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Upcoming Events:

Wednesday 11/22 8:40 AM, Wwjtkncd, Awbodsbq
Friday 11/24 12:00 AM, Medford, Medford Rifle & Pistol Club Gun Show
Monday 11/27 10:40 PM, Urequ, Siscma
Saturday 12/2 10:00 AM, Ashland, Southern Oregon Animal Rights Society (SOARS) Monthly Meeting
Saturday 12/2 12:00 PM, Jackson County, Free Tour of the Animal Shelter
Tuesday 12/12 6:30 PM, Medford, Citizens for Peace & Justice
Friday 12/22 12:30 AM, Cool guestbook:xanaxCool guestbook:xanax

LaborTech 2006, Rogue IMC Volunteers Go to SF

Rogue Independent Media Center Volunteers, 17.11.2006 - 10:30
LABOR TECH * 2 0 0 6 The Digital Revolution And A Labor Media Strategy
LaborTech 2006
November 17, 18 & 19th, 2006
University Of San Francisco
2130 Fulton St. (at Cole)
San Francisco, California

Rogue Indy Volunteers Wes Brain and Brenda Gould are headed to San Francisco to participate in LaborTech 2006 an international conference about labor media. This is very exciting stuff. Wes will be on a workshop panel Saturday morning. The workshop will view a dvd training video that was prepared by Wes's union SEIU #503. The video shows how to make a labor tv show on community access television. Go here to view it - hosted by the Indybay IMC: ( http://indybay.org/uploads/2006/10/27/seiu503-howtostart.mov)

The new KSKQ radio show "The Brain Labor Report" will be highlighted at the conference. Here are the two rogue indy newswires about this new daily morning radio show which is sreamed on the internet Mon thru Fri @ 7AM pacific time.


The Brain Labor Report N20 thru N24

Prior to the trip Wes Brain made the following comments about LaborTech 2006:

"In 2004 Steve Ryan and I went to SF for LaborTech 2004 and we were on a panel promoting our independent media centers. Ali was on our panel. He is a member of our media collective that made the documentary: The Miami Model. "The Miami Model" on google video:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6070018713445115976&hl;=en >

Our ftaa miami video collective has taken proceeds from dvd sales of the Miami Model and last week sent to Oaxaca 2-300GB Harddrives, a Video Camera and a stack of 100 dvds.

The conference kicks off with film screenings Friday evening and this one really caught my eye...

'The Taking Of The Media In Oaxaca (segment)- Women with the support of the Teachers Union Section 22 of Oaxaca occupied and ran the TV station and radio stations in this town. This documentary shows why they did this and how it was done'"

Go to  http://www.labortech.net to view the entire conference website for an expanded view of Labor Tech 2006
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ESA exemption proposed for Klamath irrigators

Felice Pace, 05.11.2006 - 14:21
Dewatered Scott River, September 2003 California Fish & Game (CDFG) proposes giving agricultural operations in the Shasta and Scott Sub-basin of the Klamath River a virtual exemption from the California Endangered Species Act (C-ESA). The irrigators dewater the Scott and Shasta and, in drought years, Coho salmon, listed as “threatened” under the C-ESA, are among the fish killed. The proposed permit will not lead to Coho Recovery; it will allow dewatering to continue and put irrigators in charge of monitoring their own C-ESA compliance and reporting violations.
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Election Fraud shows on KSKQ.org

Dr. Lora Chamberlain, 01.11.2006 - 20:43
Hello to all,
    I think the issue of election fraud around the country this election is so important that I will be having 4 shows on this issue on KSKQ radio in SW Oregon. 
     Nov 8th, 12noon-2pm on The American Activist
     Nov 10th, 10am-11am on Parallel University
     Nov 15th, 12noon-2pm on the American Activist
     Nov 22nd, 12noon-2pm on the American Activist
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Brad Will, IMC journalist murdered in Oaxaca

Wes, another imc volunteer, 30.10.2006 - 09:32
Brad Oaxaca O25, '06 Here is Brad Will's last dispatch where he reports on the darkness that is all but ignored by the commercial news. His news report is testimony in and of itself as to the importance of independent media. Go light a candle for Brad Will. Long Live Independent Media!

Brad was an independent video journalist, a volunteer with the Independent Media Center in NYC. We have lost a journalist who helped shine light on news that is under-reported or not even told at all. Shame on the United States mainstream media for their corporate censorship when it comes to this 5 month long teacher and community struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico. So, so many don't even know. Were it not for imc reporters like Brad Will: No One Would Know.

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Grants Pass Postal Service Picket Report Back

Dennis Hotchkiss, Oregon state-wide President APWU, 28.10.2006 - 15:27
American Postal Workers Union the message is clear - DON'T MESS WITH OUR MAIL SERVICE!

In the last six years the Postal Service has cut out nearly 100,000 APWU positions mostly clerks. That is nearly 1/3 of the workers from six years ago. The Medford Post Office, the mail processing plant for Southern Oregon, now works employees 7 days, 12 hour shifts and the mail still is not getting out in a timely manner- they just won't hire career employees to handle the workload.
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Ashland City Council Candidate is "Tough Cop"

Instigator, 21.10.2006 - 08:23
books not bombs tough cops
Ashland City Council candidate Greg Lemhouse was part of the notorious "Reservoir Dawgs" Medford Police group. He is in favor of police use of tasers and thinks community policing requires a "quasi-military" police force.

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Vote for Affordable Housing in Ashland

Join the affordable housing campaign, 20.10.2006 - 22:25
Hi Friends,
I received the following message from Rich Rohde and Oregon Action.  The local measure he references seems polarizing, unnecessary and won't receive much attention so I am sending along my recommendation to vote NO on Measure 15-65--Steve
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ashland voters and friends,

Since there is no material in the voters guide about Ballot Measure 15-65 in Ashland please consider this letter and vote no.  Oregon Action has been supporting affordable housing for our community, and we recommend a no vote.

Ashland voters have the opportunity to do the right thing for affordable housing this election by voting a resounding No to Measure 15-65. Designed by anti-affordable housing ideologues, this measure changes the City charter to require that any proposal for a real estate transfer fee in Ashland must be put up for public vote. Read on for two great reasons to vote against 15-65
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Greg Walden Flips-Off Democracy

"WHERE'S WALDEN?" on Television Wednesday @ 6PM, 15.10.2006 - 21:01
Walden Flips-Off Democracy TRUE BUSH CLONE

Carol Voisin (dem candidate for district 2) gets flipped-off by Greg Walden when she finally meets the slithering Congressman at the Crook County Fair last July.

Walden's symbolic gesture is really flipping off Democracy!

(watch this show about greg flipping off his constituency)
"Where's Walden?" on TV Nov. 1 @ 6 PM.
Ch#15 Jackson & Josephine Counties
Ch#95 Ashland Fiber Network

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Watershed Week - October 11-18

wild mt ashland, 13.10.2006 - 22:48
Ashlanders will gather at a series of community and educational events dubbed "Watershed Week - October 11-18" to learn about the importance of our watershed. The week's activities will galvanize citizens to protect our watershed as a source of clean drinking water, lush forests, and critical habitat for numerous plants and animals.

Our fragile watershed has been under threat since the Mt Ashland Association refused to compromise and planned to expand the Mt Ashland Ski Area into the pristine Middle Branch. The controversy around the proposed expansion of the Mt Ashland Ski Area has reached a crucial moment. The situation is dynamic and changing daily. Citizen involvement to protect our watershed and urge City Council to make sound decisions is critical at this time.
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Local Songwriter's Music banned

mc kean, 13.10.2006 - 10:33
Songwriter Patrick Dodd Songwriter Patrick Dodd's new video WAR EAGLE has been banned by Metacafe.
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Text "White House Whitewash"
19-11-2006 14:17

Text Thanksgiving Proclamation
19-11-2006 08:06

Image Information Needed Immediately About CS Anna
17-11-2006 19:26

Text The Brain Labor Report N20 thru N24
16-11-2006 09:34

Image Halloween in Ashland is a real Treat! (1 comment)
13-11-2006 13:53

12-11-2006 07:37

Text Ashland Paper calls for 911 truth indi look.. (2 comments)
11-11-2006 16:49

Image Daniel McGowan and codefendants take non-coop
09-11-2006 19:10

Image Apparently Rove's tactics are in play again?
06-11-2006 20:50

Text Cascadia Now Chapters Seek Student Organizers
06-11-2006 12:17

Text FREE MOVIE for students Nov 8 noon Meese
05-11-2006 13:44

Image December 7: A Day of Solidarity with GreenScare.org
03-11-2006 11:16

Text Help Un-Dam the Klamath, Film on 11/9 6:30pm
01-11-2006 15:51

Image DUDE Disability-Friendly First Friday N3
01-11-2006 14:56

Generic media America: Freedom To Fascism movie Nov4 BrittB (1 comment)
31-10-2006 00:15

Text BLM to Slaughter Oregon'sLast Ancient Forests (8 comments)
30-10-2006 09:34

Image Free Video Sunday Ashland
28-10-2006 12:27

Text Klamath residents Demand a Clean River 10/25 (1 comment)
24-10-2006 12:03

Text "Where's Walden?" re-runs on TV Nov. 1st
24-10-2006 09:06

Image U.S. Postal Service Rally in Grants Pass 10/26
24-10-2006 07:24

Text Odd characters be gone! (3 comments)
19-10-2006 23:08

Image Kelsey Roadless Auction Nov. 16th (4 comments)
19-10-2006 10:44

Text Pickaxe - The Cascadia Free State Story (free
17-10-2006 15:01

Text IRAQ FOR SALE Debuts in Medford
17-10-2006 08:40

Text Tribune/Tidings Main Stream Media Fails AGAIN (1 comment)
16-10-2006 20:33

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Image Global Action Day for Education (30th Nov.)
18-11-2006 05:39

Text Venezuelan elections: Cast a blank ballot
17-11-2006 11:05

Text Close the SOA! This weekend: Converge on Fort Benning
16-11-2006 17:02

Text Israeli Massacre of 19 Civilians in Gaza Spur
16-11-2006 05:31

Text Chávez viajará a Brasil antes de Cumbre Sudam
15-11-2006 19:57

Text Strange Liberators Indeed: Imperialism and Ro
12-11-2006 07:05

Text Conservative Churches Scrutinized for Illegal
11-11-2006 05:32

Text Electronic Voting Fatally Flawed Interview w
10-11-2006 05:15

Text Peace activist commits suicide
09-11-2006 07:34

Text Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Rule
09-11-2006 04:44

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