War/Peace

Kathy Kelly to James Baker: “Tell the Truth about Iraq!”

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Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly, gave a talk at the UMBC campus, on Nov. 20, 2006. She mocked the ex-Secretary of State, James Baker, for saying he wasn’t going to “wring his hands” about past mistakes in Iraq. Baker heads up the so-called “Iraq Study Group.” Kelly roared: “We will wring our hands! One of the ways to stop this next war is to tell the truth about this war. And, it’s not going to be such a pleasant mirror to look into.”

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